

  “It takes an entire village to raise a child.”That’s an old proverb(谚语)that is being quoted more and more often these days.And I’m pleased about that.

  Today, more and more schools are reaching out to involve parents, community members and businesses(工商企业)to help shape a child’s future.

  Parents need to be involved in their children’s education in many ways.Helping children with homework and studying, going on a field trip, teaching a craft(手工艺)or coaching a child’s sports team are all great ways to be involved with your child’s education.And don’t forget to communicate with teachers-they need and respect your input.Studies show that children learn more and schools function better when parents and schools work together.It’s important to stay in touch with your child’s education all through his or her school career.

  Communities can help children create and achieve new goals.Help with homework, read to a child, coach a children’s team, or provide emotional(情感上的)support.Help solve problems and build self-esteem(自尊心).Kids need role models and advisers can be role models by sharing their experiences and wisdom.

  Businesses can also help shape our children’s future.Invite a class from your local school to visit your workplace.You may be providing a glimpse that opens a new world of possibilities.Show students what goes on during a typical day.Give a mini course for students:how to use a computer; how products are made; how machinery works.You may have a developing electrician, teacher, nurse, or even a newspaper reporter on your hands.

  It really does take an entire village to raise a child.So share the responsibility(职责)-and the joy-of bringing a child to his or her full potential(潜能).


The implied advice in the proverb”It takes an entire village to raise a child.”is that ________.

[  ]


All the people in a village should give food to a child.


Schools, parents, and other organizations should share the responsibility of shaping a child’s future.


Children should be brought up in the village where they were born.


Schools should be set up in the village where a child was raised.


The text was written mainly for ________.

[  ]


parents and members in organizations


teachers and students


newspaper reporters and developing electricians


education experts and government officials


Students can get developed in practical working skill through ________.

[  ]


parental involvement


community activities


business training


school teaching


Which is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Parents play an important part in children’s education.


Communities have not a bit effect on the way to new and high ideal.


Educating a child well demands of the work not only from school but from other organizations.


Businesses may arrange some training courses for students.



句义推测题,解答此题切不可从字面上理解,谚语中的an entire village不是“全村庄”之意,应该引申为“社会各界”,即:短文中的“parents, community members and businesses”.


主旨意图题,综合全文可以推断作者的写作意图是“号召人们参与孩子的教育和培养”,所以此文主要为“parents and members in organizations”所作。




not a bit意为“一点也不,根本没有”,等于“not at all”。第四段的意义可验证答案。



  “It takes an entire village to raise a child.”That’s an old proverb (谚语) that is being quoted more and more often these days.And I’m pleased about that.

  Today, more and more schools are reaching out to involve parents, community members and businesses(工商企业)to help shape a child’s future.

  Parents need to be involved in their children’s education in many ways.Helping children with homework and studying, going on a field trip, teaching a craft(手工艺)or coaching a child’s sports team are all great ways to be involved with your child’s education.And don’t forget to communicate with teachers --they need and respect your input.Studies show that children learn more and schools function better when parents and schools work together.It’s important to stay in touch with your child’s education all through his or her school career.

  Communities can help children create and achieve new goals.Help with homework, read to a child, coach a children’s team, or provide emotional(情感上的)support.Help solve problems and build self-esteem(自尊心).Kids need role models and advisers can be role models by sharing their experiences and wisdom.

  Businesses can also help shape our children’s future.Invite a class from your local school to visit your workplace.You may be providing a glimpse that opens a new world of possibilities.Show students what goes on during a typical day.Give a mini course for students:how to use a computer; how products are made; how machinery works.You may have a developing electrician, teacher, nurse, or even a newspaper reporter on your hands.

  It really does take an entire village to raise a child.So share the responsibility(职责)-- and the joy -- of bringing a child to his or her full potential(潜能).


The implied advice in the proverb“It takes an entire village to raise a child.”is that ________.

[  ]


All the people in a village should give food to a child.


Schools, parents, and other organizations should share the responsibility of shaping a child’s future.


Children should be brought up in the village where they were born.


Schools should be set up in the village where a child was raised.


The text was written mainly for ________.

[  ]


parents and members in organizations


teachers and students


newspaper reporters and developing electricians


education experts and government officials


Students can get developed in practical working skill through ________.

[  ]


parental involvement


community activities


business training


school teaching


Which is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Parents play an important part in children’s education.


Communities have not a bit effect on the way to new and high ideal.


Educating a child well demands of the work not only from school but from other



Businesses may arrange some training courses for students.


  Everyone has good days and bad days.

  Sometimes, you feel as if you’re on top of the world.But occasionally you feel horrible, and you lose things and you cannot focus on your schoolwork.

  For more than 20 years, scientists have suggested that high self-esteem(自尊)is the key to success.Now, new research shows that focusing just on building self-esteem may not be helpful.In some cases, having high self-esteem can bring bad results if it makes you less likeable or more upset when you fail at something.

  “Forget about self-esteem,”says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist(心理学家)at the University of Michigan, US.“It’s not the important thing.”

  Feeling good

  Crocker’s advice may sound a bit strange because it is good to feel good about yourself.

  Studies show that people with high self-esteem are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-esteem.

  But, after reviewing about 18,000 studies on self-esteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, has found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person

  He believes that violent and wicked(邪恶的)people often have the highest self-esteem of all.He also said:”There’s no evidence that kids with high self-esteem do better in school.”


  All types of people have problems.People with high self-esteem can have big egos(自我)that can make them less likeable to their peers(同龄人), said Kathleen Vohs, a psychology professor at Columbia University.

  People with high self-esteem tend to think more of themselves, Vohs says.People with low self-esteem are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.

  What to do

  Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people.Find positive ways to contribute to society.If you fail at something try to learn from the experience.“The best therapy(药方)is to recognize your faults,”Vohs says.“It’s OK to say, ‘I’m not so good at that,’ and then move on.”


The new research comes to the conclusion that high self-esteem ________.

[  ]


is not important at all


has taken on a different meaning


may not be the key to success


does not help you do better at school


One of the conclusions of the new research is that ________.

[  ]


feeling good about oneself doesn’t mean you lead a happier life


people with high esteem usually do not seek other’s help


people with high esteem tend to be proud


people with low esteem are often more popular


The underlined part”a better person”in the passage probably means a person who is ________.

[  ]


helpful and supportive


gentle and modest


likable and successful


friendly and kind


From the text, we can infer the best therapy mentioned in the last paragraph is mainly for people ________.

[  ]


with high self-esteem


with low self-esteem


of all kinds


who are focusing on building self-esteem


第三部分 阅读理解


All her life, my mother wanted busy children. It was very important that her house should remain at all times clean and tidy.

You could turn your back for a moment in my mother's house, leave a half-written letter on the dining room table, a magazine open on the chair, and turn around to find that my mother had "put it back where it belonged." as she explained.

My wife, on one of her first visits to my mother's house, placed a packet of biscuits on an end table and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink. When she returned, she found the packet had been removed. Confused, she set down her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits, only to return to find that her drink had disappeared. Up to then she had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks, so as not to make water rings on the end tables. Now she knows better.

These disappearances had a confusing effect on our family. We were all inclined to (有...的倾向) forgetfulness, and it was common for one of us, upon returning from the bathroom, to find the every sign of his work in progress had disappeared suddenly. "Do you remember what I was doing?" was a question frequently asked, but rarely answered.

Now my sister has developed a second-hand love of clean windows, and my brother does the cleaning in his house, perhaps to avoid having to be the one to lift his feet. I try not to think about it too much, but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.

56. Which of the following is TRUE about my mother?

A. She enjoyed removing other's drinks.

B. She became more and more forgetful.

C. She preferred to do everything by herself.

D. She wanted to keep her house in good order.

57. My wife could not find her biscuits and drink in my mother's house because _______.

A. she had already finished them                       B. my mother had taken them away

C. she forgot where she had left them             D. someone in my family was holding them

58. The underlined part to the fifth paragraph suggests that my sister _______.

A. is happy to clean windows                              B. loves to clean used windows

C. is fond of clean used windows                       D. likes clean windows as my mother did

59. This passage mainly tells us that _______.

A. my mother often made us confused           

B. my family members had a poor memory

C. my mother helped us to form a good habit

D. my wife was surprised when she visited my mother


第三部分 阅读理解


All her life, my mother wanted busy children. It was very important that her house should remain at all times clean and tidy.

You could turn your back for a moment in my mother's house, leave a half-written letter on the dining room table, a magazine open on the chair, and turn around to find that my mother had "put it back where it belonged." as she explained.

My wife, on one of her first visits to my mother's house, placed a packet of biscuits on an end table and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink. When she returned, she found the packet had been removed. Confused, she set down her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits, only to return to find that her drink had disappeared. Up to then she had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks, so as not to make water rings on the end tables. Now she knows better.

These disappearances had a confusing effect on our family. We were all inclined to (有...的倾向) forgetfulness, and it was common for one of us, upon returning from the bathroom, to find the every sign of his work in progress had disappeared suddenly. "Do you remember what I was doing?" was a question frequently asked, but rarely answered.

Now my sister has developed a second-hand love of clean windows, and my brother does the cleaning in his house, perhaps to avoid having to be the one to lift his feet. I try not to think about it too much, but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.

56. Which of the following is TRUE about my mother?

A. She enjoyed removing other's drinks.

B. She became more and more forgetful.

C. She preferred to do everything by herself.

D. She wanted to keep her house in good order.

57. My wife could not find her biscuits and drink in my mother's house because _______.

A. she had already finished them                 B. my mother had taken them away

C. she forgot where she had left them          D. someone in my family was holding them

58. The underlined part to the fifth paragraph suggests that my sister _______.

A. is happy to clean windows                            B. loves to clean used windows

C. is fond of clean used windows                D. likes clean windows as my mother did

59. This passage mainly tells us that _______.

A. my mother often made us confused        

B. my family members had a poor memory

C. my mother helped us to form a good habit

D. my wife was surprised when she visited my mother

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