Being a good friend isn’t always easy,but taking the time to develop a lasting friendship is worth the effort.As the years pass,you will realize that each friendship you keep is priceless.1. To be a good friend and deepen a friendship,just follow these steps.

Keep your promises.

Don’t ever make a promise that you can’t keep.If you say you’ll hang out with a friend and an unexpected situation arises,explain the situation.Give your friend a gift and tell him or her you are sorry.Nobody is perfect,and it’s okay if you break a promise once in a blue moon.2.

Apologize when you’ve made a mistake.

3.Though your friend won’t be happy that you made a mistake,he or she will be very pleased that you admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong.


To be truly supportive,you will have to be able to watch out for your friend when he/she is having a difficult time.If you sense that your friend is getting into some trouble,help him or her away from the situation by not being afraid to speak up about it.

Give your friend some space when he or she needs it.

Part of being supportive means supporting the fact that your friend won’t always want to spend time with you.Learn to step back and give your friend space.5. Don’t be jealous (嫉妒的) if your friend has lots of other friends.

A.However,don’t make it a regular thing.

B.Help your friend deal with his or her struggles.

C.Learn to forgive your friend and move forward.

D.Of course,to have a good friend,you must be one.

E.If you want your friend to believe in you,you can’t act like you’re perfect.

F.Understand if your friend wants to be alone or to have a walk with other people.

G.Take the time to truly understand your friend when he or she is talking to you.

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, so when you want to do business in France, you have to get to know French culture, to make marketing plans, and to run your business by local laws.

1. The French take great pride in their language, so anyone who does not speak it may run the risk of being disrespected by his French colleagues or business partners. Also, another reason why learning French is important is that it is a great way to show every possible French business partner that you care and respect their country’s culture and language.

There are obvious ways of greeting people in French. When you meet someone new, it’s usual to shake his hand firmly and always look at the person in the eye. 2.

Dress well. 3. Your business clothing is a reflection of your success and social status. Always try to be stylish. Women are advised to dress simply but elegantly. Wearing make-up is practiced widely by business women.

The French are passionate about food, so lunches are common in doing business in France, which usually consist of an appetizer, main meal with wine, cheese, dessert and coffee, and normally take up to two hours. 4.

Do not begin eating until the host says, “Bon appetite”. Pass dishes to the left, keep wrists above the table and try to eat everything on the plate. 5. This may suggest that you find the food tasteless. If eating in a restaurant, the person who invites always pays.

A. The French draw information about people based on their appearance.

B. This is a time for relationship building.

C. Maybe you have heard the expression.

D. Language should be the focus of anyone planning to do business in France.

E. Be careful with adding salt, pepper or sauces to your food.

F. When you meet a friend, kissing is common.

G. English and French are both spoken in formal occasions.

Here's a new warning from health experts:sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for long periods, even if you exercise regularly, could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place—in the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV. Just the overall number of hours it takes counts. Several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.

While health officials have issued (发布) guidelines advising on the least amounts of physical activity, they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated position.

“After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals,” said Ekblom?Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. She explained that genes controlling the amount of glucose (葡萄糖) and fat in the body start to shut down.

Even for people who exercise, spending long periods of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day but still spend a lot of time sitting might get more benefits if that exercise were spread across the day, rather than in a single hour.

Still in a study that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat more had a higher death risk, whether they exercised or not.

Experts said more research is needed to figure out just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.

“People should keep exercising because that has a lot of benefits,” Ekblom?Bak said. “And when they're in the office, they should try to interrupt sitting as often as possible. ”

1.The underlined word “offset” in Paragraph 6 most probably means “________”.

A. turn to B. work out

C. get rid of D. make use of

2.Sitting too much is dangerous because it can ______.

A. make a person unable to exercise enough in a day

B. destroy the balance of glucose and fat the body

C. increase glucose and fat in the body

D. make a person become lazy

3.In the opinion of Ekblom?Bak, when at work, you'd better have a rest by ________.

A. sending your friends e?mails

B. taking a walk around your office

C. chatting online or playing computer games

D. listening to music while sitting

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. Side Effects of Sitting Too Much

B. Don't Sit Too Much While Working

C. More and More People Sit Too Much

D. Sitting Too Much Could Be Dangerous

How to Become a Top Student

Successful students use different techniques(技巧) to study,which brings them more success. 1.Here are the four techniques almost all top?performing students use.

They are regular. Almost all successful students study regularly, because they know “what you give is what you get”. If you put in regular hours of studying, then you will learn more and get better grades. 2.This will help you to study regularly.

They have clear goals. All top?performing students have definite, specific goals. 3.They motivate(激发) you and drive you to study more. But make sure that you do not get carried away. Set realistic goals which can challenge(挑战) you, but do not seem impossible or too difficult to achieve.

They study without pressure(压力). Successful students study a lot. But they study without putting strain on themselves. Most students make the mistake of studying too hard or studying continuously for a long time. 4.Studying should be done in a balanced manner. Take a break for a few minutes, after studying for 30 or 45 minutes. Relax, walk around your room or house, or drink some water and return to studying. Such short breaks will refresh your brain and you will learn more.

5.Studying is not something you do just because your parents ask you to do it.It's actually very important for you.Studying gives you knowledge and skills that will remain with you for the rest of your life.It gives you the ability to get a job and earn money.And successful students recognize the value of studying well.

A. This creates tension and actually slows down learning and memory.

B. Set aside some hours, each day or each week,for studying.

C. Having such goals gives you a purpose to study better.

D. Learn their techniques, and you will also join their rank.

E. They give importance to study.

F. But to score A grade in English, you should make well-planned efforts.

G. They finish their homework on time.

Tips for cooking on a Tight Schedule

From my experience, there are three main reasons why people don’t cook more often: ability, money and time.1.. Money is a topic I’ll save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:

1.Think ahead. The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I’m already hungry and there is nothing ready to eat. So think ahead of the coming week. When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials(材料) ready?2.

2.Make your time worth it. When you do find time to cook a meal, make the most of it and save yourself time later on. Are you making one loaf of bread?3.It takes around the same amount of time to make more of something. So save yourself the effort for a future meal.

3.4.This may surprise you, but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation(实验). It gives you the chance to come up with new ideas and recipes(食谱) that can work well with your appetite(食欲) and schedule. The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.

Hopefully that gives you a good start. 5.And don’t let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!

A. Try new things.

B. Make three or four instead.

C. Ability is easily improved.

D. Understand your food better.

E. Cooking is a burden for many people.

F. A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.

G. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.

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