
Do you sometimes argue about what seems to you to be simple fact? Do you argue whether it' s cold outdoors or whether the car in front of you is going faster than the speed limit?
If you get into such arguments, try to think about the story about the six blind men and the elephant. The first blind man who felt the elephant' s trunk said it was like a snake. The second who felt the elephant's side said it was like a wall, while the third said it was like a spear as he touched the animal' s tusk. The fourth, who caught hold of the elephant's tail insisted that it was like a rope. The fifth man said it looked like a tree as he put his arms around one of the elephant' s legs. The sixth, who was tall and got hold of the elephant' s ears, said it was like a huge fan.
Each man' s idea of the animal came from his own experience. So if someone disagrees with you about a "simple fact", it' s often because his experience in the matter is different from yours.
To see how hard it is for even one person to make up his mind about a "simple fact", try this simple experiment.  Get three large bowls. Put ice water in one. Put hot water in the second. Put lukewarm water in the third. Now put your left hand in the ice water. Put your right hand in the hot water. After thirty seconds, put both hands in the lukewarm water. Your right hand will tell you the water is cold. Your left hand will tell you it's hot!
56. What makes people think about simple facts differently?
A. The fact that simple facts differ from one another.
B. The fact that people have different experience in the simple facts.
C. The fact that people often disagree with one another.
D. The fact that it' s hard to make up one's mind about simple facts.
57. The writer's advice is____.
A. we should never think about simple facts
B. we should never judge something with a one-sided view
C. we should not agree about simple facts
D. we must learn from the six blind men
58. After reading the last paragraph, we may think of ____.
A. Newton' s law               B. Galileo' s theory of falling objects
C. Einstein' s Theory of Relativity D. Marx' s On Capital
59. The main idea of this passage is ____.
A. people often judge something according to his own experience
B. people often agree about simple facts
C. it's hard for a person to make up his mind about a simple fact
D. you should not care too much about simple fact
If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would __36_: surfing (冲浪运动). But isn’t that a boy thing? Some people __37_. Most certainly not.
I started surfing about five years ago and__38_in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first __39_ was the best feeling I had ever experienced.
When I try to __40_ surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my __41_, there’s nothing like it. It involves (牵涉到) body, __42_, and soul. There’s sand between my toes and cool, salt water all __43_ us. The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that __44_, becoming one with the__45_, is like I’m weightless.
The one thing I can __46 from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge(挑战). You can never be the “best suffer” because the ocean __47__ an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some suffers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive(活跃有力的) and __48__. All of these things attract me to surfing and make it __49__ from any other sport.
I’ve __50__ to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do. It’s part of being human to advance to new __51__, so shouldn’t it be expected that girls should step up and start __52__ the limits(极限) of things boys and men used to dominate(主宰)?
There’re women __53__ side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys __54__ the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to __55__, and they will.
36.A. tell       B. answer           C. give          D. realize                                             
37 A. wonder    B. understand        C. reply         D. believe                                               
38 A. stayed     B. came            C. dropped       D. fell                                                   
39 A. wave      B. storm            C. sail           D. boat                                                         
40 A. bring      B. connect          C. compare       D. tie                                                         
41 A. work      B study             C. holiday       D. life                                                        
42 A. mind      B. effort            C. health         D. time                                                          
43 A. along      B. above            C. around       D. by                                                                
44 A. beach     B. water            C. board         D. lake                                                           
45. A. sky       B. world           C. earth          D. ocean                                                        
46. A. take       B. get              C. make         D. keep                                                  
47. A. catches     B. includes         C. offers         D. collects                                                     
48. A. sharp       B. great            C. hard          D. calm                                                    
49. A. known      B. right            C. far           D. different                                                
50. A. chosen      B. tried            C. learned       D. promised                                                  
51. A. levels       B. points           C. steps         D. parts                                                    
52. A. reaching     B. accepting        C. pushing       D. setting                                                       
53. A. sitting      B. walking          C. fighting       D. working                                                       
54. A. of        B. from              C. on           D. with                                                          
55. A. think      B. succeed          C. perform       D. feel                                                              
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It was no wonder I was not looking forward to entering ninth grade. High school is well-known for being a battleground, where everyone seems to be  36  through physical changes, emotional mood swings, and low self-respect. For me,  37  was my punishment.
I had always felt insecure and out of 38 as one of the  39  members of my class, standing a head above the other girls and bending at the  40  of the line to avoid sticking  41 .
I especially hate being around large groups of people, like during the social hour after services at my church.  42  the prayers were finished, I would leave as quickly as possible so I could  43  other well-meaning congratulations, "Ruthie! Look how tall you' re getting!"
My grandfather would watch me  44  increasingly uncomfortable, but he did not  45  at my self--consciousness or try to comfort me.  46 , he would remind me. "Stand straight and tall," he would say, as I unsuccessfully tried to shrink (使缩小) myself. Moreover, each time, I would embarrassedly obey. Even at age 15, I understood that his advice was about  47  than just feet and inches.
My grandfather grew up in war-torn Europe. When German soldiers  48  his hometown, he wound up joining the Soviet army to fight  49  his country's freedom. "Stand straight, stand tall," meant something else back then.
_50  the war, he boarded a boat for  51  , and on January 27, 1947, he stepped onto the dock in Manhattan. He was hungry and  52  from seasickness. All alone in a new country, he was  53  about his future. Still, he marched head-on into the streets of New York. Soon he met  54  European immigrants, each of them trying to find his or her own way. If they could do it, why couldn't he? "Stand straight, stand tall," he would remind himself. He felt his faith  55 . When he walked into the church that first time, he walked in proudly.
36. A. going                     B. getting            C. looking               D. putting
37. A. age                        B. sex                    C. height               D. face
38. A. place                    B. order              C. control              D. date
39. A. younger                    B. shorter                    C. fatter              D. taller
40. A. head                  B. bottom            C. back                D. side
41. A. to                    B. out                C. with                D. off
42. A. Until                  B. Unless             C. Once               D. Before
43. A. avoid                 B. receive               C. accept             D. refuse
44. A. change                B. grow                C. sense              D. make
45. A. look                   B. stare             C. stay                 D. laugh
46. A. Instead               B. Besides       C. However              D. Therefore
47. A. other                  B. more          C. less               D. rather
48. A. fought                 B. developed    C. occupied                D. marched
49. A. against                          B. for              C. with                D. to
50. A. Before                 B. During               C. Without              D. After
51. A. German                B. Australia             C. America             D. Canada
52. A. coming                B. learning            C. suffering             D. differing
53. A. frightened              B. excited              C. serious              D. sorrowful
54. A. few                   B. more               C. most               D. other
55. A. increasing              B. returning              C. gaining               D. disappearing

Monday morning always seems to come too soon. Just when you’re getting used to the  36 , it’s already finished. For many of us, Monday is what we  37 , but have no escape from..
So take a deep breath and get your spirits up.  38  you find it hard, here are four  39  to drive the Monday blues away.
Just get  40 . The best thing to do on a Monday morning is to get some exercise or go for a  41  that gets your feel-good hormones (情绪)working. Just find a green spot to have a walk  42  even just sit there. Fresh air, sunshine and green plants can put you in a better  43  .
Turn the music on.. When you’re back from your walk, nothing  44  better than listening to some music. Get your favorite,  45  your music system and let the music set the tone for the day.
46  you best. Make Mondays your look-my-best  47 . Wear the clothes you like most. Even if it means wearing that red shirt you were  48  for a special occasion. Instead of grays and blacks, go for  49  colours. Some of that sunshine yellow or red will drive the  50  away.
Eat happy. For those  51  lovers, bring out your favorite chocolate and eat it all by yourself, right in the  52  .Nothing is better than the guilty(内疚的)  53  of early morning chocolate. You say you’re on a  54 ? Then make Monday your free day. Food is the best way to  55  the blues.
Remember, the next weekend’s just five days away!
36.A.Saturday   B.Sunday     C.weekday   D.weekend
37.A.like B.hate   C.appreciate D.disagree
38.A.In case     B.Once C.As soon as       D.Although
39.A.steps B.ways C.ideas D.procedures
40.A.down       B.off    C.out    D.back
41.A.drive B.rest   C.visit  D.walk
42.A.and   B.or     C.but    D.than
43.A.mood       B.place C.office       D.feeling
44.A.proves      B.does  C.works       D.sounds
45.A.turn down B.turn up     C.turn off    D.turn on
46.A.Dress       B.Look C.Wear D.Choose
47.A.day   B.person      C.chance      D.moment
48.A.making     B.saving      C.preparing  D.buying
49.A.bright       B.red    C.dark  D.beautiful
50.A.yellow      B.blue  C.white D.orange
51.A.chocolate  B.diet   C.food  D.vegetable
52.A.bedroom   B.morning   C.night D.home
53.A.excitement       B.taste  C.pleasure    D.attraction
54.A.diet   B.duty  C.weight      D.beauty
55.A.attack       B.beat   C.compare   D.Meet

Sometimes people recall past events differently from how they happened. Have you ever confused dates and events from your life, or people’s names? Don’t be too hard on yourself if this is the case; it happens to almost everyone. Every day, our brain processes an amazing amount of information. In fact, all our experiences are based on the way our brain interprets the information it receives from our senses. It is impossible to store all of this information, so some of it gets lost. The parts that remain make up our memories. All our thoughts and memories depend on the way our senses work, and we cannot always trust everything our senses tell us.
If you have ever tried to make your own short film on a digital camera, you will have noticed that the images you record are often blurry(模糊不清). To stop the same thing from happening when we see things with our own eyes, our brain is always filling in the blanks. Before our eyes can even focus on an object, our brain has created its own picture of it so that we can move smoothly from looking at one thing to another without the world looking strange. If we are moving quickly or are not focusing properly, our brain may not correctly guess what is around us.
Memory is the way we store the information that our senses have experienced. As we have discussed above, our senses do not always see things accurately, so our memory is just how we store our interpretations of these experiences. When our brain takes in new experiences, it uses the information we retrieve from our memory as a reference. This means that we often do not remember the details of things but just the important parts. When we look at something, we often do not really look closely at it, but we merely look at the different hints that help us indentify it.
This also happens with our hearing and speaking. It is natural for students of English to confuse the word “kitchen”, with the familiar word “chicken”. As the sounds are similar, the mind mistakenly identifies the new word with the one that is familiar. This is perhaps the most common reason why people make mistakes when they learn a new language. 
72. Sometimes things people remember are quite different from how they really happened because ______.
A. not all people are smart enough                            B. the main part of the information gets lost
C. people are too strict with themselves            D. information was processed incompletely
73. Taking the short film on a digital camera for an example, the author means _____.
A. images recorded by cameras could not be accurate
B. brain may form an imagery picture without reference
C. blurry pictures are caused by too fast camera movements
D. the process of vision is an interpretive construct by the brain
74. The underlined word “retrieve” in Paragraph 3 probably means ______.
A. recall                    B. change            C. borrow                 D. differ
75. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in terms of memory?
A. Memory is exactly what senses have experienced.
B. Memories are made up of the information remaining in minds.
C. Memory is the way to store information experienced by senses.
D. Memories sometimes can be obstacles to learning something new.

The worst danger is a house on fire when people are asleep. Always be ready to leave through a window into the garden by making sure you can open it if necessary. If you should be on holiday in a tall building or hotel, make sure you know where the fire escape(太平梯) is. When you can’t find any way out, try to find pieces of cloth and make a rope to get out of a window to safety. If you smell burning in your home, get out right away. If you can’t breathe properly because of smoke on your way out, crawl(爬) on your hands and knees because smoke rises and the air will be cleaner near the floor. Smoke is a killer and more people die from breathing it in than actually being burned.
Fire in a cinema hall or public place often means people pushing to reach a door. Keep your head up with arms up in front of your chest. This protects your chest and gives you the best chance to breathe. Above all, don’t get frightened!
60. When a tall building is on fire, people______.
A.can leave by coming down the fire escape     B.should first check the room window
C.had better find a long rope                 D.must lie down on the floor at once
61. People can leave a burning house through a window if ______.
A.there is smoke in the room          B.  there is no other way out
C .they can’t breathe properly          D.  they want to put out the fire
62. There are several things to do to keep one safe. Which of the following is not talked about in the passage?
A.Leave the house right away when you smell something burning.
B.Raise your head and keep your chest from being hurt.
C.Get out of the house by crawling on the floor.
D.Rush out of the house, dressed in wet clothes.
63. Which of the following is not true?
A.In a fire, more deaths are caused by smoke.
B.The most important thing is not to be frightened in a fire.
C.When a public place is on fire, people usually push to leave.
D.Be ready to leave a burning house through a window if there is a garden down below.
When his wife died,the baby was two.They had six other children--three boys and three girls,ranging in age from 4 to 16.A few days later he became a widower, the man’s parents and his wife’s parents came to visit the family.“We’ve been talking,”they said,“about how to take care of all these children and work to make a living.So,we’ve arranged for each child to be placed with a different uncle and aunt.We’re making sure that al1of your children will be living right here in the neighborhood,so you can see them anytime…”
The man appreciated their thoughtfulness but refused their kindness. Over the next few weeks the man worked with his children,assigning them chores(杂务)and giving them responsibilities .
But then another misfortune happened.The man developed arthritis (关节炎).His hands swelled,and he was unable to hold the handles of his farm tools. He would not be able to continue the work on his farm. He sold his farming equipment, moved the family to a small town and opened a small business.  
The family was welcomed into the new neighborhood.Word of his pleasant personality and excellent customer service began to spread in the town.People came from far and wide to do business with him.And the children helped both at home and at work.Their father’s pleasure in his work brought satisfaction to them,and he drew pleasure from their successes .
The children grew up and got married. Five of the seven went to college and they were married. The children’s successes were a source of pride to the father.Then came grandchildren. No one enjoyed grandchildren more than this man. As they became older, he invited them to his workplace and his small home. They brought each other great joy. Finally, the youngest daughter, the baby, who had been two years old at her mother death, got married. Finally,the man,with his life’s work completed ,died.
This man’s work had been the lonely but joyful task of raising his family.This man was my father.
I was the 1 6-year—old,the oldest of seven.
71. How old was the writer when his mother died?
A. 4              B. 2               C. 16             D. not mentioned
72. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. There were six children in the family.                 
B. The father wanted to give his children to his relatives.          
C. The father didn’t farm any longer because of his illness..            
D. The father’s life work was lonely and sadly.
73. The underlined word “widower” means ________.
A. a worker       B. a farmer     C. a man with many children       D. a man without wife
74. The main idea of the passage is ________.
A. The father’s life work: raising his family           
B. Why the father wanted to raised his family                 
C. How the children grew up after their mother died              
D. the father’s sadness and happiness in his life
75. what is the writer’s attitude to his father?.
A. unconcerned            B. critical            C. doubtful        D. respectful
Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also cause damage to physical and mental well-being, according to a Canadian study.
For years studies have shown people in lower-status jobs generally have higher rates of heart disease and other illnesses and die earlier than those in higher-status positions while job authority has shown no relationship with workers’ health.
But University of Toronto researchers, using data from 1,800 US workers, found the health of people in higher positions is affected by work as they are more likely to report conflicts with co-workers and say work disturbs their home life.
However, the positive aspects of having a power position at work, such as higher status, more pay and greater independence, seemed to cancel out the negative aspects when it came to people’s physical and psychological health.
These latest findings, reported in the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest that the advantages and disadvantages authority positions basically cancel each other out, giving the general impression that job authority has no health effects.
For the study, the researchers surveyed participants about various aspects of their work, life and well-being. Job authority was judged based on whether a person managed other employees and had power over hiring, firing and pay.
Physical health complaints included problems like headaches, body aches, heartburn and tiredness. Psychological complaints included sleep problems, difficulty concentrating and feelings of sadness, worry and anxiety.
“This isn’t to suggest that having authority is ‘bad’—in fact, we show it has benefits ... but it is important to identify the negative sides and deal with them.” researcher Scott Schieman said.  
Schieman said conflicts with co-workers or involvement of work into home life may destroy at physical and mental well-being by creating stress.
“These are key stressors that can tax individuals’ ability to function effectively,” Schieman said.
56. Work will have a negative effect on job authority’s health probably because __________.
A. they are not fit for their work
B. they have power over hiring and pay
C. they are faced with severe competition
D. they don’t get on well with their co-workers
57. Most people don’t see that bosses have health effects because __________.
A. their health problems are not serious enough to see
B. they have enough money to keep themselves healthy
C. their problems are quite different from those of workers  
D. the advantages and disadvantages of their status work against each other
58. From the passage we can infer that the study aims to _________.
A. warn people not to be a boss for ever
B. remind the boss to deal with the bad effects of their work
C. show that having authority is harmful to one’s health
D. prove that being a boss can benefit a lot 
59. The best title for this passage might be ________.
A. Lower-status can affect health                  B. Authority can affect health
C. Positive aspects of a power position          D. Disadvantages of being a boss
How old was I? I can’t recall. Maybe I was only 10, about to turn 11, making it the first Christmas after my father left, and left me to fill that sad, shattered place in my mother’s heart. Whenever it was, it was the Christmas the magic changed: the year I stopped being a wide-eyed child and tried eagerly to play Father Christmas myself. It was the Christmas of the coat.
Mom first saw the coat at Tobias, one of the nicer women’s stores in our town’s little mall. It was a deep forest green. A long, heavy, wool dress coat with side pockets. Mom pulled it out from the rack(架) and held it up. “Long enough,”she murmured and slipped it on.
“I need a new coat,” Mom smiled before the three-way mirror. She made any clothing look good, and this coat hugged her just right. She glanced at the price tag, then hung the coat back on the rack, pausing once more to feel the smooth brush of wool.
Eighty-seven dollars. But I didn’t think twice. As we moved on through the mall, I found some excuse to come back and ask one of the Tobias ladies to hold the coat.
At last I had the coat. The store ladies wrapped it in their biggest box with bright blue paper and a thick silver ribbon. I don’t remember how I got it home, but I can still feel the bursting excitement and pride that filled me each time I glimpsed at the beautifully wrapped gift hiding under my sweater. I would occasionally dig it out just to hold the box, to imagine the big space it would take up under our tree. Here it was ─ joy, peace, and love ─ all wrapped up, waiting for Mom’s loving gratitude.
36. That the writer’s mother felt the coat before they left the store showed that ____.
A. the coat was of good quality                 B. the coat was too expensive
C. she liked the coat very much                D. she’d get it in the end
37. The writer tried to act as Father Christmas in order to ____.
A. show he grew up                                               B. show he missed his father
C. bring his mother a surprise                            D. enjoy himself
38. The writer hid the coat under his sweater in order to ____.
A. imagine the space taken up under the Christmas tree
B. feel the strong feeling to his mother on Christmas
C. give his mother a big surprise on Christmas Day
D. keep the new coat tidy and orderly in the box
39. What can be the best title of this passage?
A. A Merry Christmas                                  B. Christmas of the Coat
C. A Deep Green Coat                                 D. Mother’s Merry Christmas

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