µÚÒ»½Ú£º¶ÌÎĸĴí (¹²10СÌâ;ÿСÌâ1·Ö,Âú·Ö10·Ö)
Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came back into house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashing(ÅöײµÄ)sound from the back of the house. When I ran out of my room to find out what had happened: a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom.
Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for
the suddenly
over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air
was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my
hot was
room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out
¡Äthe open window. As I ran outto catch them, big drop of rain began to
of drops
fall. When I came back into ¡Ä house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried
very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashingsound from
the back of the house. When I ran out of my room to find out what had happened:
a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom.
´ÓÎÄÖеÄit came ¿ÉÖªÐèÒª¸±´ÊÀ´ÐÞÊζ¯´Êcame£¬ËùÒÔsudden¸ÄΪsuddenly£»
´Ó¾ä×ÓPieces of paper on my desk flew high into the airÒÔ¼°and Ò²¿É¿´³ö´Ë´¦ÐèÒª½é´Ê£¬·½¿Éºó½Óthe open window£»
´ÓÎÄÖеľä×Ó£ºWhen I came back into house¿ÉÖª£¬¿ÉÊýÃû´Êhouse µÄÇ°ÃæÐèÒªÏÞ¶¨´ÊÐÞÊΡ£ÁíÍâ×¢Òâ´ú´ÊµÄÒ»ÖÂÐÔ£»Ö÷Òª²âÊÔÃû´ÊÇ°ÃæµÄÐÞÊÎÓÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡£ÐÞÊÎÃû´ÊµÄʱºòÖ»ÄÜÓÃÐÎÈÝ´Ê£»
ÓÉÎÄÕ¿ÉÖª¾ä×Ó£º When I ran out of my room to find out what had happened:ÊôÓÚµ¥¾ä£¬¸ù±¾²»ÐèÒªÁ¬´Ê£¬¹Ê´ËÎҺܶàÓࣻ
Ö÷Òª¿¼²é¾ä×Ó£ºa big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom¹Ø¼ü´ÊµÄ°ÑÎÕ¡£×¢Òâ¾ä×ÓÖеIJ¢ÁÐÁ¬´Ê£ºand£¬ÆäÇ°ºóµÄ³É·ÖÊôÓÚÏàͬµÄ¡£