

  (A)外教Ann和Lucy要来你校任教一年,在到达之日,由你们班负责接待,请你写一篇发言稿,代表全体学生对她们的到来表示热烈欢迎,并简要向她们介绍你校的情况。你校的情况为:1947年建立,现有学生3000人,教职工(teachers and staff members)400人,60个教学班,是省重点学校之一,多名学生曾在全国多项比赛中获得一等奖。




Dear Ann and Lucy,

  Welcome to our school. First of all, please permit me, on behalf of all the students of our school, to express our warm welcome to _________________




Dear boys and girls,

  Thank you for ______________________________________________





Dear Ann and Lucy,

  Welcome to our school. First of all, please permit me, on behalf of all the students of our school, to express our warm welcome to your coming to our school as English teachers. Our school is an old school, which was built in 1947. There are 60 classes with 3000 students and 400 teachers and staff members. It is one of the key schools in our province. Many students have won gold medals in many kinds of competitions in our country. I'm sure our English ability will be greatly improved with your help. I hope you'll work happily in our school and enjoy yourselves in our city. Thank you.


Dear boys and girls,

  Thank you for your warm welcome. This is the first time we've been to China. We hope to know more about China. Can you help us? And we'll try our best to help you with your English. Let's help each other and keep our friendship forever. Thank you.


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