
4.The world,in painter Chen Xiao's eyes,is as colorful and sweet as ice cream.
At the opening of his latest exhibition,Colorful World in the Eyes of Sean Chen,at the National Museum of China recently,the artist told his story.
Chen left China for Australia in 1986 to seek artistic freedom,and like many new immigra nts(移民)then,he had little money in his pocket.To make ends meet,he drew portraits of people in the street.
Every day,he saw people buy ice cream from a shop.Chen couldn't help wondering:"It must taste great,that's why so many people buy it."But he didn't buy one for himself because he had to save money to support his studies.After four months of painting there and watching people eat ice cream,Chen didn't resist the temptation(诱惑)---he bought an ice cream."The first bite took me to heaven,"Chen recalls while laughing."You know,as a poor young man in a new country,an ice cream was too expensive then."Since then,he kept the taste of the ice cream in his heart and included the happy feelings in his paintings,which turn out to be colorful and sweet.
His current exhibition is part of his nationwide tour that began at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing in 2011.He plans to take his artworks to 24 cities around China by 2016.The exhibition at the National Art Museum of China will last until April 22.After the exhibition tour,he will sell his works through an auction(拍卖会),and all the money will be donated to protection of the environment in China."The natural environment of New Zealand has inspired my artwork and brought me enjoyment.I hope people in my home country can enjoy the same beautiful environment as I do,"says Chen,who has made New Zealand his home for the last 26 years.
51.Why did Chen Xiao leave China for Australia in 1986?B
A.To have an exhibition.
B.To seek artistic freedom.
C.To visit his friends.
D.To earn money.
52.What did Chen Xiao do to make e nds meet?B
A.He sold ice cream in a shop.
B.H e drew portraits of people.
C.He worked with some new immigrants.
D.He sought help from people in the street.
53.How will Chen Xiao sell his works after the exhibition tour?C
A.By advertising them.
B.On the Internet.
C.Through an auction.
D.Through shops.
54.What inspired Chen Xiao's artwork?A
A.The natural environment of New Zealand.
B.His experiences as an immigrant.
C.The exhibition tour.
D.His home country.
55.Which word can best describe Chen Xiao's paintings?D

分析 本文讲述了艺术家陈潇初次学艺时的经历,以及他举办的展览会.

解答 51.B细节理解题.根据文意Chen left China for Australia in 1986 to seek artistic freedom可知他离开中国去澳大利亚是为了主球艺术,故选B.
52.B细节理解题.根据文意To make ends meet,he drew portraits of people in the street.可知他在街上为人们画肖像为生,故选B.
53.C细节理解题.根据文意he will sell his works through an auction可知他讲通过拍卖会将自己的作品卖出去,故选C.
54.A细节理解题.根据文意The natural environment of New Zealand has inspired my artwork and brought me enjoyment可知是新西兰的环境鼓舞了她,故选A.
55.D细节理解题.根据文意The world,in painter Chen Xiao's eyes,is as colorful and sweet as ice cream可知故选D.

点评 在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章结构,根据上下文内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机,事件中的因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料实质性的东西.

15.One couple spent a holiday driving in the mountains."Every time you race around one of those narrow curves (弯道),"screamed the wife,"I just get(36)B."
"Then do what I do,"(37)Aher husband."Close your eyes!"
We are all afraid at times,but closing our eyes is not always a(38)Dway through fear.Better to(39)Cyour eyes and face those fears head-on.
In 1972David Smith had such a(n)(40)D.Smith,an adventurer,decided to spend a night (410)Ain St.Michael's Cave as a test of(42)C.In his book HUG THE MONSTER (魔鬼),he tells of hearing(43)Bsounds all around him as he lay there in the dark,damp,and deserted cave.Most frightening was the fact that he came to believe he was(44)Calone!
Fear became panic and he was afraid he was losing his mind.Then suddenly,(45)D he was approaching his psychological(46)B point.Smith thought to himself,"Whatever the monster looks like,I will(47)Ait."That simple,almost silly thought brought great(48)Cto his restless mind.He soon fell into a(49)Band peaceful sleep until morning.He learned that hugging his fear(50)Dhim to overcome it.
We each have our nights of fear.We each come across monsters of some sort.We(51)Afear insects,heights,crowds or death.And we are sometimes visited by(52)Aof these monsters in the dark of night.
The next time you're afraid,(53)B"hugging the monster."You may be surprised at how quickly it (54)Cand at how confident you begin to feel.Like that beautiful spirit Eleanor Roosevelt said,"You gain strength,courage,and confidence by every(55)Din which you stop to look fear in the face."
Do you have a monster to hug?

54.A.takes offB.turns upC.slips awayD.breaks in

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