

Here's something you don't see every day―a runaway horse and a zebra on the street of Staten Island. The two escaped from a petting zoo, where they had perhaps got tired of too many unpleasant children before running away.

When they were running in the Travis neighbourhood on Wednesday morning, they were filmed(拍摄)by Zachary Osher. He is the owner of Metropolitan Drape and Blind. Osher shared his video with the Staten Island Advocate.

The witness watched the unusual event accidentally, first spotting the odd couple out the window of his store at 9 : 20 am. He ran outside with his phone to get a picture. He told Yahoo News on the phone, " The horse was leading the zebra. Everywhere the horse would turn, the zebra would follow." Osher was amazed at the sight,saying, "I couldn't figure out what it was―a zebra. A horse maybe, but a zebra? Where did the zebra come from?" He added that he only learned later from reporters that a petting zoo was nearby.

The pair ran around in the parking lot, running back towards Osher, which was when he got his chance to film them with his digital camera. Osher added that he tried to stop them so that they wouldn't run into the street, but they did so anyway , and narrowly missed being hit by a car. Far behind them were two men in blue jump suits and hats and they were trying to get them.

The story ends with the safe capture of the two escapees, who were re?turned to the petting zoo up the street, according to The Nexv York Times. Undoubtedly, the two fleet-footed troublemakers are planning their next adventure.

1. The writer thinks that the horse and the zebra escaped probably because

  A.     they were treated badly by workers in the petting zoo

B.     they were interested in the life outside the petting zoo

C.     they could no longer stand the unpleasant children

D.     they could no longer bear the hard work in the petting zoo

2.  Why did Zachary Osher run out with his phone?

  A.     To make a movie about the two animals.

B.     To take a picture of the two animals.

C.     To get in touch with the petting zoo.

D.     To call people to work for Yahoo Neivs.

3. How did Zachary Osher feel when he saw the zebra?

A. Shocked.           B. Frightened.     C.  Touched.        D. Sad.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 4?

  A.     Osher drove the horse and the zebra to the street.

B.     The horse and the zebra were almost hit by a car.

C.     Osher didn't follow the horse or the zebra to the street.

D.     Nobody tried to catch the horse and the zebra on the street.

5. What would be the best title of the passage?

  A.     A horse and a zebra caused a car accident

B.     A horse and a zebra took a walk on the street

C.     A horse and a zebra escaped from a petting zoo

D.     A horse and a zebra were sent to a petting zoo

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