

1.His early work was a______________ by the European writers of the 1960’s.

2.I find it hard to work at home because there are too many _____________(分心的事).

3.It is now regarded as ___________(正常)for women to work outside the home.

4.Fever, headache and a sore throat are common s_____________ of a cold.

5.The problem is c_________, so it needs skill and patience to deal with it.

6.The book aims to cover all __________(方面)of the American city life.

7.Her ___________(优雅的)movements on the stage impressed the audience.

8.It is one of the great __________(杰作)of European art.

9.In the face of all the e___________, she admitted the crime.

10.We should prevent people from d____________forests.


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1.The text is mainly written to _________.

A. introduce fantastic tour places

B. invite readers to join in the tours

C. compare boat tours with bike tours

D. Encourage readers to have adventures

2.Which countries have been added to “Bike Europe and Beyond”?

A. America & New Zealand. B. New Zealand & China.

C. Vietnam & America. D. China & Vietnam.

3. Which of the following require(s) certain cycling experience?

A. Road Bike Tours.

B. Bike & Boat Trips.

C. Luxury Boat Tours.

D. Bike Europe and Beyond.

4.The text is probably taken from a _________.

A. newspaper B. textbook

C. website D. Magazine

I fell in love with the minister's son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese. For Christmas I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister's family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic. What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?

On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food. And then they arrived—the minister's family and all my relatives. Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he was not worthy of existence.

Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment. My relatives licked (舔) the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table. Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them. My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish. Robert made a face. Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. “Amy, your favorite,” he said, offering me the tender fish cheek. I wanted to disappear.

At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped (打嗝) loudly, thanking my mother for her fine cooking. “It's a polite Chinese custom to show you are satisfied,” explained my father to our astonished guests. Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face. The minister managed to bring up a quiet burp. I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.

After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, “You want to be the same as American girls on the outside.” She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt. “But inside you must always be Chinese. You must be proud that you are different. Your only shame is to have shame.”

It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

1. When the writer found out the minister's family would come for Christmas Eve dinner, she cried mainly because ________.

A. she worried about their shabby Chinese Christmas

B. she worried about their Chinese relatives lacking American manners

C. she worried about being laughed at

D. she worried about meeting the minister's family

2.What does “he was not worthy of existence” probably mean? It means ________.

A. he should not exist

B. he was worthless

C. the writer was not interested in his existence

D. the writer expected his coming

3. The dinner threw the writer deeper into disappointment mainly because ________.

A. she childishly expected all of them to act in the same way as Americans did at table

B. her father reached his chopsticks to pick fish for her

C. her father leaned back and burped loudly

D. her relatives licked the ends of their chopsticks

4.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. the writer appreciated her mother's lesson years later

B. the mother prepared to show Chinese different food culture

C. the writer must be proud that she is different

D. the minister's family really enjoyed the food

Rachel Carson,a wellknown nature author in America,was happiest writing about the strength and stability of natural systems.Her books mainly described the inter connectedness of nature and all living things.

Completing Silent Spring took Carson four years.First published in The New Yorker in June 1962,the book alarmed readers across America.It described how DDT entered the food chain and accumulated (堆积) in the fatty tissues of animals,including human beings,and caused cancer and genetic damage.

Carson begins by describing exactly these effects in the first chapter,creating strong images and drawing the readers in.As the book continues,she gives various examples of how insecticides(杀虫剂) are not only unsuccessful,but actually very costly and damaging.She also explains about the biological controls which are less expensive and much more efficient.

A single application on a crop,she wrote,killed insects for weeks and months,and not only the targeted insects but countless more,and remained poisonous in the environment even after it was washed out by rainwater.Carson concluded that DDT and other pesticides had definitely harmed birds and animals and had destroyed the entire world's food supply.The book's most famous chapter,A Fable for Tomorrow,described a nameless American town where all life—from fish to birds to apple blossoms to human children—had been “silenced” by the harmful effects of DDT.

The most important effect of Silent Spring,though,was a new public awareness that nature was so easily destroyed by human intervention(干预).Rachel Carson had made a brave proposal:that,at times,technological progress is so basically at odds with(与……不一致) natural processes that it must be prevented.

1.What are Rachel Carson's books mainly concerned about?

A.The relationship between man and nature.

B.The balance of natural systems.

C.The interconnection of nature and living things.

D.The pollution of the environment.

2.According to the text,Silent Spring________.

A.didn't draw the readers' attention when first published

B.mainly describes people's quiet lives in an American town

C.effectively tells people how to keep the balance of nature

D.showed the harmful effects of DDT on nature

3.Rachel Carson thinks that the more efficient way to kill insects is to use ________.


B.human controls

C.biological controls

D.technical progress

4.The publication of Silent Spring makes people ________.

A.understand the author's outstanding writing talent

B.realize the importance of technical progress

C.aware of the necessity of environmental protection

D.rethink the harmful effects of developing industry

More than four decades ago British scientist Robert Edwards first witnessed the miracle of human life growing inside a test tube at his Cambridge lab. Since that ground-breaking moment, more than four million babies have been born through IVF and in 2010 his great contribution to science was finally recognized as he was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine.

The prize for Dr Edwards, who was given a Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Award in 2008, includes a £900,000 cheque. The Nobel Assembly described IVF as a "milestone in modern medicine".

With the help of fellow scientist Patrick Steptoe, the Manchester-born physiologist developed IVF - leading to the birth of the world's first test tube baby. Dr Steptoe died 10 years later but their work has transformed fertility treatment and given hope to millions of couples.

It was a scientific breakthrough that transformed the lives of millions of couples. They said: "His achievements have made it possible to treat infertility, a disease which makes human unable to have a baby. This condition has been afflicting a large percentage of mankind including more than 10% of all couples worldwide."

Louise Brown, the world's first test tube baby, made international headlines when she was born in Oldham, Gtr Manchester, in 1978 to parents Lesley and John who had been fruitlessly trying for a baby since 1969.

Ivf-in-vitro fertilisation is the process whereby egg cells are fertilised outside the body before being implanted in the womb. After a cycle of IVF, the probability of a couple with infertility problems having a baby is one in five — the same as healthy couples who conceive naturally.

Professor Edwards, who has five daughters and 11 grandchildren, began his research at Cambridge University in 1963, after receiving his PhD in 1955.He once said: "The most important thing in life is having a child. Nothing is more special than a child." With the help of fellow scientist Patrick Steptoe, Prof. Edwards founded the Bourn

Hall clinic in Cambridge shire, which now treats more than 900 women a year. Each year, more than 30,000 women in Britain now undergo IVF and 11,000 babies are born as a result of the treatment.

But his work attracted widespread criticism from some scientists and the Catholic Church who said it was "unethical and immoral".

Martin Johnson, professor of reproductive(生殖的) sciences at the University of Cambridge, said the award was "long overdue". He said: “We couldn't understand why the Nobel has come so late but he is delighted - this is the cherry on the cake for him.”

Professor Edwards was too ill to give interviews but a statement released by his family said he was "thrilled and delighted".

1.What is Robert Edwards‘ contribution to science?

A. Challenging a disease which stops human having a baby.

B. Seeing the wonder of the first tube baby growing

C. Enabling millions of couples to live a better life.

D. Helping couples with infertility to have tube babies.

2. What does the underlined word “afflicting”(Paragraph 4)most probably refer to?

A. Troubling B. Developing

C. Improving D. Confusing

3. Why did Professor Edwards begin his research on tube baby?

A. Because he thought it of great significance to have a child in life.

B. Because the birthrate around the world was unexpectedly low then.

C. Because a special child did make a difference to an ordinary family.

D. Because his fellow scientist wanted to give hope to the unlucky couples.

4.It can be inferred from Paragraph 8 and Paragraph 9 that ___________.

A. some people envied Professor Edwards for his being awarded.

B. different opinions were voiced on Professor Edwards‘ finding.

C. Professor Edwards deserved the prize for his breakthrough.

D. the prize was late because the finding was first considered immoral.

5. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Life Stories of Robert Edwards

B. Preparations for Having a Baby

C. Nobel Prize for IVF Expert Edwards

D. Treatment of Infertility in a Lab

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