
.He suddenly saw what looked like a snake in the darkness. For an instant his heart seemed to stop ______.

A.to beat



D.being beaten








People do not analyse every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a 36 problem. They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without 37  ; they try to find a solution by trial and error. However, when all of these methods 38  , the person with a problem has to start analyzing . There are six 39 in analysing a problem.

40 ,  the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must 41 that there is a problem with his bicycle.

Next the person must 42 the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must 43 the parts that are wrong.

Now the person must look for 44 that will make the problem clearer and lead to 45 solutions. For example, suppose Sam 46 that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes. 47   , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, talk to his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.

After 48 the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example 49   , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.

In the end, one 50 seems to be the solution to the problem. Sometimes the 51 idea comes quite 52 because the thinker suddenly sees something in a 53 way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum stuck to a brake. He immediately hits on the solution to his problem: he must 54 the brake.

Finally the solution is 55   . Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly. In short he has solved the problem. 

A. serious           B. usual                 similar                    D. common

A. practice     B. thinking            understanding        D. help

A. fail                B. work                 change                    D. develop

A. ways           B. conditions         stages                     D. orders

A. First              B. Usually             In general            D. Most importantly

A. explain         B. prove                show                   D. see

A. judge          B. find                  describe            D. face

A. check           B. determine        correct                      D. recover

A. answers        B. skills              C. explanation         D. information

A. possible      B. exact           C. real                 D. special

A. hopes         B. argues            C. decides               D. suggests

A. In other wordsB. Once in a while C. First of all         D. At this time

A. discussing    B. settling down    C. comparing with      D. studying

A. secondly     B. again             C. also                   D. alone

A. suggestion  B. conclusion         C. decision             D. discovery

A. next          B. clear            C. final                  D. new

A. unexpectedly B. late              C. clearly               D. often

A. simple          B. different         C. quick               D. sudden

A. clean            B. separate          C. loosen               D. remove

A. recorded           B. completed        C. tested                       D. accepted 

About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college. I was working as a practice student at my University's Museum of Natural History. One day while working at the cash register in the gift shop, I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.

As I looked closer at this girl, I saw that she was kind of set on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and main body. She was wearing a little white dress with red dots.

As the couple wheeled her up to me, I was looking down at the register. I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a wink(眨眼). As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest(可爱的), largest smile I have ever seen.

All of a sudden her handicap (残疾)was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me and  gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and brought me into her world--- a world of smiles, love and warmth.

That was ten years ago. I'm a successful business person now and whenever I feel down and think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught me.

What do we know about the author?

  A.He graduated from Natural History University.

  B. He majored in Natural History at university .

  C.He ran a gift shop in the university

  D.He is a successful businessman

When the author looked again, he saw that the little girl____.

  A. was wearing a beautiful red dress

  B.wasn’t able to move in the wheelchair

  C.was badly injured

  D.was only able to smile

In the author’s opinion, the little girl was not disabled at all because ______.

  A.she told everyone how to live a good life

  B.she offered him suppport in his business

  C.she could take good care of herself

  D.she had a strong spirit

What would be the best title for his passage?

  A.World of smiles          B.Love of a girl 

  C. A badly disabled girl      D.Secret of a businessman

I was nineteen years old the first time I saw my own true character.

My trip to and from work each day included a ten-minute walk through the heart of downtown, where the   36  often gathered. Like most busy citizens, I learned to   37  those nameless faces. When it came to homeless beggars, my   38  life experience had led me to one   39  that they are on the street because they choose to be, probably due to alcohol or drugs.

It was an extremely cold day. When I passed the groups of beggars as usual, I heard a shaky voice target me.

“Spare some change?” he asked.

I didn’t even   40  looking up at his nameless face. I briefly   41  him walking into a liquor store and buying whiskey with the money we spared him. Like most teenagers, it took me only moments to   42  him.

“I have no money on me,” I said quickly

Looking back now, I feel as if God had set out that day to teach me a lesson. And God   43 . Just a few feet past him, I managed to find the only ice patch on the sidewalk. I   44  and landed heavily on my right knee. The   45  was almost killing me as I tried to get up. Then I heard a shaky voice only inches above me.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

I knew immediately this was the man I had just rushed past. Even in pain, I   46  took a quick moment to sniff for the smell of alcohol on his breath. There was none. He wasn’t   47 . I saw the   48  in his eyes.

I   49  to get to my feet. He held my arm as I walked difficultly to the nearby bus stop.

“My name is Mike,” he said. “That’s quite a fall you took, and you really need to get it checked by a doctor,” he said with deep   50 .

“This bus goes past the hospital,” I said.

Mike paused, and a look of sudden   51  crossed his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cup. He took out all the change and held it out toward me.

“I think there’s just enough here for you to take the bus,” he said,

I was highly embarrassed as I remember my   52 . I reached for my purse and took out my change. At least ten dollars. I offered Mike all my change.

“Thank you and take care of yourself,” I said. Both of us knew that few minutes earlier I couldn’t have   53  what happened to him.

Mike held his cup tightly,   54  it as if it were the first gift he had ever received.

A half cup of change seemed too small a gift for the man who gave a   55  to every nameless face I’ve ever seen.

1.                A.doctors         B.beggars         C.citizens   D.sellers


2.                A.pity            B.observe        C.forgive   D.ignore


3.                A.limited         B.painful         C.meaningful    D.rich


4.                A.fact            B.rule            C.assumption    D.suggestion


5.                A.mind           B.bother         C.avoid D.bear


6.                A.imagined       B.followed        C.noticed   D.heard


7.                A.judge          B.stop           C.tease D.blame


8.                A.signed         B.succeeded      C.responded    D.approached


9.                A.skipped        B.dashed         C.slipped   D.hesitated


10.               A.regret         B.scare          C.cold  D.pain


11.               A.still            B.ever           C.yet   D.also


12.               A.honest         B.reliable         C.drunk D.shabby


13.               A.greed          B.surprise        C.sorrow    D.sympathy


14.               A.failed          B.struggled       C.hurried   D.chose


15.               A.relief          B.satisfaction      C.understanding  D.concern


16.               A.confusion       B.realization      C.excitement D.sadness


17.               A.lie            B.injury          C.promise   D.experience


18.               A.known         B.predicted       C.cared D.accepted


19.               A.treasuring      B.protecting      C.making    D.showing


20.               A.lesson         B.name          C.chance    D.fortune



A little boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a disease made his leg lame.He 36 played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions,he always 37  his head without a word.

One 38 the boy’father asked for some saplings(树苗)from the neighbor.He wanted the 39 t0.plant a sapling each person in front of the house。The father said,“Wh6se sapling grows  best,  1  will  buy him  or her  a  favorite 40."    Seeing his  brothers  and  sisters  watering the trees,however,the boy had an idea.tie,hoped that the tree he planted would 41  soon.S0. after watering it once or twice,he never 42 it.

A few days later,when the little boy went、to see his tree again,he was 43 to find that it didn’t fade but grew some fresh leaves. 44 the trees of his brothers and sisters,his tree was even greener.His father kept his 45, bought the little boy his favorite gift and said that from the tree he planted,he would become an outstanding 46  when he grew up.

Since then,the little boy slowly became 47 .One night,he lay on the bed but eouldn’t sleep Then he got up and came to the 48.T0 his surprise,his 49 was splashing something onto his tree. 50,he understood——his father had been  51  fertilizing his small tree!

He returned to his room,52 running down  53 passed.The little boy didn’t become a botanist,but he was elected President of the United States.His name was Franklin Rooseveh.

Love is the 54 nourishment(营养)of life.55 it is just a drop of clear water,it can still help the tree of life thrive(茁壮成长).

1.                A.bravely         B.seldom         C.freely    D.always


2.                A.raised          B.nodded         C.lowered  D.knocked


3.                A.spring          B.moment        C.winter    D.week


4.                A.neighbors       B.friends         C.children  D.boys


5.                A.sapling         B.tree           C.gift  D.toy


6.                A.die            B.grow           C.break    D.survive


7.                A.1ed to         B.attended to      C.belonged to   D.objected to


8.                A.pleased        B.upset          C.worried  D.surprised


9.                A.Compared with   B.Similar to        C.Connected to  D.Popular with


10.               A.request        B.schedule       C.promise   D.secret


11.               A.president       B.botanist        C.artist D.researcher


12.               A.smart          B.desperate       C.optimistic.    D.practical


13.               A.field           B.courtyard       C.park  D.farm


14.               A.brother        B.sister          C.father D.neighbor


15.               A.All of a sudden   B.For a moment    C.In time    D.From then on


16.               A.busily          B.quietly         C.cautiously  D.secretly


17.               A.water          B.tears           C.sweat D.rain


18.               A.Hours          B.Months         C.Decades   D.Centuries


19.               A.1ast           B.only           C.1east D.best


20.               A.Even if         B.Now that        C.If only D.What if



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