
10.The organization works on theprinciple(原则)that all members have the same rights.

分析 这个组织秉持着一个原则,就是所有成员都拥有相同的权利.

解答 principle    principle是一个名词,意为:原则,原理.介词on后面加名词,这里是由that引导的同位语从句,修饰principle.

点评 考查名词词义.在理解单词词义的基础上,应注意其数的变化.

15.The public ation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince pleases booksellers across China.The British and American editions were No.1 and No.3 separately on the sales chart of the Beijing Xidan Book Building last week.The book's poster is highlighted and news about the book can often be heard on the radio.   
    Why is the book so attractive to children?With curiosity,I got a copy of"Harry Potter".At first,I wanted to glance over it and made some criticisms(批评).But,out of expectation,I have been deeply attracted by the magic world.On the other hand,one can't help asking:Where is our own"Harry Potter"?
     The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years.With a vast market of youngsters.China did publish many books popular among children.However,why are the present works not as.good as those imported(进口的)?
     There come two major reasons:Firstly,quite a number of children's books are of strong sense of teaching,and lack interest and entertainment(娱乐).Children often have a feeling of being"educated".No wonder they don't like them.Secondly,children's reading materials involving"idiom stories"and"Chinese talents'stories",though always in different covers,are usually much the same.Some books are plagiarized.The authors take words,ideas from someone else's work.One knows the ending as early as in the beginning.In final analysis,the authors of the books seldom take children's requirements into consideration.
    As a matter of fact,each child has his own wonderful imagination.They hope to understand the world and nature.Similarly they.have their own choices.They dislike similar stories.even if the stories are excellent.First-class reading for children should be very interesting,which contains knowledge and the essence(精髓)of national culture,which are presented in children's language.
    Market is a touchstone(试金石) for products.The theory also holds true for cultural products.It is hoped that the authors of children's books can learn something from the good market of"Harry Potter"and write out more and better books loved by children.
47.Our own books have the following disadvantages EXCEPT thatC.
A.they have little sense of interest and entertainment
B.many of our books are of the same
C.our authors know what our children need     
D.the authors didn't pay much attention to the children's requirements
48.What does the underlined word"plagiarized"in mean in Chinese?D
49.The reason why Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is so popular is thatA.
A.it opens a magic world for children
B.it has little sense of teaching
C.it is only written in children's language
D.it is advertised more on TV or poster
50.What does the writer mean by writing"Where is our own Harry Potter"?C
A.We Chinese produce more books than other countries.
B.We are short of books for children and adults.
C.Our authors are expected to make the children's book a real best-seller.
D.Authors should write books named"Harry Potter".
2.Humans not only enjoy eating ice cream,but they enjoy feeding it to their pets as well.Market studies show two thirds of all dog owners give ice cream to their dogs.Unfortunately,says William Tyznik,an expert on animal nutrition at Ohio State University,ice cream is not good for dogs."It has milk sugar in it,"he says,"which dogs cannot digest very well.
Bothered by that knowledge but aware of the desire of dog owners to please their companions,Tyznik invented a new frozen treat for dogs that,he says,is more nutritious than ice cream-and as much fun to eat.The product,called Frosty Paws,is made of a liquid byproduct of cheese and milk with the sugar removed.Frosty Paws also contains refined soy flourwater,vegetable oil,vitamins and minerals.It took Tyznic,who has also invented a horse feed (called Tizwhiz) and another dog food (named Tizbits ),three years to perfect the Frosty Paws formula ( 配方),and two attempts to commercialize it.After losing $ 25,000trying to market the invention himself,Tyznik sold the rights to Associated Ice Cream of Weatervile,Ohio,which makes the product and packages it in cups.
Tyznik claims that Frosty Paws has been tested extensively and that"dogs love it".Of 1,400dogs that have been offered the product,he says,89percent took it on the first try.Three out of four preferred it to milk,bone or sausages.The product,which will be available in the ice-cream section of supermarkets,comes in packs of three or four cups,costing between    1.39and    1.79.
What would happen if a human should mistake Frosty Paws for real ice cream?Nothing,says Tyznik.It's harmless,but frankly,he says,it won't taste very good.
28.Two thirds of all dog owners give ice cream to their dogs becauseB.
A.they can't find any other dog food on the market
B.they take pleasure in doing this     
C.ice cream is cheap on the market
D.ice cream is easy to digest
29.For dogs,Frosty PawsA.
A.is healthier than ice cream       
B.tastes much better than ice cream
C.is sweeterthan ice cream        
D.looks much more attractive than ice cream
30.With the invention of Frosty Paws,TyznikD.
A.became very famous overnight      
B.lost all the money he had
C.made a big fortune                
D.provided a frozen food for dogs
A.may find the taste of Frosty Paws not so good
B.like the taste of Frosty Paws,too      
C.may get poisoned by Frosty Paws
D.often mistake Frosty Paws for real ice cream.

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