
     Many animal lovers would like to do more to help animals, but aren't sure where to start
or feel like they just don't have the time. The good news is that there are many simple things
you can do to help protect animals.
     Think twice before you decide
     The decisions you make when it comes to eating meat or other animal products can go
a long way toward stopping the killing of animals. Consider eating a vegetarian(素食的)
diet. If you aren't ready to make this change, there are still things you can do. Do not buy
animal products from companies known to use practices that go against the law such as
using drugs to increase milk production in cows.
     Help get the word out
     Getting the word out about the problems faced by animals can be as easy as putting up
a notice on your car. Also, talk to your friends and family members about important issues
that are related to animals. Give some simple advice to a friend with a new pet about the
serious pet over-population problem we're facing. Turn to some books on the subject if
you are not so clear about the advice you give your friend.
     Write a letter
     We've all heard the saying, " The pen is more powerful than the sword". Put this idea
to the protection of animals. If a company has practices or rules that are harmful to animals,
write them a letter to let them know you are angry about them, and that you won't buy their
products until they make some changes. Write letters to state and local legislators(立法者)
to let them know how important it is that they support legislation that protects animals. Make
them know that their actions will have a great effect on your vote.
     Be more loving
     If you're considering adding a dog or a cat to your family, think about getting one from a
homeless-animal house rather than buying a pet. There are many wonderful animals just
waiting for a home. By taking back an animal from there, you will be helping in the fight
against pet over-population, as well as giving your money to those who are responsible for
taking care of pitiful animals.
     Let your actions be an example to others
     It may sound simple, but one of the best ways to help animals is to let your actions speak
to the world. You should do the following things first by yourself: Treat all living creatures
with respect. Care about your pets and look after them well. Avoid (避免)entertainment
places that use animals to perform. Support legislation (立法)that protects animals. All of
these things set an example for others to follow.
                           Title: Ways of__1__animals

Think about your__2__carefully

●__3__tobuyanimalproductsfromcompanies thathaveillegalpractices
Get the word out

●Put up an animal-protection__4__on the car
●Talk to your friends and family members about
important animal issues
●Give your friends some simple__5__on the pet
over-population proble
●Get help from books if necessary

Write letters

●Let those companies that are doing harm to animals
know about your__6__
●Let legislators know the__7__of their support for
legislation that protects animals

Be more loving

●Get a pet from a homeless-animal house

Act as an example to others

●Treat all living creatures with respect.
●Take good__8__of your pets
●Do not go to places where animals__9__
●Support legislation which is__10__for animals.

1.protecting 72. decisions  3. Refuse 4. notice   5 advice / tips    6. anger   
7. importance   8.care   9. perform   10.good

Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
( A)
①Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player. He was one of the most honored musicians in the world. He was an international cultural ambassador. He was a major supporter of the arts in America and in other countries. He was a teacher and activist.
②Issac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine. His parents moved to San Francisco, California the following year. His mother began teaching Isaac the piano when he was six. He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the instrument. Later, he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory (音乐学院). He progressed quickly. When he was 16, he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. The next year, he performed in New York City and was praised by music critics.
③During World War II, Mr Stern played for thousands of American soldiers. It was the first time many of them had heard classical music. After the war, he was the first American violinist to perform in a concert in the Soviet Union. He also supported young musicians and cultural organizations in Israel.
④In 1979, Isaac Stern visited China. He met with Chinese musicians and students. He taught them about classical Western music. His visit was made into a film, which is called From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. It won an Academy Award for best documentary film.
⑤In 1984, Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture through music. He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life. He said he believed that music makes life better for everyone, especially children.
⑥Mr Stern supported and guided younger classical musicians. They include violinists Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and pianist Yefim Bronfman.
⑦Isaac Stern died in 2001 at eh age of 81. He was a major influence on music in the 20th century. He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.
41. Which of the following is the RIGHT time order for these events in Stern’s life?
a. He began learning music in an institution.
b. He received the Kennedy Center Honors Award.
c. He visited the Soviet Union.
d. He met with Chinese musicians.
e. He performed for American soldiers.
A. a,e,c,d,b     B. a,e,b,c,d     C. e,a,b,c,d     D. e,a,c,d,b
42. Paragraph 2 is mainly about ______.
A. how Stern began to learn music   B. how Stern began his musical career
C. Stern’s early education          D. Stern’s achievement in music
43. Which of the following statements about Stern is TRUE?
A. He was an activist in opposing war.
B. He was active in cultural exchanges between countries.
C. He had an interest in both playing music and making films.
D. He made a lot of money from music.
44. The Underlined word “cellist” in Paragraph 6 may refer to ________.
A. someone who supports young musicians
B. someone who wants to be a musician
C. someone who has a gift for music
D. someone who plays a certain kind of instrument
45. Which of the following shows the RIGHT structure of the text?
A.        ①                        B.           ①
↓                                        ↓
②③④⑤                                 ②③④⑤⑥
↓                                        ↓
⑥⑦                                     ⑦
C.   ①②③④⑤⑥                      D.        ①②③
↓                                           ↓
⑦                                      ④⑤⑥⑦

Trouve sat up on its back legs arid growled(吼叫)the words “How are you, Grandmama?” The audience roared with laughter and clapped. Twenty-year-old Aleck gave the dog a morsel(一口)of food. His hard wok paid off. His dog could talk!
Aleck was fascinated with the different sounds of people’s speech. His father taught students who had a speech problem to improve their speech. Aleck paid close attention. Could an animal form sounds into words, too? He decided to experiment with Trouve, the family dog.
The easy part was teaching Trouve to growl whenever Aleck wanted. The little dog growled for a morsel of food.
Next Aleck moved the dog’s “lips’ as it growled. It sounded like “ma ma ma.” Trouve learned quickly to stop the growling just as Aleck’s hand moved away. They practiced and practiced until the dog said “ma ma” perfectly.
Soon Aleck discovered more. If he pushed gently under the dog’s jawbone(下颚骨), it made the “ga” sound. If he pushed once and moved the dog’s lips twice, he could make the dog say, “ga ma ma”. With even more practice, it sounded like “grandmama.” Whenever Trouve said “grandmam,” Aleck gave the god two treats, so Trouve loved the lessons.
Aleck tried to teach his dog to move its tongue. So that Trouve could say more words. That didn’t work, but Aleck didn’t give up.
After many hours of practice, Trouve could say, “Ow ah oo ga-ma-ma?” This sounded just like “How are you, Grandmama?”
Friends and neighbors traveled to see young Aleck and his amazing talking dog. Rumors spread that the dog could speak by itself, which wasn’t true. No matter how much Aleck tried, the dog was never able to move its lips without help.
Aleck’s full name was Alexander Graham Bell. He wanted to know more about the world all his life. He had many ideas. Some worked; others didn’t. But he kept trying—always learning; One of his inventions was something called the telephone.
41.Which of the following is TRUE of Aleck?
A.His father had an influence on him.      
B.He had a talent for giving speeches.
C.He taught Trouve to talk in honor of his grandmother.
D.He carried out many experiments to improve people’s speech.
42.Trouve grew fond of practicing talking because         .
A.it liked being together with Aleck  B.it was given some food for that
C.it would like to develop its potential      D.Aleck treated it like one of the family
43.Which of the following words can best describe Aleck?
A.Humorous.      B.Naughty.  C.Knowledgeable.       D.Curious.
44.What contributes most to Aleck’s success in teaching the dog to talk?
A.His own hard work.         B.His neighbor’s help.
C.His father’s encouragement.    D.The dog’s smartness.



Trouve sat up on its back legs arid growled(吼叫)the words “How are you, Grandmama?” The audience roared with laughter and clapped. Twenty-year-old Aleck gave the dog a morsel(一口)of food. His hard wok paid off. His dog could talk!

Aleck was fascinated with the different sounds of people’s speech. His father taught students who had a speech problem to improve their speech. Aleck paid close attention. Could an animal form sounds into words, too? He decided to experiment with Trouve, the family dog.

The easy part was teaching Trouve to growl whenever Aleck wanted. The little dog growled for a morsel of food.

Next Aleck moved the dog’s “lips’ as it growled. It sounded like “ma ma ma.” Trouve learned quickly to stop the growling just as Aleck’s hand moved away. They practiced and practiced until the dog said “ma ma” perfectly.

Soon Aleck discovered more. If he pushed gently under the dog’s jawbone(下颚骨), it made the “ga” sound. If he pushed once and moved the dog’s lips twice, he could make the dog say, “ga ma ma”. With even more practice, it sounded like “grandmama.” Whenever Trouve said “grandmam,” Aleck gave the god two treats, so Trouve loved the lessons.

Aleck tried to teach his dog to move its tongue. So that Trouve could say more words. That didn’t work, but Aleck didn’t give up.

After many hours of practice, Trouve could say, “Ow ah oo ga-ma-ma?” This sounded just like “How are you, Grandmama?”

Friends and neighbors traveled to see young Aleck and his amazing talking dog. Rumors spread that the dog could speak by itself, which wasn’t true. No matter how much Aleck tried, the dog was never able to move its lips without help.

Aleck’s full name was Alexander Graham Bell. He wanted to know more about the world all his life. He had many ideas. Some worked; others didn’t. But he kept trying—always learning; One of his inventions was something called the telephone.

41.Which of the following is TRUE of Aleck?

A.His father had an influence on him.      

B.He had a talent for giving speeches.

C.He taught Trouve to talk in honor of his grandmother.

D.He carried out many experiments to improve people’s speech.

42.Trouve grew fond of practicing talking because         .

A.it liked being together with Aleck  B.it was given some food for that

C.it would like to develop its potential      D.Aleck treated it like one of the family

43.Which of the following words can best describe Aleck?

A.Humorous.      B.Naughty.  C.Knowledgeable.       D.Curious.

44.What contributes most to Aleck’s success in teaching the dog to talk?

A.His own hard work.         B.His neighbor’s help.

C.His father’s encouragement.    D.The dog’s smartness.



第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


I suddenly heard an elephant crying as though frightened.Looking down,I immediately recognized that something was wrong,and ran down to the edge of the near bank.There I saw Ma Shwe with her three-month-old calf(young elephant)struggling in the fast-rising water,and it was a life-and-death struggle.Her calf was floating and screaming with fear.Ma Shwe was as near to the far bank as she could get,holding her whole body against the rushing water,and keeping the calf pressed against her huge body.Every now and then the rushing water would sweep the calf away.

There was a sudden rise in the water and the calf was washed clean over the mother’s body and was gone .Ma Shwe turned quickly to reach it and pressed the calf with her head and trunk(象鼻)against the rocky bank.Then with a huge effort,she picked it up in her trunk and tried until she was able to place it on a narrow shelf of rock.

Just at this moment.she fell back into the river.If she were carried down, it would be certain death.I knew,as well as she did,that there was one spot where she could get up the bank,but it was on the other side from where she had put her calf.While I was wondering what I could do next,I heard the sound of a mother’s love.Ma Shwe had crossed the river and got up the bank and was making her way back as fast as she could,roaring(吼叫)all the time,but to her calf it was music.[来源:ZXXK]

56.The moment the author got down to the river bank he saw           .

A.the calf was about to fall into the river

B.Ma Shwe was placing the calf on the rock

C.the calf was washed away by the rising water

D.Ma Shwe was holding the calf against the rushing water

57.How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fast-flowing water?

A.By pressing it against her body.

B.By putting it on a safe spot.

C.By taking it away with her.

D.By carrying it on her back.

58.How did the calf feel about the mother elephant's roaring?[来源:学,科,网]

A.It was a great comfort.                       B.It was a sign of danger.

C.It was a call for help.                         D.It was a musical note.

59.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.The mother took the calf away on its body.

B.The mother cleaned the calf with its back.

C.The calf was carried away by the water.

D.The calf was washed clean in the water.

60.What could be the best title for the text?

A.A Brave Act                              B.A Mother's Love

C.A Deadly River                                   D.A Matter of Life and Death


     Ma Weidu is the founder and curator (馆长) of Guanfu Museum, which is the first private  museum
in China. With mainly Chinese artifacts off exhibition, the museum was founded on Jan 18,l 997. It was
not well. known by the public until 2008.
    On Jan l,2008,Ma Weidu was invited to be the guest in the flagship CCTV program "Lecture Room".
He talked about his museum and more importantly, he introduced Chinese artifacts and their underlying
historical, cultural significance.
    In 2009,Ma Weidu initiated the Beijing Guanfu Cultural Foundation. Creating a cuulture foundation
had been Ma's dream for many years. The Beijing Guanfu Cultural Foundation is committed to spreading Chinese traditional culture, funding the development of Guanfu Museum, heritage research and
conservation projects, building a platform for public culture, promoting and guiding the public in the spirit
of"charity&culture sponsorship (赞助)".
    Guanfu Museum is currently located at N0.18 Jinnan Road, Zhangwanfen, Dashanzi, Chaoyang district, Beijing. But due to the city planning, it has to move. Guanfu Museum,which has experienced relocation
for three times,is now looking for a new place. According to Mr. Ma,it should be around 20,000-30,000
square meters.
1. According to this passage, which of the followings is true?
A. Guanfu Museum was built in 2008.
B. Ma Weidu was invited to lecture by Guanfu Museum.
C. The public were attracted by Chinese artifacts on exhibition.
D. Guanfu Museum, the first private museum in China was founded fifteen years ago
2. Guanfu Museum, according to the city government,_______ .
A. will be painted              
B. has to hold a new exhibition
C. has to move to a new place    
D. has to be enlarged
3.The proper title of this passage should be_____.
A. Ma's Hopes    
B. Museums  
C. Culture Relics  
D. Chinese Culture

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