Bill Javis took over our village’s news-agency at a time of life when most of us only wanted to relax. He just thought he would like something but not too much to do, and the news-a??gency was ready-made. The business produced little enough for him, but Bill was a man who only wanted the simplicity and order and regularity of the job. He had been a long-serving sailor, and all his life had done everything by the clock.

Every day he opened his shop at 6:00 a. m. to catch the early trade; the papers arrived on his doorstep before that. Many of Bill’s customers were city workers, and the shop was convenient for the station. Business was tailing off by 10 o’clock, so at eleven sharp Bill closed for lunch. It was hard luck on anybody who wanted a paper or magazine in the after??noon, for most likely Bill would be down on the river bank, fishing, and his nearest competitor was five kilometers away. Sometimes in the afternoon, the evening paper landed on the doorway, and at 4 o’clock Bill reopened his shop. The evening rush lasted till seven, and it was worthwhile.

He lived in a flat above the shop, alone. Except in the very bad weather, you always knew where to find him in the af??ternoon, as I have said. Once, on a sunny afternoon, I walked home along the river bank from a shopping trip to the village. By my watch it was three minutes past four, so I was aston??ished to see Bill sitting there on his little chair with a line in the water. He had no luck, I could see, but he was making no effort to move.

“What’s wrong, Bill?” I called out from the path.

For answer, he put a hand in his jacket and took out a big, golden object. For a moment I had no idea what it could be, and then it suddenly went off with a noise like a fire en??gine. Stopping the bell, Bill held the thing up and called back, “Ten to four, you see, and this is dead right.”

I had never known anyone carrying a brass alarm clock round with him before.

Bill Javis became a news-agent when _______.

A. he needed the money      

B. he was quite an old man

C. he decided to take up fishing  

D. he gave up clock-repairing

Bill opened the shop so early in the day because _______.

A. he liked to do as much as possible before he went to work

B. the shop had to be open when the morning papers came

C. he was never sure of time

D. it was then that he did a lot of business

From the information given in the passage, who or what do you think was wrong?

A. The bell was-it must have gone off at the wrong time.

B. Bill was-he had dropped off to sleep.

C. The writer’s watch was-it was fast.

D. Bill’s clock was-it was old.

When Paul was a boy growing up in Utah, he happened to live near a copper smelter(炼铜厂),and the chemicals that poured out had made a wasteland out of what used to be a beautiful forest.One day a young visitor looked at this wasteland and called it an awful area.Paul knocked him down.From then on, something happened inside him.

Years later Paul was back in the area, and he went to the smelter office.He asked if they had any plans or if they would let him try to bring the trees back.The answer from that big industry was “No”.

Paul then went to college to study the science of plants.Unfortunately, his teachers said there weren't any birds or squirrels to spread the seeds.It would be a waste of his life to try to do it.Everyone knew that, he was told.Even if he was knowledgeable as he had expected, he wouldn’t get his idea accepted.

Paul later got married and had some kids.But his dream would not die.And then one night he did what he could with what he had.As Samuel Johnson wrote, “It is common to overlook what is near by keeping the eye fixed on something remote.Attainable good is often ignored by minds busied in wide ranges.” Under the cover of darkness, he went secretly into the wasteland and started planting.

And every week, he made his secret journey into the wasteland and planted trees and grass.For fifteen years he did this against the plain common sense.Slowly rabbits appeared.Later, as there was legal pressure to clean up the environment, the company actually hired Paul to do what he was already doing.

Now the place is fourteen thousand acres of trees and grass and bushes, and Paul has received almost every environmental award Utah has.It took him until his hair turned white, but he managed to keep that impossible vow he made to himself as a child.

When Paul was a boy,______________.

       A.he had decided never to leave his hometown

       B.the economy of Utah depended wholly on the copper smelter laws were made to protect the environment against pollution

       D.he had determined to stop the copper smelter polluting the area

Why did Paul go to college to study the science of plants?

       A.Because he wanted to find out the best way to save the area himself.

       B.Because he was interested in planting trees since he was young.

       C.Because he wanted to get more knowledgeable people to help him.

       D.Because he thought his knowledge would make his advice more persuasive.

What does the underlined phrase “the plain common sense” probably refer to?

       A.That it was impossible for trees to grow on the wasteland.

       B.That his normal work and life would be greatly affected.

       C.That no one would like to join him in the efforts.

       D.That he had to keep everything he did secret.

The company hired Paul to plant trees and grass because___________.

     A.they realized the importance of environmental protection

     B.What Paul was doing moved them

     C.Paul persuaded them to help him

     D.they had legal pressure

The message of the passage is that _____________.

       A.action speaks louder than words

       B.perseverance(持之以恒)will work wonders

       C.God helps those who help themselves

       D.many hands make light work

The Town of Pressure and the Town of Pleasure were neighbors but had nothing in common. Residents built walls to      influence from the other town.

In Pressure,      struggled to be the very best. When women gave birth, they would      to have the baby with the loudest cry. There was violent competition in every aspect of life. Because     was the index (指数) of success, people were     busy making money, with     for relaxation. Some young people couldn’t bear the intensity and resorted to drink or drugs to escape.

, over in Pleasure, the motto was “As long as you like it, do it.” People grew up without      and     do anything they liked. Children played computer games day and night. At school, teachers didn’t _   whether students showed up or not. Workers might sit around the office      sipping coffee and doing nothing.      the lack of regulations, nobody worried about losing their jobs. It was      that mattered. No one had the      thought of moving forward, either for themselves or for the town. The computers they used were      models from Pressure.

Some of the young were addicted to      because of the meaninglessness of their lives. Then, people in the two towns began asking themselves, “What is     for?” But, just before life in the two towns completely     , there came a saint – Mr. Reason. He went from door to door, talking with people and giving advice. People in Pressure learnt to be      with what they had, while people in Pleasure began to make plans. They     the walls between them and built a road to connect the two. The towns’ people came to realize the truth—there is no space between Pressure and Pleasure if they don’t go to extremes.

1.A. connect                        B. keep                                 C. keep out                         D. prevent

2.A. everyone           B. anyone                    C. nobody                   D. somebody

3.A. have                     B. like                                    C. compete                          D. try

4.A. health                           B. joy                                     C. children                           D. wealth

5.A. seldom                          B. always                    C. hardly                               D. sometimes

6.A. much time          B. no reason                        C. many reasons                  D. no time

7.A. Meanwhile                  B. At the same time            C. Therefore                        D. Virtually

8.A. pleasure                       B. pressure                         C. work                                 D. happiness

9.A. must                     B. need                                 C. could                               D. dared

10.A. know                           B. find                                   C. recognize                         D. care

11.A. in the morning B. in the evening                 C. all day long            D. in the afternoon

12.A. Thanks to                  B. Regardless of                  C. Owe to                    D. According to

13.A. money                        B. time                                  C. pleasure                          D. pressure

14.A. strongest          B. slightest                           C. most                                  D. smallest

15.A. the old             B. the new                            C. the best                            D. the same

16.A. books                          B. work                                 C. money                              D. drugs

17.A. pressure           B. life                                    C. pleasure                           D. money

18.A. improved                   B. failed                               C. succeeded                       D. lived

19.A. content            B. surprised                         C. patient                              D. angry

20.A. built                            B. put down                         C. pulled down                   D. set up




Tom was a middle-aged leather trader (皮货商) whose repeated failure in career made him a depressed man, often __1_ that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so __2__ with the city that he had to leave.

So his family moved to another city. It was the evening of a weekend. When Tom and his wife were busily _3_ up their new home, the light suddenly __4_. Tom was regretful to have forgotten to bring along 5__ and had to wait _6_ in a low mood. Just then he heard light, hesitant 27_ on his door that were clearly audible (听到) in the __8__ night.

“Who’s it?” he wondered, since Tom was a _9__ to this city. And this was the moment he especially hated to be __10__, so he went to the door and opened it __11_. At the door was a little girl, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have candles? I’m your neighbor. ” “No,” answered Tom in anger and shut the door __12__. “What a nuisance (麻烦事)!” He complained over it with his wife. “No sooner had we settled down than the neighbor came to _13__ things.”

After a while, the door was knocked again. He opened it and found the same girl outside. __14_ this time she was _15__ two candles, saying, “My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She _16_ me here to give you these.” Tom was very _17__ by what he saw. At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his _18__ in life. It was his _19_ and harshness (刻薄) with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was _20__ nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred (蒙蔽) by his unsympathetic (无同情心的)mind.

1.                A.complaining     B.telling          C.hoping   D.pretending


2.A. pleased          B disappointed     C. exhausted      D. encouraged

3.                A.looking         B.turning         C.coming   D.tidying


4.                A.went on        B.went down      C.went out  D.went through


5.                A.candles         B.matches        C.lights D.flashlights


6.                A.happily         B.patiently        C.hopefully D.helplessly


7.                A.steps          B.words          C.knocks   D.screams


8.                A.dark           B.quiet           C.noisy D.crowded


9.                A.newcomer      B.stranger        C.guest D.settler


10.               A.called          B.disturbed       C.watched   D.offered


11.               A.surprisingly     B.delightedly      C.impatiently D.willingly


12.               A.gently          B.kindly          C.politely    D.violently


13.               A.lend           B.sell            C.harness   D.borrow


14.               A.And           B.But            C.So   D.For


15.               A.holding         B.hiding          C.fetching   D.lifting


16.               A.suggested       B.commanded     C.sent  D.forced


17.               A.frightened      B.pleased        C.puzzled   D.surprised


18.               A.failure         B.success         C.complaint  D.determination


19.               A.warmth        B.coldness        C.kindness   D.sympathy


20.               A.doubtfully      B.hardly          C.actually   D.nearly



The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly before a huge pile of troublesome stuff they call “books”.

I was going to have my examination the next day. "When can I go to bed?" I asked myself. I didn’t answer, in fact I dared not.

The clock struck 12. "Oh, dear!" I cried, "ten more books to read before I can go to bed!” We pupils are the most wretched creatures in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to study so hard when he was a boy ."

The clock struck one. I was quite hopeless now. I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, “Oh, God, Please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I do promise to work hard afterwards, Amen.”  My eyes were heavy, so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell asleep.

1.When the author was going over his lessons, all the others in the house were_____ .

A.asleep                                B.working in bed

C.outside                               D.quietly laughing at him

2.Reviewing his lessons didn’t help him because ________. was too late at night

B.he was very tired

C.his eyes lids were so heavy that he couldn’t keep them open

D.he hadn’t studied hard before the examination

3.What do you suppose happened to the author?

A.He went to a church to pray again

B.He passed the exam by luck

C.He failed in the exam

D.He was punished by his teacher

4.The best title for the passage would be __________ .

A.The Night Before the Examination

B.Working Far into the Night

C.A Slow Student

D.Going Over My Lessons


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