

文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun. Every year more and more people started a stamp collection of your own. In addition, they discover an interest which can even last a lifetime. Stamps are everywhere, as result, starting a collection of stamps are easy. Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives but letters from friends can all provide people for stamps from all over the world. But once a person has started collecting serious, he will probably want to join in the Stamp Collectors’ Club which exists to add more stamps to his collection.


The concept of culture has been defined many times, and although no definition has achieved universal acceptance, most of the definitions include three central ideas: that culture is passed on from generation to generation, that a culture represents a ready-made principle for living and for making day-to-day decisions, and, finally, that the components of a culture are accepted by those in the culture as good, and true, and not to be questioned. The eminent anthropologist George Murdock has listed seventy-three items that characterize every known culture, past and present.

The list begins with Age-grading and Athletic sports, runs to Weaning and Weather Control, and includes on the way such items as Calendar, Fire making, Property Rights, and Tool making. I would submit that even the most extreme advocate of a culture of poverty viewpoint would readily acknowledge that, with respect to almost all of these items, every American, beyond the first generation immigrant, regardless of race or class, is a member of a common culture. We all share pretty much the same sports. Maybe poor kids don’t know how to play polo, and rich kids don’t spend time with stickball, but we all know baseball, football, and basketball. Despite some misguided efforts to raise minor dialects to the status of separate tongues, we all, in fact, share the same language.

There may be differences in diction and usage, but it would be ridiculous to say that all Americans don’t speak English. We have the calendar, the law, and large numbers of other cultural items in common. It may well be true that on a few of the seventy-three items there are minor variations between classes, but these kinds of things are really slight variations on a common theme.

There are other items that show variability, not in relation to class, but in relation to religion and ethnic background — funeral customs and cooking, for example. But if there is one place in America where the melting pot is a reality, it is on the kitchen stove; in the course of one month, half the readers of this sentence have probably eaten pizza, hot pastrami, and chow mein. Specific differences that might be identified as signs of separate cultural identity are relatively insignificant within the general unity of American life; they are cultural commas and semicolons in the paragraphs and pages of American life.

1.According to the author’s definition of culture, ________.

A. a culture should be accepted and maintained universally

B. a culture should be free from falsehood and evils

C. the items of a culture should be taken for granted by people

D. the items of a culture should be accepted by well-educated people

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Baseball, football and basketball are popular sports in America.

B. Different classes have different cultures.

C. Playing polo is popular among kids.

D. There is no variation in using the American language.

3.It can be inferred that ________ will most probably be included in the seventy-three items.

A. accent

B. polo

C. dream patterns

D. table manners

4.The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is to ________.

A. prove that different people have different definitions of culture

B. warn that variations exist as far as a culture is concerned

C. indicate that culture is closely connected with social classes

D. show that the idea that the poor or the rich establish a separate culture is an absurdity

The National Gallery


The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.


The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th- to 15th-century paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello, Van Eyck, Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling.

The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings, and artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titan and Veronese.

The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings, and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Poussin, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Claude and Vermeer.

The East Wing houses 18th- to early 20th-century paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh.

Opening Hours:

The Gallery is open every day from 10 am. to 6 pm. (Fridays 10 am. to 9 pm.) and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.

Getting There:

Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk), Leicester Square (3-minute walk), Embankment (7-minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk).

1.In which century’s collection can you see religious paintings?

A. The 13th. B. The 17th.

C. The 18th. D. The 20th.

2.Where are Leonardo da Vinci’s works shown?

A. In the East Wing. B. In the main West Wing.

C. In the Sainsbury Wing D. In the North Wing

3.Which underground station is closest to the National Galley?

A. Piccadilly Circus. B. Leicester Square.

C. Embankment. D. Charing Cross.


The books in David’s schoolbag felt like bricks as he ran. What he wanted to do was to play basketball with Eric, his mother told him he would have to return his sister’s books to the library first.

He had set foot in a library and he didn’t like reading. He would just the books in the outside return box. But there was a ; it was locked.

He went into the building, only a few minutes closing time. He put the books into the return box. And after a brief in the WC, he would be on his way to the playground to Eric.

David stepped out of the WC and stopped in — the library lights were off. The place was . The doors had been shut. They be opened from the inside, he was trapped in a library!

He tried to a telephone call, but was unable to . What’s more, the pay phones were on the outside of the building. the sun began to set, he searched for a light and found it.

he could see. David wrote on a piece of paper: “ ! I’m TRAPPED inside!” and stuck it to the glass door. , someone passing by would see it.

He was surprised to discover that this place was not so unpleasant, . Rows and rows of shelves held books. He saw a book about Michael Jordan and took it. He settled into a chair and started to .

He knew he had to , but now, that didn’t seem to be such a thing.

1. A. but B. because C. or D. since

2. A. ever B. nearly C. never D. often

3. A. pass B. drop C. carry D. take

4. A. problem B. mistake C. case D. question

5. A. during B. after C. over D. before

6. A. rest B. break C. walk D. stop

7. A. visit B. meet C. catch D. greet

8. A. delight B. anger C. surprise D. eagerness

9. A. lonely B. empty C. noisy D. crowded

10. A. wouldn’t B. shouldn’t C. couldn’t D. needn’t

11. A. make B. fix C. use D. pick

12. A. get on B. go through C. get through D. get in

13. A. If B. As C. Though D. Until

14. A. As usual B. Now and then C. By the way D. At last

15. A. Come B. Help C. Hello D. Sorry

16. A. Surely B. Thankfully C. Truly D. Gradually

17.A. at most B. after all C. in short D. on time

18. A. watch B. play C. read D. write

19. A. wait B. stand C. sleep D. work

20. A. bad B. cool C. strange D. nice

The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must sixty hours of service learning, they will not receive a diploma. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community. of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student. a service experience, students must keep a journal(日志)and then write a about what they have learned.

Supporters claim that there are many of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think their own interests and become of the needs of others. Students are also able to learn real-life skills that responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team. , students can explore possible careers service learning. For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.

there are many benefits, opponents (反对者) problems with the new requirement. First, they that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills. Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend time studying the core subjects. Second, they believe that forcing students to work without goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away an individual's freedom to choose.

In my view, service learning is a great way to to the community, learn new skills, and explore different careers. , I don' t believe you should force people to help others – the to help must come from the heart. I think the best is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility, and as young adults, we must learn to handle both wisely.

1.A. spendB. gainC. completeD. save

2.A. andB. orC. butD. for

3.A. OpinionsB. IdeasC. ProceduresD. Examples

4.A. WithB. BeforeC. DuringD. After

5.A. diaryB. reportC. noteD. notice

6.A. courseB. benefitC. challengeD. features

7.A. beyondB. aboutC. overD. in

8.A. carefulB. proudC. tiredD. aware

9.A. possessB. applyC. includeD. develop

10.A. GraduallyB. FinallyC. LuckilyD. Hopefully

11.A. throughB. acrossC. ofD. on

12.A. SoB. ThusC. SinceD. While

13.A. deal withB. look intoC. point outD. take down

14.A. argueB. doubtC. over lookD. admit

15.A. muchB. fullC. lessD. more

16.A. costB. payC. careD. praise

17.A. contributeB. appealC. attendD. belong

18.A. ThereforeB. OtherwiseC. BesidesD. However

19.A. courageB. desireC. emotionD. spirit

20.A. decisionB. purposeC. solutionD. result

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