


I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely ________ . Each of her objects had its place, but mine ________ hid somewhere. She even labeled everything. I always ________ everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got ________ . She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would ________ my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.

War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her ________, “Take your shoes away! ________ under my bed! ” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped ________ my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.

The room was ________ with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute but for a phone call. Kate ________ it. From her end of the conversation, I could ________ right away her grandma was ________ . When she hung up, she quickly crawled under her ________ , sobbing. Obviously, that was something she should not ________alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of ________ rose up in my heart.

Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the ________ , even on her side. I got ________ into my work that I even didn't ________ Kate had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her ________ . She smiled at me, “Thanks.”

Kate and I stayed roommates for the rest of the ________ . We didn't always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.

1.A. organizedB. plannedC. arrangedD. determined

2.A. seldomB. hardlyC. alwaysD. never

3. A. look intoB. looked forC. look atD. look through

4.A. messierB. happierC. cleanerD. easier

5.A. lieB. hideC. throwD. lay

6. A. talkingB. screamingC. laughingD. quarrelling

7. A. WhatB. WhenC. HowD. Why

8.A. toB. offC. atD. on

9.A. fullB. connectedC. filledD. crowded

10.A. heardB. answeredC. receivedD. replied

11.A. sayB. seeC. speakD. tell

12. A. happyB. dangerousC. illD. upset

13.A. coversB. sheetC. clothesD. bed

14. A. go forB. pick upC. go intoD. go through

15.A. prideB. sympathyC. supportD. help

16.A. courtyardB. outsideC. floorD. ceiling

17.A. soB. veryC. manyD. much

18.A. understandB. watchC. thinkD. notice

19.A. faceB. heartC. eyesD. mind

20.A. dayB. yearC. weekD. life



Air travel makes some people very nervous.The crowds,the noise and flying itself can cause_______.But there are classes people can take to help them_______the fear of flying.And there is_______training for service dogs that suffer the same problem.

Service dogs almost never_______the side of the people they care for.You will see them working on buses,trains and other public_______systems.But the busy environment found at an airport can_______even the best trained working dog.

People with disabilities depend on their dogs.They want the animals to safely_______them through security areas.They also need the dogs to remain_______on duty on the airplane,even when the flying is not______.This takes special_______.The Air Hollywood K9 Flight School is one place where such help can be found.

The school has a piece of equipment that provides the sights,sounds and even the feel of an airplane in flight.Dog trainers say_______training is based on a simple rule: preparation.Dogs need to be exposed gradually and_______to the environment,to loud noises,to sounds and other dogs so that when this experience happens to them on a daily basis,they're able to act in a way that they're used to acting and that they don't get_______.

Dog owners who_______the training at Air Hollywood K9 Flight School say they now feel much more at ease about future_______.Their dogs also seem ready for take off.

1.A. trouble B. unease C. accidents D. diseases

2.A. defeat B. describe C. sense D. record

3.A. professional B. varied C. free D. similar

4.A .approach B. bark C. leave D. take

5.A. association B. running C. transport D. society

6.A. trouble B. attract C. interrupt D. instruct

7.A. follow B. guide C. train D. land

8.A. nervously B. stressfully C. calmly D. enthusiastically

9.A. speedy B. relaxing C. dangerous D. smooth

10.A. interest B. attention C. training D. procedure

11.A. previous B. cooperative C. academic D. successful

12.A. repeatedly B. abruptly C. occasionally D. instantly

13.A. bored B. excitable C. energetic D. fragile

14.A. attended B. inquired C. overlooked D. recommended

15.A. career B. flights C. security D. generations

In her new book, “The Smartest Kids in the World,” Amanda Ripley, an investigative journalist, tells the story of Tom, a high-school student from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, who decides to spend his senior year in Warsaw, Poland. Poland is a surprising educational success story: in the past decade, the country raised students’ test scores from significantly below average to well above it. Polish kids have now outscored(超过……分数) American kids in math and science, even though Poland spends, on average, less than half as much per student as the United States does. One of the most striking differences between the high school Tom attended in Gettysburg and the one he ends up at in Warsaw is that the latter has no football team, or, for that matter, teams of any kind.

Those American High Schools lavish more time and money on sports than on math is an old complaint. This is not a matter of how any given student who plays sports does in school, but of the culture and its priorities. This December, when the latest Program for International Student Assessment(PISA) results are announced, it’s safe to predict that American high-school students will once again display their limited skills in math and reading, outscored not just by students in Poland but also by students in places like South Korea, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, and Japan. Meanwhile, they will have played some very exciting football games, which will have been breathlessly written up in their hometown papers.

Why does this situation continue? Well, for one thing, kids like it. And for another, according to Ripley, parents seem to like the arrangement, too. She describes a tour she took of a school in Washington D. C. , which costs thirty thousand dollars a year. The tour leader—a mother with three children in the school—was asked about the school’s flaws(暇疵). When she said that the math program was weak, none of the parents taking the tour reacted. When she said that the football program was weak, the parents suddenly became concerned. “Really?” one of them asked worriedly, “What do you mean?”

One of the ironies (讽刺) of the situation is that sports reveal what is possible. American kids’ performance on the field shows just how well they can do when expectations are high. It’s too bad that their test scores show the same thing.

1.Tom decides to spend his senior year in Poland because _______.

A. there are striking differences between the 2 countries

B. Polish kids are better at learning

C. sports are not supported at schools in Gettysburg

D. he intends to improve his scores

2.According to Paragraph 2, we know that _______.

A. too much importance is placed on sports in America

B. little time is spent on sports in Japanese schools

C. American high schools complain about sports time

D. PISA plays a very important role in America

3.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means _______.

A. American students’ academic performance worries their parents a lot

B. high expectations push up American students’ academic performance

C. low expectations result in American students’ poor PISA performance

D. lacking practice contributes to American students’ average performance

4.The purpose of this article is to _______.

A. draw public attention to a weakness in American school tradition

B. call on American schools to learn from the Polish model

C. compare Polish schools with those in America

D. explain what is wrong with American schools and provide solutions


For centuries, everybody knows laughter is the best medicine. Besides bringing joy, the doctor also 1. (believe) that laughter helps release stress, which is the cause of many diseases.

The celebration of World Laughter Day is 2. (mean) to bring good health, joy and world peace. It is a special day that can 3. (celebrate)annually by anyone on the first Sunday of May. All people need to do is laugh aloud and wildly. The fun event was started 4.__ Indian physician, Dr, Madan Kataria.

His quest to make the world a happier place 5. (begin) in 1995, with the introduction of Laughter Yoga(大笑瑜伽课), a fitness class 6. people practice breathing exercise and uncontrolled laughter.

Though only five students attended the first class, this fun way of exercising soon began to spread and in a short time it began to be held 7. more than 70 countries around the world.

Members get together every day or twice a week 8. exercise by simply laughing out loud, waving their hands and making funny faces each other to keep the laughing going.

In 1998, in an attempt to spread the laughter to every person, the physician declared the first Sunday of every May World Laughter Day. Not 9. (surprise), it became an instant hit. To make it more fun, Dr. Kararia suggested 10. (organize) the celebrations in public places so that other people could join in. Some even awarded prizes to participants who could perform this feat in natural and effortless way.


The story happened on a not heavy rainy day.

After class, I took a few bottles to go and ________ some water from the water room. Oh!There were so many people! I had to wait ________the rain. My hair didn’t get wet because I wore a hat, but my clothes ________ .

When at last it was my ________ ,I filled the bottles as quickly as possible. I beganmaking my way back when I saw a boy ________ towards me. He ________ two umbrellas

in his hand. He shouted hello and as he came ________ ,I recognized that it was XiaoBai.

He ________ my classmate for nearly three years but we never ________ more than ten sentences. He was silent but I like talking. We were quite ________ people and had nothing in common. I didn’t ________ him and even didn’t want to see him.

“Hey! What’s wrong?” His words ________ me out of my thought. “I saw you ________ in therain so I brought you this umbrella. But it seems a little ________ ,your clothes are already wet.”

On hearing this, I was so ________ that I couldn’t say a single word.

“Don’t just stand there. Let’s go!” He said and held the umbrella for me. We walked towards ________ and this time, we talk ________ .

“I know you don’t like me, but I want to ________ with you.” he said, “you may think I am silent, but it is because I can’t find the ________ to say.”

The rain finally stopped and we saw a rainbow in the blue sky. I said to myself, “It is wrong to ________someone only by his appearance.

1.A. collect B. drink C. carry D. hold

2.A. under B. in C. at D. on

3.A. did B. get C. was D. wet

4.A. wish B. duty C. job D. turn

5.A. come B. came C. coming D. comes

6.A. had held B. has held C. was holding D. holds

7.A. near B. nearly C. nearer D. nearest

8.A. has been B. had been C. is D. would be

9.A. shared B. talked C. spoke D. communicate

10.A. the same B. familiar C. strange D. different

11.A. hate B. ignore C. like D. get along

12.A. brought B. make C. get D. surprised

13.A. stood B. stand C. standing D. are standing

14.A. early B. frequent C. actually D. late

15.A. moving B. move C. moved D. moves

16.A. the classroom B. the park C. the playground. D. the bedroom

17.A. nothing B. little C. a lot D. something

18.A. make friends B. shake a hand C. make a friend D. have words

19.A. times B. right words C. silent place. D. umbrella

20.A. understand B. see C. judge D. Decide

Dogs have an amazing sense of smell thanks to 300million smell receptors in their noses, compared to only five million in the human nose. Medical dogs are trained by smelling samples of people already diagnosed with cancer and those of people without the disease so they can learn to tell the difference.

Dr Claire Guest began training her dog Daisy to smell out the killer disease in urine(小便) and breath samples(样品) when she was young. So far Daisy has found cancer in 551 patients, of which 93 per cent were accurate. And she discovered Dr Guest’s breast cancer before it was diagnosed– the first time she has discovered the disease actually growing in someone’s body, rather than by smelling a sample.

Dr Guest, 50, chief executive of charity Medical Detection Dogs, said: “She pushed against my body with her nose repeatedly – I pushed her away, but she pushed against me again, clearly upset. She pushed me so hard that it hurt me. “Her behaviour was totally out of character – she was normally such a happy dog ... I felt the tender area where she’d pushed me, and over the next few days I discovered the tiniest lump(肿块).

“If it wasn’t for Daisy it would have gone hidden for much longer and could have been more serious,” Dr Guest added. “My own pet labrador saved my life.”

Animal rescue charity Blue Cross presented Daisy with a medal for her achievements. She faced tough competition, including JJ, a bomb detection dog who has saved soldiers’ lives in Afghanistan.

Steve Goody, the charity’s deputy chief executive, said: “Cancer affects the lives of thousands of people and Daisy has made a huge contribution to the diagnosis and early treatment of cancers – she’s a very deserving medal recipient.”

Daisy is now helping to train a team of 12 dogs at Medical Detection Dogs and is a ‘senior consultant’ for the UK’s first ever trial using dogs to discover breast cancer.

1.Why was Daisy awarded a medal?

A. Because she can help discover cancer early.

B. Because she can smell the urine and breath samples.

C. Because she has saved many people’s lives by barking.

D. Because she has saved many soldiers’ lives in Afghanistan.

2.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “recipient” in the last paragraph ________but one?

A. contributor B. ancestor C. helper D. receiver

3. How did Daisy discover Dr Guest’s cancer?

A. By smelling the urine sample.

B. By smelling the breath sample.

C. By smelling the hidden cancer.

D. By pushing Dr Guest hard.

4. From the text we can infer that __________.

A. Cancer is easy to cure.

B. Daisy and JJ competed hardly for the medal.

C. Daisy is training other dogs to discover breast cancer.

D. Dogs’ special sense of discovering cancer is highly valued.

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