
________the new belling sounds gentle and formal, it will be some time before we can adapt to it.
[     ]
A. Since        
B. Although          
C. When              
D. In case  

Terry was a middle-aged leather trader whose repeated failure in career made him a depressed man, often __16__ that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so __17__ with the city that he had to leave.
So his family moved to another city. It was the evening of a weekend. When Terry and his wife were busily __18__ up their new home, the light suddenly __19__. Terry was regretful to have forgotten to bring along __20__ and had to wait __21__ in a low mood. Just then he heard light, hesitant __22__ on his door that were clearly audible (听到) in the __23__ night.
“Who’s it?” he wondered, since Terry was a __24__ to this city. And this was the moment he especially hated to be __25__, so he went to the door and opened it __26__. At the door was a little girl, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have candles? I’m your neighbor. ” “No,” answered Terry in anger and shut the door __27__. “What a nuisance!” He complained over it with his wife. “No sooner had we settled down than the neighbor came to __28__ things.”
After a while, the door was knocked again. He opened it and found the same girl outside. __29__ this time she was __30__ two candles, saying, “My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She __31__ me here to give you these.” Terry was very __32__ by what he saw. At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his __33__ in life. It was his __34__ and harshness (刻薄) with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was __35__ nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred (蒙蔽) by his unsympathetic mind.

A.complainingB.telling C.hoping D.pretending
A.pleasedB.disappointed C.exhausted D.encouraged
A.looking B.turning C.coming D.tidying
A.went onB.went down C.went out D.went through
A.candlesB.matches C.lights D.bulbs
A.happily B.patiently C.hopefully D.helplessly
A.steps B.words C.knocks D.screams
A.dark B.quiet C.noisy D.crowded
A.newcomer B.stranger C.guest D.settler
A.called B.disturbed C.watched D.offered
A.surprisingly B.delightedly C.impatiently D.willingly
A.gently B.kindly C.politely D.violently
A.lend B.sell C.harness D.borrow
A.And B.But C.So D.For
A.holding B.hiding C.fetching D.lifting
A.suggested B.commanded C.sent D.forced
A.frightened B.pleased C.puzzled D.surprised
A.failure B.success C.complaint D.determination
A.warmth B.coldness C.kindnessD.sympathy (同情)
A.doubtfully B.hardly C.actually D.nearly

Skateboarding has become one of several non-traditional activities that PE teachers around America are introducing to inspire kids to exercise regularly. Some PE classes feature in-line(滚轮) skating, yoga, and even rock climbing. Experts have called those types of activities “the new PE”.
Such activities are part of a larger effort to help kids develop lifelong fitness habits and to keep them from becoming overweight. Now, 9 million U.S. children and teens are overweight. Obesity (肥胖) can lead to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease later in life.
"Our children and youth are becoming unhealthy and obese," says Johnson. "Skateboarding is a great activity that keeps kids doing physical movement and gives them new skills and interest."
Some schools don't allow skateboarding because they say it is dangerous. Tim, however, argues that regular practice eliminates a great deal of the danger. "We teach students how to do it and how to do it safely," he says.
Some people say skateboarding teaches life lessons. “Skateboarding teaches kids to believe that if they stick with something they will finally succeed. ”says education expert Richard Savor from College in Portland.
Skateboarding inspires kids not to give up in learning difficult skills. "It's natural for kids to want to learn and get better at things," adds Tim. "When it comes to skateboarding, they'll try a trick hundreds of times before they succeed." That same effort could be made in schoolwork.
Eric Brown agrees that skateboarding requires kids to stop saying a task is too hard for them. "A baby will attempt to walk 600 to 900 times before he or she is successful," says Eric, "We tell students that they shouldn't say 'I can't do it' unless they've tried 600 to 900 times.
72. Skateboarding is introduced into American schools to ______________.
A. encourage students to compete bravely in competition  
B. teach students how to deal with risk.
C. prevent students suffering from heart disease later in life.
D. help students form the habit of doing sports
73. The underlined word "eliminates" in Paragraph 4 probably means ______________.
A. reduces.         B. increases         C. adds        D. brings
74. What life lesson do kids learn from skateboarding?
A. To succeed in life you have to learn skateboarding.
B. You will succeed in life if you don't give up.
C. Only after failing 600 to 900 times can you succeed.
D. There is no hard work after learning skateboarding well.
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The dangerous PE            B. Skills of skateboarding.  C. The new PE.      D. The change of PE.

Do Dogs Understand Us?
Be careful what you say around your dog. It might understand more than you think.
A border collie named Rico recognizes the names of about 200 objects, say researchers in Germany. The dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child. Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee.
In one experiment, the researchers took all 200 items that Rico was supposed to know and divided them into 20 groups of 10 objects. Then the owner told the dog to go and fetch one of the items and bring it back. In four test, Rico got 37 out of 40 commands right. As the dog couldn’t see anyone to get clues, the scientists believe Rico must understand the meanings of certain words.
In another experiment, the scientists took one toy that Rico had never seen before and put it in a room with seven toys whose names the dog already knew. The owner then told Rico to fetch the object, using a word the dog had never heard before. ks5u
The correct object was chosen in seven out of 10 tests, suggesting that the dog had worked out the answer by process of elimination(排除法). A month later, Rico remembered half of the new names, which is even more impressive.
Rico is thought to be smarter than the average dog. For one thing, Rico is a border collie, a breed(品牌) known for its mental abilities. In addition, the 9-year-old dog has been trained to fetch toys by their names since the age of nine months.
It’s hard to know if all dogs understand at least some of the words we say. Even if they do, they can’t talk back. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to sweet-talk your dog every now and then. You might just get a big, wet kiss in return!
63. From Paragragh2 we know that______.
A. animals are as clever as human beings
B. dogs are smarter than parrots and chimpanzees
C. chimpanzees have very good word-learning skills
D. dogs have similar learning abilities as 3-year-old children
64. Both experiments show that_____.
A. Rico is smart enough to get all commands right.
B. Rico can recognize different things including toys
C. Rico has developed the ability of learning mathematics
D. Rico won’t forget the names of objects once recognizing them.
65. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The purpose of the experiments is to show the border collie’s mental abilities.
B. Rico has a better memory partly because of its proper early training.
C. The border collie is world-famous for recognizing objects.
D. Rico is born to understand its owner’s commands.
66. What does the writer want to tell us?
A. To train your dog.                                   B. To talk to your dog.
C. To be kind to your dog.                 D. To be careful with your dog.

In the eyes of dog lovers, the dog is man’s best friend. But for much wildlife, loose dogs may be a dangerous enemy, according to a study by a biologist from Utah State University in the US.
Based on much existing research and their own case studies, Julie Smith of Utah State University and four other scientists conclude that loose dogs may represent a huge danger to wildlife, especially endangered species, by hunting down or worrying them and by spreading diseases. They also found that dogs, their worldwide numbers around 500 million, can cause more damage to wildlife and livestock(牲畜) than wolves and other enemies of these animals.
Smith gave examples from the US state of Idaho, where research showed the presence of dogs reducing some deer populations. On the Navajo American Indians’ reservation in northeastern Arizona, packs of loose dogs are attacking livestock. They have killed populations of small animals such as rabbits and act as a disease carrier for rabies(狂犬病) among people and other animals, she said. Loose dogs also were to blame for distemper(温热病) outbreak leading to a die-off of endangered black-footed ferrets in northwestern Wyoming in the 1980s.
The phenomenon is not just limited to US; it’s a global problem. Julie Smith once studied three endangered species in central Asia: wild sheep, gazelles and antelope. The rate of injury and death to these animals by loose dogs was very high. In another case, Smith found that dogs, not wolves, as originally suspected, were responsible for a large number of livestock killings in the mountainous Basque country between Spain and France.
Authors of the new study said the problem is likely to worsen as communities expand. Then how to deal with it?
Indeed, in many countries, leash(拴狗的皮带) laws permit punishment of dog owners whose pets attack wildlife. But lawbreakers are rarely punished because the police lack both people and money.
Smith has low-cost solutions to the problem for dog lovers, though. They include public dog-training programs and vaccinating (预防接种) dogs against rabies and other illnesses.
【小题1】Julie Smith’s study mainly tells us that _______.

A.many species are endangered because they are killed by loose dogs.
B.wild dogs are immune to many diseases.
C.wolves are still the greatest enemy of livestock.
D.loose dogs are a great danger to wildlife.
【小题2】Which of the following statements about loose dogs is TRUE according to the research?
A.There are around 500 million loose dogs around the world.
B.The black-footed ferrets in northwestern Wyoming were once the main food source of local loose dogs.
C.The problem caused by loose dogs is the most serious in the US.
D.People used to think that wolves, rather than loose dogs killed livestock in the Basque country.
【小题3】Which of the following is among Julie Smith’s solutions to the trouble caused by loose dogs?
A.More strict leash laws
B.Public dog-training programs.
C.Vaccinating people against rabies and other illnesses.
D.More support from the police.
【小题4】What is the main point of the article?
A.A global disaster caused by loose dogs.
B.What makes the dog man’s greatest friend.
C.The problem of loose dogs and the possible solutions.
D.The danger of the increasing numbers of dogs.

There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) result or a product that can easily be identified and measured.The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language—all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way.The process is not the road itself, but the attitudes, feelings people have , and their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties.In this process, the journey never really ends;there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.
In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail” at first.How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is necessary for our ability to grow.Do we see ourselves as quick and curious? If so, we tend to take more chances and be more open to unfamiliar experiences.Do we think we’re shy and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and we think we are slow to adapt change or that we’re not smart enough to deal with a new challenge.Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.
These feelings of insecurity (不安全) and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow.If we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing.We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.
【小题1】In the author’s eye, one who views personal growth as a process would ______. 

A.succeed in climbing up the social ladder
B.grow up from his own achievements
C.face difficulties and take up challenges
D.aim high and reach his goal each time
【小题2】Which of the following can be viewed as the process of personal growing?
A.Our manager was always willing to accept new challenges.
B.Jane won the first prize in the speech competition.
C.Jerry picked up French during his stay in Paris.
D.Father’s salary rose from 5, 000 to 7,000.
【小题3】For personal growth, the author is in favor of all the following EXCEPT _______.
A.being curious about more changes
B.being quick in self-adaptation
C.having an open mind to new experiences
D.staying away from failures and challenges
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It is not so easy to measure personal growth
B.To try and fail on the new road facing the unknown is unavoidable
C.There are only two ways to see a person’s growth
D.If you are too shy to take any risks in life, you cannot grow up

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