
I gave Lao Li some gifts  ___________ _________  for his kind help.
There was a time _______ the U.S.A. was _____war with Iraq.
I am interested in _______ you call “______ Castle”.
Our monitor is ________ ________ of by all of us.
_______ is known, smoking _______ great harm to our health.

【小题1】in return
【小题2】when at
【小题3】what ancient
【小题4】highly thought
【小题5】As does

【小题1】考查词组:做为…回报in return
【小题2】第一空考查定语从句,先行词是:a time,定语从句中缺少地点状语,用when第二空考查词组: at war with和…开战
【小题3】第一空考查what引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中what做call的宾语,第二空考查形容词: ancient古代的
【小题4】受到高度评价be highly thought of
【小题5】第一空考查非限制性定语从句:As is known ,第二空考查词组;do harm to对…造成伤害。主语是smoking,谓语用does



1.The man was sent to the hospital for having eaten poisoned mushrooms ________(错误地).

2.________(暴力)films should be banned to ensure the proper mental and physical development of children.

3.This kind of medicine doesn’t ________(治愈)me of my toothache.

4.Too much sunbathing will ________(使皮肤起皱纹)your skin.

5.She felt depressed when I ________(拒绝)her invitation to her ball.

6.Her action ________(与……成对比)sharply with her promise.

7.Some critics think the stories that happen in this novel are all nothing but ________(胡说八道).

8.Why are some of us always ________(追逐)material possessions without noticing the value of spiritual life?

9.What an(难以置信的)story it is that a lifeless matter can be given life to!

10.The ugliness of the creature made me ________(害怕的).

11.He wrote the letter ________(如下):Dear sir, I have read your advertisement in the newspaper…

12.The fire had ________(烧完自灭)before the fire brigade arrived.

13.Your appearance is ________(完全相同的)to hers.

14.Frankenstein is an ________(虚构的)character in Mary Shelly’s novel.

15.His parents and sister were all ________(谋杀)by terrorists.

16.Cloning technology will be greatly ________(有益的)to mankind.

17.Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are all ________(感情).

18.I felt _________(觉得恶心)when I saw the woman was showing off her wealth.

19.Seeing a car coming on, I _________(猛冲)to carry the child to the roadside.

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