
8.Editor Henry Slocum,
I read your May 10th article in the local newspaper Honesdale Times about electronic books,or e-books,with great interest.You made several good points about the disadvantages of e-books.You may have overlooked,however,some of the ways in which they are superior to traditional books.Yes,e-books are expensive,but they are also convenient.In addition,due to their environment-friendly nature,e-books have the potential to change our planet for the better.
E-books,for anyone who is unfamiliar with the term,are about the same size and shape as regular books.They have a large screen in the middle,however.This screen shows the reader a  page of text that has been downloaded from a computer.Once the reader has finished reading the  page on the e-book screen.he or she scrolls down to see a new page.The process continues until the entire book has been read.
As you pointed out.Mr.Slocum,it's great to lie on a warm,sandy beach with a book.You can do that just as easily with an e-book as you can with a traditional paper book.In fact,because e-books are so light,you can carry them anywhere.Say,for example,that you like to read on the bus.Which would you rather carry with you-a heavy 800-page novel,or an e-book that weighs only a few ounces?
Another important advantage is offered by e-books as well.They are more environmentfriendly than traditional books.At present,thousands of trees are cut down each year to meet the publishing industry's demand for paper.Books that don't sell are eventually returned to the Dublisher and destroyed.This terrible waste could be avoided if everyone used e-books,which require no paper.
David Eng
David Eng

59.What does Editor Henry Slocum think about e-books?B
A.Interesting. B.Expensive.  C.Convenient   D.Environment-friendly.
60.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?A
A.What an e-book is.
B.Why e-books are popular.
C.How e-books have developed.
D.Who are the readers of e-books.
61.In David's letter,he thinks thatC
A.E-books will come down in price
B.E-books come in various sizes and shapes
C.E-books do little harm to the environment
D.E-books are no better than traditional books
62.The main purpose of the letter is toD
A.explain how to read e-books
B.honor the person who invented e-books
C.scold publishers for wasting so much paper
D.provide evidence that e-books are a good idea.

分析 本文主要讲述了大卫给编辑亨利写信说明读了他的文章之后的感受,并且提出了电子书相比于传统书籍的一些优点,电子书对于我们来说是方便携带的,如果我们都使用电子书将会避免纸张的浪费.

解答 59.B  细节理解题,由第一段You may have overlooked,however,some of the ways in which they are superior to traditional books.Yes,e-books are expensive,but they are also convenient.可以看出他认为电子书是昂贵的,故选B.
60.A  段落大意题,由第二段E-books,for anyone who is unfamiliar with the term,are about the same size and shape as regular books.可以看出本段是为大家介绍电子书是什么,故选A.
61.C  细节理解题,由最后一段They are more environmentfriendly than traditional books.可知大卫认为电子书比传统书更环保,故选C.
62.D  主旨大意题,由第一段You may have overlooked,however,some of the ways in which they are superior to traditional books.以及概括全文可知作者在全文举例说明了电子书的优点,并给出了证据,故选D.

点评 做阅读理解时要快速的浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意,带着问题回到原文,寻找细节或概括相应的答案,最后理清作者写作思路.

19.Dear Lee,
As I told you,I'll be gone until Wednesday morning.Thank you so much for taking on my"children"while I'm away.Like real children,they can be kind of irritating sometimes,but I'm going to enjoy myself so much more knowing they're getting some kind human attention.Remember that Regina (the"queen"in Latin,and she acts like one) is teething.If you don't watch her,she'll chew anything,including her sister,the cat.There are plenty of chew toys around the house.Whenever she starts gnawing on anything illegal,just divert her with one of those.She generally settles right down to a good hour-long chew.Then you'll see her wandering around whimpering with the remains of the toy in her mouth.She gets really frustrated because what she wants is to bury the thing.She'll try to dig a hole between the cushions of the couch.Finding that unsatisfactory,she'll wander some more,discontent,until you solve her problem for her.I usually show her the laundry basket,moving a few clothes so she can bury her toy beneath them.I do sound like a parent,don't I?You have to understand,my own son is practically grown up.
Regina's food is the Puppy Chow in the utility room,where the other pet food is stored.Give her a bowl once in the morning and once in the evening.No more than that,no matter how much she begs.Beagles(猎犬) are notorious overeaters,according to her breeder,and I don't want her to lose her girlish figure.She can share Rex (the King's) water,but be sure it's changed daily.She needs to go out several times a day,especially last thing at night and first thing in the morning.Let her stay out for about ten minutes each time,so she can do all her business.She also needs a walk in the afternoon,after which it's important to romp with her for awhile in the yard.The game she loves most is fetch,but be sure to make her drop the ball.She'd rather play tug of war with it.Tell her,"Sit!"Then,when she does,say,"Drop it!"Be sure to tell her"good girl,"and then throw the ball for her.I hope you'll enjoy these sessions as much as I do.
Now,for the other two,Rex and Paws…(letter continues)
66.The tone of this letter is best described asA.
A.chatty and humorous                 
B.logical and precise
C.confident and trusting                  
D.humble and preachy
67.The information in the note is sufficient to determine that there are three animals.They areC.
A.two cats and a dog                  
B.three dogs
C.a dog,a cat,and an unspecified animal
D.a cat,a dog,and a parrot
68.From the context of the note,it is most likely that the name"Rex"isD.
A.Spanish          B.English        C.French        D.Latin
69.If the sitter is to follow the owner's directions in playing fetch with Regina,at what point will he or she tell Regina"good girl"?D
A.Every time Regina goes after the ball
B.After Regina finds the ball.
C.When Regina brings the ball back
D.After Regina drops the ball.
16.I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl.Probably the story is one of those mysterious.bits of folklore that reappear every few years.However,I still like to think that it really did happen,somewhere,sometime.
They were going to Fort Lauderdale--three boys and three girls--and when they boarded the bus,they were carrying sandwiches and wine,dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the gray,cold spring of New York vanished behind them.
As the bus passed through New Jersey,they'began to notice Vingo.He sat in front of them,dressed in a plain ill-fitting suit,never moving,his dusty face masking his age.He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot,frozen into complete silence.
Deep into the night,the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's,and everybody got off except  Vingo.He sat rooted in his seat,and the young people began to wonder about him:perhaps he was a sea captain,a runaway from his wife,an old soldier going home.When they went back to the bus,one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself.
¨We're going to Florida,"she said brightly."I hear it's really beautiful."
"It is,"he said quietly,as if remembering something he had tried to forget.
"Want some wine?"she said.He thanked her and retreated again into his silence.After a while,she went back to the others,and Vingo nodded in sleep.
In the morning,they awoke outside another Howard Johnson's,and this time Vingo went in.The girl insisted that he join them.He seemed very shy,and.ordered black coffee and smoked nervously as the young people chattered about sleeping on beaches.When they returned to the bus,the girl sat with Vingo again,and after a while,slowly and painfully,he began to tell his story.He had been in jail in New York for the past four years,and now he was going home.
¨Are you married?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know?"she said.
"Well,when I was in jail I wrote to my wife,"he said.¨‘I told her that I was going to be away a long time,and that if she couldn't stand it,if the kids kept asking questions,she;could just forget me.I'd understand.Get a new guy,I said-she's a wonderful woman-and forget about me.I told her she didn't have to write me.And she didn't.Not for three and a half  years."
"And you're going home now,not knowing?"
"Yeah,"he said shyly.‘‘Last week,when I was sure the parole was coming through,I wrote her again.There's a big oak tree just as you come into town,I told her that if she didn't have a new guy and if she'd take me back,she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree,and I'd get off and come home.If she didn't want me,forget it-no handkerchief,and I'd go on through."
"Wow,"the girl exclaimed."Wow."
 She told the others,and soon all of them were in it,caught up in the approach of Brunswick,looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children.
 Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick,and the young people took over window seats,waiting for the approach of the great oak tree.Vingo stopped looking,tightening his face,as if fortifying himself against still another disappointment.
Then Brunswick was 10 miles,and then five.Then,suddenly,all of the young people were up out of their seats,screaming and shouting and crying.All except Vingo.Vingo sat there stunned,looking at the oak tree.It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs-20 of them,30 of them,maybe hundreds.As the young people shouted,the old con slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.
55.According to the passage,which statement is TRUE?C
A.The young people are travelling from Florida to New York.
B.Vingo was put in prison ten years ago,and now he was set free to go home.
C.The young people around Vingo were quite curious about his silence.
D.At last,Vingo went home together with the three boys and three girls.
56.From the underlined sentences in Para 3,we can infer thatA
A.Vingo was nervous because he didn't know whether his wife would accept him.
B.Vingo was very disappointed because his wife didn't answer his letter.
C.Vingo was very shy because he knew someone was watching him.
D.Vingo was excited because he could go home and meet his wife and children.
57.The underlined word"fortify"in the passage has the same meaning as that in SentenceC
A.The French soldiers are working hard to fortify airbase.
B.The food has been fortified with Vitamin C.
C.People in the whole city were fortified by the moving story about their hero.
D.We had to drink some more coffee tofortifyourselves for the journey.
58.Which word do you think can best describe Vingo's wife?B
59.After reading the whole story,we can probably make a conclusion thatB.
A.Young people are always curious about everything new around them.
B.Home is always the first place a person wants to go.
C.Don't laugh at a person who has no home.
D.It is impolite to ask questions about one's privacy that he or she doesn't want to tell.
60.What's the best title for the passage?D
A.A story of a poor man
B.The power of love
C.Help from strangers
D.Going home.

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