
13.Around the world more and more people (61)are taking(take)part in dangerous sports and activities.Of course,there have always been people who look for adventure.They look for an (62)immediate(immediately)pleasure from a dangerous activity (63)whichmay last only a few minutes or (64)evenseconds.Bungee jumping is considered a good example of such (65)anactivity.You jump from a high place of 200meters above the ground with a rope (66)tied(tie)to your ankles.You fall at up (67)to150kilmeters an hour (68)untilthe rope stops you (69)from hitting(hit)the ground.Would you like (70)totry?

分析 本文作者主要分析了目前世界上有越来越多的人参与危险体育运动的原因,并具体介绍了一种类似的活动即蹦极的运动方式.

解答 答案:
61.are taking   考查句意理解以及时态   根据下文使用了一般现在时可知,本文讲述的是目前世界各国的人们对危险体育运动的态度; 本句的意思是:世界上有越来越多的人都在参与一些危险的体育运动;所以此处应使用现在进行时,故用are taking.
62.immediate   考查形容词   此处用来修饰名词pleasure,故用形容词 immediate.  
63.which/that    考查关系代词    本句是定语从句;由于先行词a dangerous activity 指一种危险的活动,在该从句中作主语;故用关系代词which/that.
64.even   考查句意理解及副词   本句的意思是:他们从危险的活动中寻找一种即时的快乐,这种活动可能只持续几分钟甚至几秒钟;此处表示强调时间之短;故用even.
65.an   考查不定冠词    此处用在单数名词activity之前,表示泛指一种活动;由于名词activity首字母的发音为元音/?/;故用不定冠词an.
66.tied    考查过去分词    此处用在with复合结构中作方式状语,由于动词tie与其逻辑主语a rope 构成动宾关系;故用过去分词tied.
67.to   考查固定短语    up to意为:高达,多达;这里的意思是:你以每小时多达150千米的速度跌落;故用to.
68.until   考查句意理解以及从属连词   本句的意思是:你以每小时高达150千米的速度往下跌落,直到绳子阻止你碰到地面;此处的意思是:直到;故用until.
69.from hitting   考查固定搭配    stop sb.from doing sth.意为:阻止某人做某事;此处指的是:阻止你碰到地面上;故用from hitting.  
70.to   考查固定搭配     Would you like  to do…意为:你愿意…吗?/你想要…吗?此处的意思是:你愿意试试吗?故用to.

点评 本题主要考查了各种语法在短文中的具体运用.做本题时,需要在正确理解短文的前提下,逐句分析句意以及所考查到的语法现象;因此在平时的学习中,应熟练掌握各种语法知识,其中包括词法,句法,各种时态语态以及虚拟语气等.

3.The number of smokers in England is about 8 million.According to the Department of Health,smoking is the biggest cause of early death in the country.Smokers in England have been asked to give up smoking for 28 days this month,in an action backed by Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation.
    Research shows people who manage not to light up for this length of time are 5 times more likely to kick the habit.Public health experts say campaigns that include a combination of hard-hitting ads and supportive messages work best.
Quitting smoking can be difficult.However,people are much more likely to succeed if other people are doing the same than if they try to do it alone and go cold turkey.Robert West,Director of Tobacco Studies at University College London,points out how pressure from people around can prevent a smoker going on smoking."We are social animals,"he said.
The action has met some doubts among readers of the BBC News Online website.Some compared it to asking people to stop eating as a way of fighting overweight.Others doubt the action's effectiveness."Its weakness is that it fails to explain why a person smokes,and the reasons are as many as the number of smokers",says someone who signed as BluesBerry.
Another reader,Cazz,has decided to give it some credit.He says:"Campaigns like this won't necessarily inspire the majority of smokers to quit,but may encourage those thinking about quitting to set a date and try.Surely it's worth a shot."
63.What does the text mainly talk about?A
A.A new action to quit smoking.
B.A way of fighting overweight.
C.A country with the most smokers.
D.The biggest cause of early death.
64.The underlined phrase"go cold turkey"in the third paragraph means"C".
A.buy a cold turkey    
B.eat too much food    
C.stop a bad habit        
D.get much support
65.Why is it easier to stop smoking when other people are doing the same?C
A.Because people usually respect each other.
B.Because they're faced with the same pressure.
C.Because people are influenced by each other.
D.Because they keep the same animals as pets.
66.What's Cazz's attitude in the last paragraph?D
A.Distant.       B.Doubtful.       C.Surprised.            D.Approving.

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