
Have you ever heard of the Coral Sea? It is home to an amazing variety of turtles, sharks, whales, dolphins, large fish, birds, corals, plants, and many other species. Many of these species are endangered elsewhere in the world, but still survive in the healthy environment of the Coral Sea.

The Coral Sea is a large series of coral reefs located off the northeast coast of Australia. This area is three times larger than Australia’s famous Great Barrier Reef, which the Coral Sea borders.

The Coral Sea is one of the few coral reef environments that have remained largely undamaged by over-fishing, oil and gas exploration and pollution. However, statistics show that coral reefs around the world are disappearing five times faster than rainforests. It is very likely that in the near future the Coral Sea will face the same threats to its existence.

The Australian government is currently looking at options for protecting the Coral Sea but has made no decisions. Environmentalists are pushing for laws to declare the Coral Sea area a marine protected area, which will mean a large “no-take zone” for fishermen, a no-exploration zone for gas and oil companies and a no-dump zone for pollution, possibly making the Coral Sea a marine park larger than any other in the world.

We can write letters to Australian leaders, Australian environmental protection agencies, and Australian friends, to let them know that people worldwide support this protection of the Coral Sea. To lose this last great marine wilderness world would be a loss for the whole world.

1.According to the passage, why should we protect the Coral Sea without any delay?

A. Because the Coral Sea, home to many species, will disappear soon.

B. Because the Coral Sea is rich in natural resources like oil and gas.

C. Because the Coral Sea is three times larger than Great Barrier Reef.

D. Because the Coral Sea will be a marine park larger than any other in the world.

2.Once the Coral Sea area is declared n marine protected area by law, .

A. it will surely become the largest marine park all over the world

B. no one will be allowed to there to have a dose look any more

C. from time to time people can still dump their rubbish around there

D. over-fishing, oil and gas exploration will be banned altogether there

3.What is the attitude of the author towards the protection of the Coral Sea?

A. Objective. B. Favorable.

C. Doubtful. D. Negative.


How to Protect Your Ears

You and your friends are leaving a concert on a Friday night. When you get outside, your ears are ringing. You have to shout to be heard.1. So no harm done…right?

  Not quite. Temporary buzzing may be easy to ignore, but repeated exposure to loud noise will eventually cause serious--- and irreversible(无法治愈的)--- hearing loss. A new study conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston shows that one in five people between the ages of 12 and 19 are experiencing slight hearing loss, and one in 20 have mild hearing loss. 2.

But the good news is that there plenty of ways you can protect your ears from further damage — and still listen to the music you love:

Ask around. Put your earbuds in or your headphones on, and then ask a friend next to you whether or not he or she can hear what you’re listening to.3.Turn it down.

Buy noise-canceling headphones. A pair of earbuds or headphones that fits comfortably will limit outside noise so that you can hear your music better at lower volumes.

Take breaks.  4. So when listening to music, take your headphones off for 15 or 20 minutes and let your ears enjoy the quiet.

5.You can buy a cheap pair at any drugstore as an easy way to lower volume at concerts — or while playing or practicing your own music — without changing the quality of the sound.

A. Use earplugs.

B. Keep the volume below 70 percent.

C. If the answer is yes, your music is too loud.

D. Like every other part of your body, your ears need rest.

E. But by morning, your hearing is totally back to normal.

F. Unfortunately, there’s no way to get back hearing you’ve already lost.

G. The exposure to noise is louder and longer than in any previous generation.

Just recently I had been wondering if there was much point in doing little acts of kindness.So often they get ____,and occasionally they come back to bite you!

Then,just last week,after a long travel.I found myself____at a bus station.The bus was four hours late!So,I guess I wasn’t in a good____.

That’s when a woman asked me if I had any spare____to help her get a bus ticket.

“Oh,sure.”I said sarcastically(挖苦地).”How much would you like?”

As I spoke,I mentally kicked myself for my____and reached into my bag for some money.As I handed her five dollars.I heard low sounds from her stomach because of real____.

I reached back into my bag and brought out a____I had bought earlier.I handed it to her with a(n)____that I hoped would make up for my earlier tone of voice.Getting a____look at her now.I realized she was extremely tired, like she had had several months of____days!

As she took the food,a look of____washed over her.In return,she tried to give me a Milwaukee bus ticket!I don’t live in Milwaukee and the ticket will probably____be used,but I took it.

A few minutes later she came back over,apologized,and told me she was still____of five dollars.I took some singles out of my bad and slipped a twenty in there as well.____,the voice in my head told me I was being a fool.

Five minutes later she came back again and tired to____my twenty.When I said it was for her so she could get something else to____,and that I was completely serious and I wasn’t taking it____,she started crying and hugged me.

From now on,when I wonder if it is____trying to help someone,I will remember that woman.Maybe I an really making a____for someone.So,sure,sometimes my efforts might not be noticed,and sometimes they might come back to bite me,but they might actually____another human being!

1.A. ignored B. appreciated C. acknowledged D. forgiven

2.A. examined B. trapped C. confused D. delayed

3.A. habit B. place C. mood D. situation

4.A. change B. time C. hand D. energy

5.A. appearance B. attitude C. selfishness D. experience

6.A. pain B. anxiety C. hunger D. fear

7.A. souvenir B. ticket C. gift D. cake

8.A. shout B. smile C. apology D. praise

9.A. quick B. gentle C. good D. cold

10.A. dark B. tough C. mysterious D. special

11.A. relief B. regret C. doubt D. anger

12.A. once B. often C. sometimes D. never

13.A. ashamed B. aware C. short D. proud

14.A. Eventually B. However C. Therefore D. Besides

15.A. return B. show C. share D. earn

16.A. do B. trade C. add D. eat

17.A. away B. out C. back D. over

18.A. hard B. fun C. useless D. worth

19.A. difference B. profit C. decision D. suggestion

20.A. excite B. help C. educate D. inspire

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