A tall figure appeared from the dark door of the tent. It was a smoking young man about twenty three or four. He had an almost black face, though smooth. His moustache was black with curled points. There was an unusual force in his face, and in his daring rolling eyes. cef
Rebecca still stood hesitating like a swimmer about to make his dive, hardly knowing whether to return or move forward.
"Hi, my beauty, what can I do for you?" said he, approaching. Realizing that she was quite at a loss, the man spoke in a gentle voice, "Never mind. I am Mr. Thackeray. Have you come to see me or my mother?"
This scene differed greatly from what Rebecca had expected. She had dreamed of an aged and dignified(威严的) face. She told herself to be calm and answered "I came to see your mother, sir."
"I am afraid you cannot see her-she is ill in bed," replied the representative of the house; for this was Mr. Alee Thackeray, the only son of the noble family. "What is the business you wish to see her about?"
"It isn't business-it is-I can hardly say what!"
"Oh no. Why, sir, if I tell you, it will seem..."
Rebecca's sense of a certain ridicule(奚落,讥笑) was now so obvious and strong that, despite her general discomfort at being here, her rosy lips curved(弯曲) towards a smile, much to the attraction of the young man.
"It is so foolish", she murmured. "I fear I can't tell you!"
"Never mind; I like foolish things. Try again, my dear," said he kindly.
"Mother told me to come," Rebecca continued; "and, indeed, I was in the mind to do so myself. But I did not expect it would turn out like this. I came…sir, I came to tell you that we are of the same family as you."
"Ho Ho! Poor relations?"
"No. Thackeray."
"Ay, ay; I mean Thackeray."
"Our names are worn away to Durbeyfield; but we have several proofs that we are Thackeray. The local scholars hold the view that we are, and...and we have an old seal and a silver spoon marked with the same castle as yours. So mother said we ought to make ourselves known to you, as we've lost our horse by a bad accident. We can hardly make a living."
"It’s very kind of your mother, I'm sure." Alec looked at Rebecca as he spoke, in a way that made her uneasy. "And so, my pretty girl, you've come on a friendly visit to us, as relations?"
"I suppose I have," looking less confident and uncomfortable again.
"Well, there's no harm in it. I mean it doesn’t hurt to come and make yourself known to me. Where do you live? What are you?" …
1.While meeting with Alec, Rebecca feels _______during the whole course.
A. nervous and uneasy
B. excited and hopeful
C. amazed and comfortable
D. pleased but embarrassed.
2.Which of the following is suitable to describe Rebecca’s impression of Alec?
A. unfriendly and ta lkative
B. forceful and daring
C. gentle and reliable
D. older than expected
3.What is Rebecca’s real purpose of making this visit?
A. To see Alec himself.
B. To see Alec's mother.
C. To confirm that they are of the same family.
D. To make known their relationship and seek help.
4.From the passage, we can conclude that Alec appears quite friendly to Rebecca largely because __________.
A. Rebecca is his distant relation
B. Rebecca looks polite to him
C. Rebecca is a pretty girl
D. Rebecca looks ridiculous
试题分析 一个年轻女子前来拜访,与这家攀亲戚,来寻求帮助。
1.A 细节题。根据第二段Rebecca still stood hesitating like a swimmer about to make his dive, hardly knowing whether to return or move forward.得知他很犹豫,故选A项。
2.B细节题。通过第一段There was an unusual force in his face, and in his daring rolling eyes得知应选 B项。
3.D细节题。根据倒数第四段So mother said we ought to make ourselves known to you, as we've lost our horse by a bad accident. We can hardly make a living.得知应选D项。
4.D细节题。根据最后一段there's no harm in it. I mean it doesn’t hurt to come and make yourself known to me得出应选 D项。
考点 故事类阅读。

请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。
The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don't come with an instruction handbook. And each child is different. So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration, not knowing what to do. But in raising children---as in all of life---what we do is influenced by our culture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American values.
To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own two feet. From infancy, each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they gain more freedom to make their own choices. Teenagers choose their own forms of entertainment, as well as the friends to share them with. When they reach young adulthood, they choose their own careers and marriage partners. Of course, many young adults still seek their parents' advice and approval for the choices they make. But once they "leave the nest" at around 18 to 21 years old, they want to be on their own, not "tied to their mother's apron strings."
The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal. American parents try to treat their children as individuals ─ not as extensions of themselves. They allow them to fulfill their own dreams. Americans praise and encourage their children to give them the confidence to succeed. When children become adults, their relationship with their parents becomes more like a friendship among equals. But contrary to popular belief, most adult Americans don't make their parents pay for room and board when they come to visit. Even as adults, they respect and honor their parents.
Most young couples with children struggle with the issue of childcare. Mothers have traditionally stayed home with their children. In recent years, though, a growing trend is to put preschoolers in a day care center so Mom can work. Many Americans have strong feelings about which type of arrangement is best. Some argue that attending a day care center can be a positive experience for children. Others insist that mothers are the best caregivers for children. A number of women are now leaving the workforce to become full-time homemakers.
Disciplining children is another area that American parents have different opinions about. Many parents feel that an old-fashioned spanking(一顿打) helps youngsters learn what "No!" means. Others prefer alternate forms of discipline. For example, "time outs" have become popular in recent years. Children in "time out" have to sit in a corner or by a wall. They can get up only when they are ready to act nicely. Older children and teenagers who break the rules may be grounded, or not allowed to go out with friends. Some of their privileges at home like TV or telephone use may also be taken away for a while. Although discipline isn't fun for parents or children, it's a necessary part of training.
Being a parent is a tall order. It takes patience, love, wisdom, courage and a good sense of humor to raise children. Some people are just deciding not to have children at all, since they're not sure it's worth it. But raising children means training the next generation and preserving our culture. What could be worth more than that?
Title: The Job of Raising Children
Paragraph outline |
Supporting details |
Introduction |
It is no easy task to bring up children. Parents sometimes feel very 1 ▲ , not knowing what to do. |
The goal of parents |
They help children to be 2 ▲ instead of depending on parents. |
The relationship between parents and children |
An informal relationship exists between American parents and children. ● Children are praised and 3 ▲ to realize their dreams. ● Children are treated 4 ▲ more like friends. |
The issue of childcare |
Most young couple struggle with this issue. ● 5 ▲ , mothers stayed home with kids. ● Recently, a day care center is where preschoolers are put. ● There is a(n) 6 ▲ over whether attending a day care center is a positive experience for children. |
Ways to 7 ▲ children |
American parents have different opinions. ● "Time outs" have become 8 ▲ in recent years. ● 9 ▲ away some privileges is a way to punish some older children and teenagers. |
Conclusion |
Raising children takes patience, love, wisdom, courage etc., but it is 10 ▲ . |