

1.Honey is ________ a good source of natural sugar, it is ________ delicious.

2.However, unless people build beehives, the only way for them to get honey is to find a wild bee's nest and ________ the honey ________ it.

3.Once it has their attention, it ________ the forest, constantly waiting for the curious animal or person as it ________ them ________ the nest.

4.Some of the honey, and the wax, always ________ the ground, and this is when the honey guide ________.

5.Tribesmen in Africa ________ very ________ the honey guide for leading them to good sources of honey, but they ________ also ________ the little bird.

6.They believe that if they do not open a bee's nest and ________ some honeycomb ________ the guide, the next time the bird ________ them through the forest it will lead them to a snake or a leopard ________.

7.I'd like to ________ someone special ________ our program this evening to tell us about chimpanzees.

8.However, it was a long time before they accepted me and let me ________ very ________ them.

9.Finally they ________ me ________ a part of the forest.

10.I understand you've also ________ centers in other African countries to ________ chimpanzees which have been mistreated by people.


  1.not only; also

  2.take; from

  3.flies through; leads; to

  4.falls to; takes its share

  5.are; grateful to; are; afraid of

  6.leave; for; cries to; in revenge

  7.welcome; to

  8.get; dose to

  9.took; as

  10.set up; look after


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