

There is an English saying that goes,“he who laughs last laughs the hardest.”High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days.

1. Because he was always the smallest in his class and was laughed at because he had a big space between his teeth. In sixth grade, Efron’s basketball team made it to be the league championships. In double overtime(两个加时赛),with three seconds left, he rebounded the ball and passed it to the wrong team! 2..

3. Now at 21,Efron is one of People Magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People, graces(荣登)the cover of Entertainment Weekly Hollywood’s most influential magazine, and is travelling the world promoting the third High School Musical film. Director Adam Shankman described Efron as “arguably the biggest teen star in America right now” Simply google “Zac Efron”, and you get more than 14 million responses. Yes, it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.

Efron was born and raised in California. 4. According to Efron,“he would flip out(发疯) if he got a B and not an A in school, and that he was a class clown.”It was his father who encouraged him to act. 5. He also took singing lessons. He graduated from high school in 2006 and was accepted at the University of Southern California to study film. But he put it off -----why study movies when you can star in them. Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie business. And he can now laugh all the way to the bank.

A. He owed it a lot to his father that he succeeded.

B. But history, as they say, is a thing of the past.

C. He took part in school performances and acted in a local theater.

D. When he was young, Efron was an unqualified basketball player.

E. He took school seriously.

F. They scored and his team lost the game.

G.As a young boy, Efron was picked on by his classmates.



阅读下面短文。从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B. C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A trip across the Pacific will guarantee you a different experience with a tipping culture you’ve never come across in China.

In the US, giving a little _________ money to service workers on top of your bill is a common _________ .

Though US national law _________that businesses pay workers at least $7.25 (45 yuan) per hour, employees receiving tips—often waiters and waitresses—are the exceptions. They _________ only receive $2.13 an hour, and tips _________ the difference. As the Wall Street Journal put it, “The American system of tipping holds the promise of great _________ for waiting staff.”

So how should you tip if you are in the US?

_________ you pay tips as a percentage of the bill. Offering an extra 15 percent of the _________ to the waiter or waitress in a restaurant and to the delivery man or woman is customary and _________ . You can offer more for great service and less for _________ service.

Yet there is an_________ . For take-out food, you don’t have to _________ tips for the sellers. Tips are not expected at fast food restaurants, cafés or ice cream shops either, though a tip jar _________ be right by the cash register (收银机). Don’t feel obligated to throw some money in, remembering that it doesn’t hurt. Those workers do not _________ on tips.

Other service workers also receive tips. For taxi drivers, 15 percent is the norm (标准), _________ if they help with your bags. The same goes for tour guides.

Today, you can even pay tips on a credit card. When receiving a copy of the bill to sign, you are _________ to fill in how much you’d like to tip.

_________ thinking about when to tip and how much you should tip causes a big _________ for many Chinese people, it’s important to _________ in mind that as long as you show respect and use your reasoning, things will be just _________ .

1.A. good B. pocket C. extra D. lucky

2.A. method B. practice C. way D. agreement

3.A. requires B. believes C. hopes D. agrees

4.A. rarely B. usually C. seldom D. always

5.A. put up B. take up C. hold up D. make up

6.A. praises B. prizes C. awards D. rewards

7.A. Fortunately B. Naturally C. Normally D. Surprisingly

8.A. bill B. note C. check D. tip

9.A. expected B. limited C. illegal D. casual

10.A. superb B. poor C. splendid D. new

11.A. example B. incident C. exception D. opportunity

12.A. provide B. pay C. charge D. demand

13.A. need B. should C. must D. might

14.A. put B. live C. work D. rely

15.A. less B. bigger C. more D. smaller

16.A. eager B. free C. willing D. delighted

17.A. Though B. Now that C. As if D. when

18.A. dilemma B. enjoyment C. headache D. change

19.A. stay B. bear C. bring D. take

20.A. terrible B. various C. valuable D. fine

In early summer, one of the most popular fruit is strawberry(草莓). It is said strawberry is the "Queen of fruit" as it has many nutritious elements. But many people feel that the strawberry in the current market tastes different as many strawberries are artificially(人工地) grown and some even have a scent of pesticides(杀虫剂). So finding naturally-grown strawberries is a hot issue. There are some places where you can not only find tasteful strawberries, but also enjoy picking them.

Tianxing Strawberry- Picking Garden

As one of the biggest strawberry-growing areas, Tianxing is known for its healthy fruits. The strawberries here are pesticide-free with no artificial coloring. And now the farm has a special offer that you can get a kilogram of strawberries for only 12 yuan. Here, visitors can have fun picking strawberries as well as taste their freshness. And if you are a newcomer, you can get a discount card and enjoy an extra 20 percent discount on your purchase.

Address: Xinzhuang Village, Xingshou Town, Changping District, Beijing.

Tel: 13910667270

Taolin Strawberry Garden

This garden is not as famous as the first one, but it is a quiet place and relaxing. The strawberries here are much cheaper than those sold in markets. It only costs 6 yuan per kilogram.You can also buy freshly-picked lettuce and Tonghao, a green vegetable. You can have fun picking strawberries in person, but you can’t taste them for free.

Address: Linzhuang Village, Xingshou Town, Changping District, Beijing.

Tel: 010--88413840

Baihe Green Strawberry Garden

Baihe Town is the biggest strawberry-picking area. Known for the freshest and healthiest strawberries, this place is named as the "Hometown of Strawberries". The price for this fruit is about 12 yuan per kilogram. And you can bargain(讲价) with the local sellers for further discounts.

Address: Zhaotun Village, Baihe Town, QingpuDistrict, Shanghai.

Tel: 13803456780

1.People prefer naturally-grown strawberries mainly because ________.

A. they contain many nutritious elements

B. they have a different scent

C. they are pesticide-free and tasteful

D. they are cheaper and bigger

2.You should pay Tianxing Strawberry- Picking Garden ________yuan if you buy 10 kilograms with a discount card.

A. 120 B. 108 C. 96 D. 60

3.Which of the following is WRONG about Taolin Strawberry Garden?

A. It is not better known than Tianxing Strawberry- Picking Garden.

B. Besides strawberries, you can buy green vegetables from it.

C. You can have fun picking strawberries as well as taste them as you like.

D. If you buy 20 kilogram strawberries, you should at most pay 120 yuan.

4.What is the purpose of writing the passage?

A. To advertise Strawberry Gardens.

B. To show the magic of strawberries.

C. To tell the difference between artificially-grown strawberries and naturally-grown strawberries.

D. To tell us the joys of picking and buying strawberries.

Ireland has had a very difficult history. The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer (征服) Ireland. For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the English. Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. The result is that today there are two "Irelands". Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country.

In the 1840s, the main crop, potatoes, was affected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger. This, and a shortage (短缺) of work, forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada. As a result of these problems, the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851.

For many years, the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers. Today, many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices. Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside, where things move at a quieter and slower pace.

The Irish are famous for being warm-hearted and friendly. Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, once said that the Irish were “the greatest talkers since the Greeks”. Since independence, Ireland has revived (复兴) its own culture of music, language, literature and singing. Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs which are sung without instruments. Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc.

1.What does the author tell us in paragraph 1?

A. how the Irish fought against the English.

B. how Ireland gained independence.

C. how English rulers tried to conquer Ireland.

D. how two "Irelands" came into being.

2.We learn from the text that in Ireland __________.

A. food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline in population

B. people are moving to the cities for lack of work in the countryside

C. it is harder to make a living as a farmer than as a factory worker

D. different kinds of old Irish songs are all sung with instruments

3.The last paragraph is mainly about __________.

A. the Irish character

B. Irish culture

C. Irish musical instruments

D. a famous Irish writer

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. life in Ireland

B. A Very difficult history

C. Ireland, past and present

D. the independence of Ireland

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