The term, culture shock, describes the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment. This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. The feeling of culture shock generally sets in after the first few weeks of coming to a new place.

We can describe culture shock as the physical and emotional discomfort one suffers when coming to live in another country or place. Often, the way that we lived before is not accepted as or considered as normal in the new place. Everything is different, for example, not speaking the language, not knowing how to use banking machines and so forth.

Although one can experience real pain from culture shock, it is also an opportunity for resetting one' s life objectives. It is a great opportunity for learning and acquiring new viewpoints. Culture shock can make one develop a better understanding of oneself.

Culture shock has many stages. The first stage is called the "honeymoon" stage. The new arrival may feel excited as everything is new.

In the second stage, a person may encounter some difficult times in daily life. For example, communication difficulties may occur such as not being understood. There may be feelings of discontent, anger, sadness, and feeling incompetence. This happens when a person is trying to adapt to a new culture. Transition (过渡) between the old methods and those of the new country is a difficult process and takes time to complete.

The third stage is characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture. One may start to feel a certain psychological balance. The new arrival may start to have a feeling of direction and want to belong.

In the fourth stage, the person realizes that the new culture has good and bad things to offer. The person has a more solid feeling of belonging and starts to set goals for living.

The fifth stage is called the " re-entry shock". This occurs when a return to the

country of origin is made. One may find that things are no longer the same. For example, some of the newly acquired customs are not in use in the old culture.

Many factors (因素) contribute to the length and effects of culture shock. For example, the individual's state of mental health, type of personality, previous experiences, familiarity with the language, and level of education. So the five stages are present at different times and each person has their own way of reacting. 64. What do we learn about culture shock?

1.What do we learn about culture shock?

A. It has negative effect on people.

B. Its effect can differ from person to person.

C. It disappears when people return to their homelands.

D. It can be avoided if one can understand the language.

2.Which stage of culture shock is Tommy in?

Tommy moved to France with his parents two months ago.

But now he still can not get used to the life there.

He also has problems in schooling.

Even worse, he doesn't think anybody cares about him.

A. Stage 2. B. Stage 3.

C. Stage 4. D. Stage 5.

3. The main purpose of the passage is to________

A. discuss and clarify B. argue and advise

C. introduce and explain D. compare and evaluate



There was a woman in Detroit, who has two sons. She was ________ about them, especially the younger one, Ben, ________ he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class ________ him because he seemed so ________.

The mother ________ that she would, herself, have to get her sons to do better in school. She________ them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a ________ a week and do a report about it for her.

One day, in Ben’s ________ , the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben________up his hand and the teacher let him ________. “Why did Ben raise his hand?” they wondered. He ________ said anything; what could he possibly want to say?

Well, Ben not only ________the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew ________the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were ________. Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book ________ .

Ben later went on to the________of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University ________at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.

After Ben had grown up, he ________ something about his mother that he did not

Know as a________. She, herself, had never learned how to________.

1.A.worried B.happy C.sorry D.mad B.because C.but D. though

3.A.thought highly of B.took pride in C.was strict with D.made fun of

4.A.clever B.hard C.quick D.slow

5.A.asked B.decided C.forgot D.heard

6.A.chose B.invited C.told D.wanted

7.A.notice B.message D.question

8.A.class D.lab

9.A.looked B.gave C.took D.put

10.A.think B.leave C.speak D.stand

11.A.always B.even C.quickly D.never

12.A.found B.played C.knew D.threw

13.A.whether B.when C.where D.why

14.A.afraid B.surprised C.worried D.unhappy B.exercises C.shops D.reports B.end C.back D.side B.and C.or D.however

18.A.learnt B.remembered C.understood D.guessed

19.A.child C.student D.teacher C.teach

The popularity of bicycling continues to rise, and it is no surprise. It’s fun, healthy and eco-friendly. Maybe that’s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no fuel cost!

Hop on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You may discover something new in your community. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. In many communities, you can bike to work and benefit from exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way. Folding bikes work well for workers who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. Have you ever thought about bicycling across a foreign country? It’s a great way to experience another culture, see beautiful scenery and meet friendly people. Bicycle enthusiast Goran Kropp bicycled across not just one country but several. He rode a remarkable 11,000 km from his home in Sweden to Nepal and then climbed Mount Everest! And now, bicycling across a country to raise money for a charity or to advertise a cause is also popular.

To encourage people to bike, many cities in Europe have established bike-share programs. In Paris, for example, thousands of bikes are parked at bike stations around the city. Users can rent bikes at any station. The first half-hour of use is free. After that, users pay a small fee. When they’ve finished riding, they simply park their bikes at any station. For people who don’t want to drive, the bikes are an excellent alternative(替代品)to buses and taxis, which burn fuel and cause pollution.

As a result of the success of bike plans in Europe, they’re spreading to the US., Australia and other countries as well. Look for one in your city soon.

1.According to this passage, workers in some cities can take their bikes _____.

A. to concerts and festivals

B. into their company offices

C. to large recreational areas

D. onto public transportation

2.When do the bike riders in Paris have to pay a fee?

A. When they damage the bikes in an accident.

B. If they ride the bikes for over thirty minutes.

C. After they receive a bill in the mail for a ride.

D. Before they rent the new bikes at any station.

3.We can infer from Paragraph 3 that _____.

A. many people can use the same bikes

B. the bikes aren’t likely to break down

C. riders can keep the bikes for months

D. people can ride bikes to raise money

4.We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. bikes are becoming more and more popular

B. bikes save people’s time

C. bikes have increased in price

D. buses and taxis will be replaced by bikes



There is an old Spanish saying which states, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.” How many times have we put off out dreams tomorrow? _1.___ We have to go for them now!

Tomorrow is not promised.

Nobody likes to talk about death, but everybody is going to die at one point.None of us know the day or the hour.___2.____ Don’t go to your tomb(坟墓) with unrealized dreams.Make the decision to go after every dream, big or small right now.


One of the biggest dream killers is fear.Many people could have achieved amazing things if only they weren’t afraid.Just think about all the things you’ve wanted to go, but allowed fear to convince you that you weren’t talented, or good enough.Fear is not real.It is a product of thoughts you create.

Take action to realize your dream.

You can dream about writing a great play, but it’s never going to happen unless you actually put pen to paper.You can dream about finding a cure for cancer, but it will never happen unless you actually become equipped with the necessary tools to find that cure.____4.___ Possibilities are waiting on you.

There are so many amazing opportunities and people waiting on you.How do you get to them? Simple! Follow your dream.___5.__ You’ll never see those doors if you sit around waiting on a dream to happen, instead of actually working to make it happen.

A.Don’t let fear win.

B.In other words, dreams don’t work unless you do.

C.Our dreams should not, and cannot wait.

D.Therefore, today is all we have.

E.You’ll be much happier if you go for it.

F.You were born into the world with a unique gift, which nobody can copy.

G.Doors that you couldn’t imagine open up when you go after what you want.

It was reported last week that developers could take photos from Apple mobile and Google Android devices without the phone owners knowing that the images were being taken. In Apple’s case, developers can also obtain the location information for each photo.

Senator(参议员) Charles Schumer said in a telephone interview that his office had spoken with officials at both Apple and Google on Monday.

“We asked them if they could find a way on their own to prevent Apple from having access to private information,” Mr. Schumer said. “They were friendly and open to the idea that this ought to be changed.”

On Sunday, Mr. Schumer said that he planned to send a letter to the Federal Trade Commission asking the agency to investigate Apple and Google after the privacy concerns came to light. Claudia Bourne Farrell, an F.T.C. spokeswoman, said the agency had received the letter but she could not comment further.

“It worries people to think that one’s personal photos, address book, and who knows what else can be obtained and even posted online without permission,” Mr. Schumer wrote in his letter to the F. T.C. “If the technology exists to open the door to this kind of privacy invasion, then surely technology exists to close it, and that’s exactly what must happen.”

Mr. Schumer said if Apple and Google could not come to an agreement to fix the problem, then he would be forced to take the issue further.

He said other companies had been willing to work with his office to fix issues. “I’m optimistic that we can get this changed without any regulation,” he said. “If it’s not changed, then we’ll turn to the F.T.C., and if that doesn’t work then we’ll consider legislative approach.”

The F.T.C. has warned companies to try to be more vigilant(警醒的) in their efforts to protect consumers when it comes to privacy.

1.The senators spoke with officials at both Apple and Google_______.

A. to urge them not to invade consumers’ privacy.

B. to discuss whether it is illegal to have access to private information.

C. to stop them from developing the technology of taking photos.

D. to keep them from obtaining the location information for each photo.

2.Which of the following statements is True?

A. Privacy invasion from Apple has existed for a long time.

B. Mr. Schumer takes the privacy concerns caused by Apple and Google seriously.

C. Privacy invasion from Google has existed for a long time.

D. Apple and Google have decided to make a change.

3.Mr. Schumer’s letter to the F.T.C. mainly shows that the technology to open the door to privacy invasion_______.

A. causes privacy invasion to happen frequently.

B. can be used if permitted.

C. causes people to worry about the safety of their personal information.

D. causes personal information to be posted online without permission.

4.Where can we read about the passage?

A. In a newspaper.

B. In a magazine.

C. In a science report.

D. In a textbook.

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