
8.Firefighters had largely tamed a tower of flame and smoke that covered the sun and drove thousands from their homes in the foothill suburbs northeast of Los Angeles,but a week of dangerously windy wildfire conditions and a year of historic dryness meant that this fire and predictable ones to come remained a major threat.
By nightfall Thursday,the wildfire that swept through about 2 1/2 square miles of brush in the San Gabriel Mountains and destroyed five homes early in the day had its progress stopped and was 30 percent contained.More than 700 firefighters were on the scene,along with 70 engines and a fleet of helicopters and air tankers dropping water and retardant(阻止物).
But the National Weather Service said a red-flag warning of extreme fire danger in effect much of the week would remain in place until Friday evening because of low humidity and the chance of the region's infamous Santa Ana winds bursting to 30 mph in the foothills and valleys.
Some 3,700 people from Glendora and Azusa evacuated at the height of the fire.Glendora residents were allowed to return home Thursday evening,but homes in Azusa remained under evacuation orders.It wasn't clear how many remained empty.
Fire engines would stay in all the endangered neighborhoods through the night and helicopters were available to fly after dark if it became necessary.Nighttime bursts brought a few flame-ups,but they remained within fire lines.
Two firefighters had minor injuries and a woman trying to fight the fire near her home suffered a minor burn.Seventeen structures were damaged,including homes,garages,barns and other buildings.At least 10 renters were left homeless when the fire destroyed rental units on the historic grounds of a retreat that once was the summer land of the Singer sewing machine family.Statues of Jesus and Mary stood unharmed near the blackened ruins.However,the main,1920s house was spared.
Three men in their 20s,including a homeless man,were arrested on suspicion of irresponsibly starting the fire by tossing paper into a campfire in the Angeles National Forest,just north of Glendora.They said they were trying to keep warm and the wildfire appears to have been an accident.They could face state or federal charges.
61.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?C
A.To introduce the topic
B.To arouse readers'interest.
C.To summarize the main idea
D.To share the writer's opinion
62.What do we know about the fire?D
A.It lasted a week
B.It started on a Thursday.
C.It grew wilder at night
D.It flamed up high at first
63.What led to the outbreak of the fire?D
A.Low humidity
B.Windy fire conditions.
C.No timely warning
D.Careless campers.
64.The underlined word"evacuated"in Paragraph 4 probably meansC.
65.The three young men were arrested becauseB.
A.they were homeless                                                    
B.they were to blame for the fire
C.they wanted to keep warm by the fire                   
D.they started the fire deliberately.

分析 本文讲的是美国圣加布里埃尔山发生森林火灾,现消防队已控制火势.本次火灾导致多座房屋被毁,导致多人无家可归.现纵火嫌疑人已被捕.

解答 61.C.细节理解题.仔细阅读全文可知第一段是一个总起段,介绍了本文的主题.主题为消防队已控制基本火势,这一火灾迫使千人离开自己的家园.故选C.
62.D.细节理解题.根据文中第一段中"Firefighters had largely tamed a tower of flame and smoke that covered the sun and drove thousands from their homes in the foothill suburbs northeast of Los Angeles,"可推知一开始时火焰燃烧得非常旺.故选D.
63.D.细节理解题.根据文中最后一段"Three men in their 20s,including a homeless man,were arrested on suspicion of irresponsibly starting the fire by tossing paper into a campfire in the Angeles National Forest,"推知是露营时的篝火导致的.故选D.
64.C.词义猜测题.swept---扫;burst---爆发;fled---逃离; endangered---濒危的;根据后文"Glendora residents were allowed to return home Thursday evening,but homes in Azusa remained under evacuation orders."人们已被疏散,已离开火灾地域.故选C.
65.B.细节理解题.根据文中最后一段中"Three men in their 20s,including a homeless man,were arrested on suspicion of irresponsibly starting the fire by tossing paper into a campfire in the Angeles National Forest,just north of Glendora.",他们被怀疑与火灾有关,所以被捕.故选B.

点评 本文是新闻报道类阅读理解文章,阅读此类文章主要是要了解:
①新闻报道了什么事件;②事件是因为什么而发生的,相关背景如何;③文段中指出的事件发生过程中的突出细节是 什么;④事件造成的后果是什么;⑤事件的本质是什么,透过事件的表面现象,我们看到了什么社会问题.通过这样的梳理,我们就可以把新闻的脉络理清楚.这类材料命题点往往落在事实细节上

16.CHELYABINSK,Russia-A meteorite (陨石)moved quickly across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Feb.15,2013,raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows,damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people.
People heading to work in Chelyabinsk heard what sounded like an explosion,saw a bright light and then felt the shock wave,according to a Reuters journalist in the industrial city 1,500km (950miles) east of Moscow.
The fireball,travelling at a speed of 30km (19miles) per second according to Russian space agency Roscosmos,had blazed (燃烧)across the horizon,leaving a long white trail that could be seen as far as 200 km (125miles) away.
Car alarms went off,thousands of windows were broken and mobile phone networks were interrupted for a short time.The Interior Ministry said the meteorite explosion,a very rare spectacle,also released a great explosive sound.
"I was driving to work.It was quite dark,but it suddenly became as bright as if it were day."said Viktor Prokofiev,36,a resident of Yekaterinburg in the Urals Mountains.
"I felt like I was blinded by headlights"
The meteorite,which weighed about 10 tonnes and may have been made of iron,entered Earth's atmosphere and broke apart 30-50km (19-31miles) above ground according to Russia's Academy of Sciences,
The energy released when it entered the Earth's atmosphere was equal to a few kilo tonnes.The academy said.the power of a small atomic weapon exploding.
No deaths were reported but the Emergencies Ministry said 20,000 rescue and clean-up workers were sent to Urals Region after President Vladimir Putin told Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov to ease and help the victims.
The Interior Ministry said about 1,200 people had been injured,at least 200 of them children,and most from broken pieces of glass.

31.What do we learn about the meteorite from the passage?C
A.It is a very huge ball made of iron.
B.It quickly broke apart on the ground,
C.It exploded over Russia's Urals Region.
D.It's similar to an A-bomb in weight.
32.The underlined word"smashed"is closest in meaning to"A"
33.We can know from the passage thatD
A.Moscow is 1500kilometers away from the east of Chelyabinsk
B.Many houses were destroyed,with lots of people reported missing
C.Viktor Prokofiev became blind after seeing the rare spectacle
D.the shock wave briefly influenced the mobile phone network
34.Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?C
A."Meteorite Rush"Begins In Russia
B.President Putin Orders Assistance
C.Meteorite Hits Russia,1,200Hurt
D.Meteorite Files Quickly Across Russia.
3.The German city of Hamburg has announced plans to become car-free within the next two decades.It is an ambitious idea,but city officials obviously feel that the personal motorcar does not fulfill a function that walking,biking and taking public transport cannot.The goal of Hamburg's project is to replace roads with a green network,which will allow people to navigate through the city without the use of cars.
    Banishingthe car from urban areas is becoming a common trend in many European cities.London imposes a"congestion charge"on private vehicles entering the city centre during rush hours.Copenhagen is building bicycle superhighways radiating out from the city centre.These developments combined may make worrying reading for driving enthusiasts.Is the time of the personal car over?
   In the century since the Ford Model T was introduced in 1908,global vehicle numbers have swollen to well over a billion.But according to recent research,the growth may have stopped.
    According to Professor Michael Sivak,at the University of Michigan,"motorization"in the US might have reached a peak in 2008,and that the figures have been on the decline since.
"New York,Washington,Boston,Philadelphia,each have more than thirty percent of households without a light duty vehicle,"says Sivak.In fact,the figures show that fifty-six percent of households in New York (which top the list) don't have a car."I think that will be surprising to most people.It was surprising to me,and I am in the business."
   Sivak thinks a number of factors could be contributing to the trend,including workingfrom home and the movement of populations back to city centers.In China,Beijing and Shanghai are looking at plans to limit the number of new vehicles being registered to control prouth.It's a movement more cities are looking towards,particularly in the US.
56.Why does Hamburg launch the"car-free"program?A
A.To build a greener environment.
B.To fix a worldwide road network.
C.To call on people to take exercise.
D.To replace the public transport.
57.The underlined word"banishing"in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by"C"
A.putting out                           
B.giving away
C.driving away                        
D.setting out
58.Professor Michael Sivak uses the examples in Paragraph 5D
A.to prove the number of cars has been increasing sharply
B.to persuade American people to give up their way of life
C.to introduce to the readers a new trend in buying cars
D.to show many Americas have already abandoned cars
59.What does Michael Sivak think of the result of his research?B
B Amazing
60.What can be learned from the last paragraph?C
A.Most people like to work in the countryside.
B.It is only big cities that are taking action.
C.Many factors contribute to the trend.
D.Effective rules have come into effect.
13.Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes."Shoes convey a thin but useful slice of information about their wearers,"the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality."Shoes serve a practical purpose,and also serve as nonverbal cues(线索)with symbolic messages.People tend to pay attention to the shoes they and others wear."
    Medical Daily notes that the number of detailed personality traits(特质)detected in the study include a person's general age,income,political tendency,and other personality traits,including someone's emotional stability.Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style,cost,color and condition of someone's shoes.In the study,63 University of Kansas students looked at pictures showing 208 different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants.Participants in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes,and then filled out a personality questionnaire.
    So,what do your shoes say about your personality?Some of the results were expected:People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes,and flashier footwear was typically worn by outgoing people.However,some of the more specific results are interesting.For example,"practical and functional"shoes were generally worn by more"friendly"people,while ankle boots were more closely connected with"aggressive"personalities.The strangest of all may be that those who wore"uncomfortable looking"shoes tend to have"calm"personalities.
    And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take exceptional care of them,you may suffer from"attachment anxiety,"spending too much time worrying about what other people think of your appearance.There was even a political calculation in the mix with wearing"shabbier and less expensive"shoes.
    The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personality traits,but researchers pointed out that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were revealing deep insights into their personalities.
41.By looking at a person's shoes,it's possible for people toB
A.know the wearer thoroughly                                   
B.estimate the wearer's character
C.have exact cues about the wearer's social status
D.judge the wearer's educational background
42.Which statement is Not true according to the passage?C
A.In the study,people's personality traits were detected.
B.In the study,participants wore 208 different shoes.
C.In the study,63 students were asked to fill out questionnaire about personality.
D.In the study,judgments were made according to various characteristics of people's shoes.
43.What can we know about the passage?B
A.Wealthy people favor shiny shoes.
B.Calm people prefer shoes with uncomfortable appearance.
C.Friendly people are likely to wear ankle boots.
D.Outgoing people always wear shoes with practical functions.
44.Taking exceptional care of new shoes shows thatA
A.the owners care much about others'opinions on their appearance 
B.the owners are in a relaxed state
C.the owners are particular about their appearance     
D.the owners have too many shoes to choose from
45.What is the best title of the passage?D
A.How To Choose Suitable Shoes                              
B.How To Judge People's Personality Traits
C.People Are What They Wear                                    
D.Shoes Reflect People's Personalities.
18.The world is not coming to an end on December 21,2012,the US space agency insisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel widespread rumors fueled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.
The latest big screen offering from Sony Picture,2012,arrives in theaters on Friday,with a 200-million-dollar production about the end of the world supposedly based on myths (虚构的故事) backed by the Mayan calendar.It is claimed that the end of time will come as a Planet X-or Nibiru-heads toward or collides with the Earth.
Some websites accuse NASA of hiding the truth on the planet's existence,but the US space agency denounced such stories as an"Internet hoax(恶作剧)"."There is no factual basis for these claims,"NASA said in a question and answer posting on its website."If such a collision were real,astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade,and it would be visible by now to the naked eye.Obviously,it does not exist.Credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012,"it insisted."After all,our planet has been getting along just well for more than four billion years,"added NASA.
There is another planet,Eris,floating in space.But the small planet similar to Pluto will remain safely fixed in the outer solar system and it can come no closer than four billion miles to the Earth,according to NASA.
Initial theories set the disaster for May 2003,but when nothing happened the date was moved forward to the winter in 2012 to coincide with the end of a cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar.
NASA insisted the Mayan calendar in fact does not end on December 21,2012,as another period begins immediately afterward.
And even if the planets were to line up as some have forecast,the effect on our planet would be"negligible",NASA said.
"And while comets and asteroids (小行星) have always hit the Earth,big hits are very rare,"NASA noted.The last major impact was believed to be 65 million years ago,resulting in the end of dinosaurs.
"We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs,"the space agency said.
49.Bplayed a key role in the spread of the rumors.
A.A new book                       B.The Internet and a new Hollywood movie
C.NASA                             D.An Indian calendar
50.The film 2012 isA.
A.about the end of the world               B.based on the scientific prediction
C.well accepted in the science field       D.about a romantic love story
51.We can infer thatD
A.people didn't take the rumor seriously     
B.Planet X-or Nibiru does exist
C.astronomers have been tracking Planet X for over ten years
D.the rumor caused a panic among some people
52.Which of the following is the best title?B
A.New Hollywood movie 2012                B.December 21,2012,NOT the end of the world
C.End of the ancient Mayan calendar       D.How rumors came into being.

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