
6.Having been out of work for a few months,the couple are now making their _ ____ by selling newspapers.(  )

分析 这对夫妇已经失业好几个月了,现在靠卖报纸谋生.

解答 答案:D.
A.make money 赚钱(中间没有one's);B.make one's fortune 发财; 成功立业;C.make business 做生意、做买卖;D.make one's living 谋生.结合句意"这对夫妇已经失业好几个月了,现在靠卖报纸谋生."可知,这里应该是用make one's living 表示靠卖报纸谋生,故living符合语境,所以选D.

点评 本题考查名词的词义辨析.词汇辨析题首先要掌握各个选项的词义、固定搭配、用法,然后再根据句意,结合语境,选出正确答案.

14.The sounds you make while chewing have a significant effect on the amount of food you eat,a new study has found.The results suggest that people are likely to consume less if they can hear themselves eating.
Researchers at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV,radio and computer are making you fat.Not by bombarding (轰炸) you with food ads (though,they totally are) but by blocking the sounds of your chewing.In a recent study,they found that the noise your food makes while you're eating can have a significant effect on how much food you eat.
"Sound is typically labeled as the forgotten food sense,"adds Ryan Elder,assistant professor of marketing at BYU's Marriott School of Management."But if people are more focused on the sound the food makes,it could reduce consumption."
"For the most part,consumers and researchers have overlooked food sound as an important sensory cue in the eating experience,"said study coauthor Gina Mohr,an assistant professor of marketing at CSU.
The team carried out three separate experiments to quantify the effects of food sound on quantity of food consumed during a meal.In one experiment,participants were given snacks to eat while they wore headphones playing either loud or quiet noises.The ones loud enough to mask the sound of chewing made subjects eat more-4 pretzels compared to 2.75 pretzels for the"quiet"group.
In another of their experiments they found that just having people hear chewing sounds through an advertisement can decrease the amount they eat.
Elder and Morh call this the"Crunch Effect".The main takeaway of their work should be the idea of mindfulness,they said.Being more mindful of not just the taste and physical appearance of food,but also of the sound it makes can help consumers to eat less.
"When you mask the sound of consumption,like when you watch TV while eating,you take away one of those senses and it may cause you to eat more than you would normally."Elder said.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS)

78.Why do TV,radio and computer make people fat?Because they block the sound of chewing./Because they mask the sound of consumption.
79.The researchers intended to find out the effects of food sound through experiments by observingthe quantity of food consumed by different groups.
80.What will happen to people if they hear chewing sounds through a food advertisement?They will eat less./They will reduce their food consumption./They will decrease the amount they eat.
81.Apart from sound,other sensory cues such astaste and physical appearance of foodmay influence food consumption.
16.It turns out that nodding off in class may not be a bad idea,as a new study has shown that going to sleep shortly after learning new materials is the best way to remember them.
According to US lead author Jessica Payne,a psychologist at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana,nodding off after learning something new is like"telling"the sleeping brain what to remember.Along with colleagues,she studied 207students who slept for at least six hours per night.Students were randomly assigned to study something declarative (陈述的) at 9a.m.or 9p.m.,and returned for testing 30minutes,12hours or 24hours later.
Declarative memory refers to the ability to consciously remember facts and events,and can be divided into memory for events and memory for facts about the world.People use both types of memory every day-remembering where they parked today or learning how a colleague prefers to be called.
At the 12-hour retest,memory was better following a night of sleep compared to a day of wakefulness.At the 24-hour retest,with all students having received both a full night of sleep and a full day of wakefulness,students'memories were greater when sleep happened shortly after learning rather than following a full day of wakefulness.
"Our study confirms that sleeping directly after learning something new is beneficial for memory.What's special for this study is that we have shown sleep's influence on declarative memory,"Payne said."Since we found that sleeping soon after learning benefited both types of memory,this means that it would be a good thing to go over any information you need to remember before going to bed.In some sense,you may be telling the sleeping brain what to consolidate."

33.What's the main idea of the text?B
A.How to improve one's memory is a difficult problem.
B.Nodding off after learning something new helps remember it.
C.Students should nod off in class after they learn new materials.
D.The best way to remember new materials is to nod off in class.
34.We can learn about the study that.C
A.Jessica Payne and her colleagues were tested
B.207students were eager to take the test 
C.it tested students studying something declarative
D.people's memory can be divided into two types
35.Paragraph 4mainly tells us.D
A.students'memories are the best if they sleep for 12hours each day
B.sleeping for 24hours contributes to improving students'memories
C.a full day of wakefulness can make students'memories improved greatly
D.students'memories are better when sleep happens shortly after learning.

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