

1. 姓名,性别,身体健康, 2008年满18周岁;

2. 英语较好,可以用英语进行交流;

3. 乐于助人,有奉献精神;

4. 到时能连续服务15天;

5. 愿意参加必要的培训;服从奥帆委的管理。

要求:1. 字数100左右;

2. 参考词汇:奉献精神     spirit of devotion;

青岛奥帆委  OSCQ (= the Olympic Sailing Committee of Qingdao)

Dear Sir & Madam,


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m very glad to read your advertisement for the Olympic volunteers for 2008. Having read your terms, I think I’m qualified for the job. I’m Li Hua, a healthy high school boy. By the year 2008, I will be over 18. Good at spoken English, I can communicate with foreigners freely. I’m always ready to help others and full of spirit of devotion. To do the work well as a volunteer, I’m willing to receive any necessary training, and will do whatever the OSCQ requires to. I’m sure, by then, I will be able to offer a 15-day service continuously. Believe me, I’ll make full preparations and will be an excellent volunteer.

Looking forward to your permission.


                                                                    Li Hua


违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
