
Two friends visited the zoo together. The zoo was very large and it was  1 to go everywhere. They had to decide where and which animal to visit as their time was  2 . So both of them agreed not to  3 after choosing a  4 at every fork (岔路口).

A road sign at the first fork  5 one way to the lion quarters and the other to the tiger hill. They decided on the  6 after a  7 discussion because lions were “the king of the grassland”. The second showed a division (路口) going separately to the panda and peacock. They  8 panda as it was the nation’s treasure and went its way. Thus they made choices all along the way and each choice meant  9 what they couldn’t help regretting. But they had to make it, and  10 , for it brooked (容忍) no delay. If they hesitated (犹豫不决) they would miss  11 . Only  12 decision could offer more chances for sightseeing and  13 possible regret.

Life is  14 like this—choices often occur that one has to make, for example, between two  15 jobs, two fascinating wooers (追求者). To get one you  16 give up the other—you can get half of it. If you  17 weighing the pros and cons and calculating gains and losses, you will most likely  18 empty-handedness. Don’t be sad about it.  19 you have got half of the desirable things in life—something that is  20 to come by.

1. A. easy              B. eager            C. impossible        D. possible

2. A. enough         B. limited        C. tight             D. plentiful

3. A. retrace         B. come            C. go              D. go back

4. A. main road       B. branch              C. crossing          D. highway

5. A. showed        B. pointed           C. intended          D. made

6. A. former         B. later             C. last             D. the third

7. A. brief           B. long             C. no              D. heated

8. A. hoped          B. wanted           C. favored          D. got

9. A. getting         B. taking            C. grasping          D. giving up

10. A. slowly        B. immediately       C. timely           D. easily

11. A. less           B. more            C. most            D. least

12. A. high          B. slow            C. short            D. rapid

13. A. increase B. rid C. reduce D. raise

14. A. just exactly     B. more or less       C. hardly           D. most

15. A. unwanted      B. rejected          C. enjoyable         D. desirable

16. A. wish          B. want            C. must            D. have to

17. A. spend time     B. kill time          C. have a hard time    D. hope for

18. A. start with      B. get up           C. succeed in        D. end up in

19. A. By no means       B. Not in the least     C. At most          D. At least

20. A. stupid         B. delighted          C. hard             D. supported

1~5 CBABA           6~10 AACDB         11~15 BDCBD              16~20 DADDC


Written by Eric Walter
Twelve-year-old Roth become a friend of Dr. Banting and his  Assistant,Mr.Best. who are in search of a cure for diabetes(糖尿病).She finds herself torn between her sympathy for the animals.
Being experimented on and her friendship with Banting and Best.
George Washington Carver
Written by Elizabeth Macleod
Meet the “Peanut specialist”, George Washington Carver,
The inventor and professor who made over and above25 products out of peanuts. Through his agricultural research, he also greatly improved the lives of countless black farmers in the southern United States. See also MacLeod’s Albert Einstein: A life of Genius.
 The Inuit Thought of it :Amazing Arctic Innovation
Written by Alootook Ipellie and David MacD1.
Explore more than one can help0 ideas necessary to Inuit survival. From ideas familiar to us today to inventive concept that shaped their lives, celebrate the creativity of a remarkably intelligent people. Also see other books: the Chinese thought of it by Tingxing Ye and A Native American Thought of it by Rocky Landon and David MacDonald.
Made in Canada:101 Amazing Achievements
Written by Bew Spencer
What things do we use daily that have a Canadian connection? Here
Are 101common things that were invented in Canada or by a Canadian,
Including the Blackberry ,alkaline (碱)batteries the Blue Box recycling program.
Newton and the Time Machine
Written by Michael McGowan
Ten-year-old boy Newton has invented a time machine to see
Dinosaur up close. But it disappear on a test run with his two huge friends, King Herbert and Queen Certrude.in it !Can he save them
Before time runs out?
【小题1】Which of the following best describes Roth’s feeling in Book 1?
【小题2】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Animals are mentioned in Book 1 and Book 5.
B.Book 3 introduces 40 inventive concepts.
C.Alkalines batteries were invented by Dr. Banting.
D.George Washington Carver was a black farmer in the US.
【小题3】 In Book 5, King Herbert and Queen Certrude are_____________
A.Newton’s human friendsB.the names of the time machine
C.two dinosaursD.the inventors of the time machine
【小题4】If you are interested in native Americans, you may read the book by____________.
A.Elizabeth MacleodB.Eric Walters
C.Rocky Landon & David MacDonaldD. Bev Spencer

Once again, I had run away and really did not know why. I walked out of the gate to go to school and then kept walking, and walking, and walking. I was 11years old. It was almost dark; I was tired, cold, and all alone. I had not eaten all day and was afraid to turn myself over the police. I knew I would receive another beating once I returned to the Children’s Home Society. There was nothing for me to do, except keep on walking.

As darkness fell, I entered the darkened area in a city park sat down on a wooden bench hoping to avoid the police cars. It was cold and I began to tremble uncontrollably. All was quiet except for the passing cars in the distance.

“Well, hello young man.” A voice came from behind me. I jumped, almost falling off the park bench. My heart was beating ninety miles per hour. I gasped and I could hardly catch my breath. I looked up and saw a woman standing behind me in the shadows.

“You look cold and hungry,” she said. She took off her scarf, wrapped it around my shoulders and asked me to follow her. We walked about twenty feet, and then stopped under one of the park streetlights.

She held out her hand and said, “Here, you take this letter.” Seeing nothing in her hand., I stood still.

“Reach out and take the letter from my hand,” she insisted. Slowly I reached out, acting as though I was taking something from her hand. “Now hold the paper tightly and take it to any store owner,” she instructed.

I closed my thumb and finger as though I were grasping the letter and began walking toward Five Points. Several blocks down the road, I came to a store with a woman sitting behind a counter. I opened the door, walked in, and stopped directly in front of her. Very slowly I held out my hand toward her. I watched her face to see if she might think I was crazy or something.

She reached out and as her hand touched mine, I opened my tightly closed fingers and stood there waiting. She pulled back, smiled, and looked down at her hands.

She immediately turned and walked to the back of the store. After a while, the woman returned holding a paper plate.

“Here is something for you to eat.” She smiled and signaled to me to eat. Within two or three minutes, I downed the entire plate of food and several Coca Colas.

Before I left, she held out her hand and asked me to take the letter. Again seeing nothing, I held out my hand and closed my thumb and finger as though I were taking something from her. Tightly grasping nothing more than air, I walked out into the street and headed back to the park. The old woman was still there.

“It is really magic. Can I have the letter so I can be magic too?” I asked her.

She reached out, took my hand, and opened my tightly closed fingers. Whatever was being held between my fingers, she took and placed into her apron pocket. “Would you help someone if they were hungry?” she asked me.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Would you help someone if they were hurt, cold or scared?”

“Yes Ma’am. I would be their friend.”        

“You are a very lucky little boy. You will never need the magic letter,” she responded.

1.What can we learn about the boy?

A. Though lost in the city, he didn’t feel worried or lonely.

B. He had nowhere to go and wandered aimlessly in the street.

C. He avoided the police for the fear that he would be sent to prison.

D. He had to run away because of his bad performance at school.

2.What can we infer from paragraph 3?

A. The boy was out of breath as he did some exercises.

B. The boy felt excited at the appearance of the woman.

C. The boy was scared by the sudden voice of the woman.

D. The boy held his breath, waiting for the woman to come.

3.Why does the store owner offer the boy a good dinner?

A. Because she had great sympathy for him.

B. Because she knew the boy and his parents.

C. Because he was a kind boy who deserved it.

D. Because the woman in the park had paid for it.

4.What does the writer want to tell us through the story?

A. It's better to give than to take.

B. Kindness is a universal language.

C. Don't cry even if life cheats you.

D. Life is full of the getting over of suffering.

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. A Kind Woman.     B. A Sleepless Night.    C. A Magic Letter.      D. A Lucky Boy.


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