
Last weekend our school held a sports meeting.1.(Realize) it was our last high school sports meeting, we decided to make it an unforgettable experience for all of us.

We first attended the opening parade, for2.our class had made a lot of _3._(prepare).4._ our excitement, our parade performance was a great success.After the parade, the games started.My classmates attended _5.(vary) events such as running, high jump and long jump.Due to the hard training they_6.(do) before, their performances were very7.(impress).On the stand, my classmates applauded and cheered for the athletes, some8.(raise) their cameras to capture the xcitingmoments.Finally, the result 9.( announce).It was 10.(amaze) that our class won the second place.Our efforts paid off!Cup in hand, we took a picture together.

I believe this sports meeting will remain a precious memory for all of us as time goes by.


Happiness is a journey We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with1.

We always tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together. when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire.2. If not now, when? Our life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza. He said."for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin, real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.3._ At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment that you have.

4.So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school; until you get married, until you get divorced; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car or home; until spring; until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy….

5.So, work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching.

A. Looking back, we may think it’s really an extraordinary journey.

B. The truth is, there's no better time than right now.

C. And remember that time waits for no one.

D. we will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.

E.The more you have a sense of belonging, the happier you will be.

F.Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

G.Then life would begin.

[1]A new study has found evidence of aggressive behavior in children who drink four or more servings of soft drinks every day.

[2]The mothers of 3,000 five-year-olds took part in the study.They were asked to keep a record of how many servings of soft drinks their children drank over a two-month period and keep records of how they behaved.The researchers found that 43 percent of the boys and girls drank at least one daily serving of soda.Four percent of the youngsters had four or more sodas to drink every day.

[3]Children who drank the most soda were more than two times likely to show signs of aggression.“For the children who consumed four or more soft drinks per day,we see an association between aggressive behaviors,attention problems and withdrawn behaviors.”Shakira Suglia says.The aggressive behaviors included destroying possessions belonging to others,taking part in fights and physically attacking people.

[4]Shakira says the researchers identified the link after they considered the factors like the child’s age and sex.They also considered ____________,such as whether the boys and girls were eating sweets or given fruit drinks on a normal day.In addition,the researchers examined parenting styles and other social conditions that might be taking place in the home.

[5]It is not quite clear why young children who drink a lot of soda have behavior problems.However,a substance often found in soft drinks is caffeine,which helps to make people feel energetic.Doctor Suglia suggests that caffeine could be causing the children to be more aggressive.

[6]The research is part of a larger study called the Fragile Families and Child Well-being Study.It follows 5.000 poor mothers and their children in 20 American cities.

1.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than l2 words)

2.What does the underlined word“they”in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?(no more than 5 words)

3.List three aggressive behaviors according to the text.(no more than 12 words)

4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)

5.Complete the following statement with one word from Paragraph 5.

People will often become _____________ when they have some coffee,in which caffeine is the major chemical.


If tests can make students nervous, anxious and even scared, shouldn’t schools just get rid of them? 1. Teachers and schools give students tests for very important reasons:

2. Giving a test is a way for a teacher to see which students are learning the skills and knowledge they should be learning, and which ones are having trouble. Depending on how kids do on the test, the teacher will know if he or she must go back over some things, or if it’s okay to keep moving forward。

To see how well your school is teaching you. All parents want their kids to finally graduate with the ability to earn a living. 3. And one way to do this is to have them take test.

To assign (指定) grades. 4. Besides your homework, tests are one of the best ways for you to show the teacher that you’ve really learned what’s being taught, and for the teacher to figure out what grade you should get. Grades are also a way to show your parents how you’re doing in school.

To keep you motivated(有积极性的). Admit it: you work harder if you know someone is checking up on your work. For example, if your mom tells you to clean your room but you know she will never go in and check, then you might not do it, right? 5. Because you know that you’ll eventually have to take a test on the material and you might be more likely to give it that extra effort and make sure you know everything you’re supposed to know.

A. To see if you’re learning.

B. To see if you are totally prepared.

C. Students must work hard to get good grades.

D. Well, believe it or not, tests don’t just exist to trouble you.

E. Grades are important in most schools, and tests play a big role.

F. So schools have to prove they’re trying their best to educate students.

G. Well, tests help make sure that you don’t leave your homework behind.

It was a weeknight. We were a half dozen guys in our late teens, hanging around “the flat” — as usual. The flat was poorly furnished, which, after some time, grew tiresome. We wanted action.

We got in a car, big enough for all of us to crowd into — and off we went, in search of adventure. We soon found ourselves at Blue Gum Corner, a place named after the huge old blue gum tree that stood by there, a well-known local landmark. It stands at a minor crossroad leading to our town. The trunk is tall and smooth with no handholds for climbing. About six metres from the ground the first branch sticks out over the road. We parked beneath the huge old tree and discussed what we might do. All of a sudden we hit upon an idea — a hanging! I was chosen as “hangee”.

The plan was quite simple. As I stood upon the roof of the car, the rope (绳子) was threaded down my jacket through my collar and down one leg of my jeans. I put my foot through the loop at the bottom. There I hung, still. The boys rolled about laughing until, a car, I hear a car! Before they ran to hide in the nearby field, they gave me a good push so that “the body” would swing as the car drove by.

To our disappointment, the car simply turned off for town without even slowing. The boys came out of their hiding places and we discussed the situation. Surely they had seen me, hadn’t they? Then we heard another car. The act was repeated, but still without any obvious reaction. We played the game about five or six times, but as no one seemed to notice, we abandoned the trick.

What we did not know was that every car that had passed had unquestionably seen “the body” and each one, too scared to stop, had driven directly to the local Police Station. Now at that time of the night, the local policeman was sound asleep in his bed, so the first person sent to the scene was the traffic officer that happened to be on duty that particular night. He had been informed that some person had been killed, by hanging, at Blue Gum Corner. When he arrived, the body was gone! And he was hearing “unnatural sounds” from the surrounding area. As far as he knew, some fierce animal was hiding in the field before him, possibly dragging a body behind him — and we thought we were scared!

He went to his radio and made a call that really began to worry us. I lay so close that I could hear every word. He called for the “armed police” and a “dog team, better make it two” and he had a “serious situation” at Blue Gum Corner. Then the police officer arrived. After a briefing from the traffic officer he decided not to go into the field until armed police and dog teams arrived. Now two spotlights were on the field and none of us could move.

As luck would have it, police cars cannot leave their spotlights on all night without charging their batteries. So, after a time, the two officers began lightening the field by turns, allowing us the opportunity to move on our fours for freedom. One by one, we all managed to steal away and make our way home. Behind us we left what must have looked like a small city of lights, police cars, roadblocks, barking dogs, armed officers and an old rope hanging from a tree.

When I think back to that night, to that tree, to what the drivers of the cars think happened, to what police believe happened, and to what I know happened, I am reminded of a simple truth — our eyes see darkness and light, color and movement, our ears hear only vibrations (振动) in the air. It is how we explain these vivid pictures that shapes our “reality”.

1.The boys made the “hanging” plan in order to ______.

A. make a fool of the police

B. draw public attention

C. seek fun and excitement

D. practise acting skills

2.Seeing that no car passing by stopped, the boys must have felt ______.

A. discouraged B. proud

C. annoyed D. confident

3.Why was the traffic officer sent to the scene of “hanging”?

A. Because a fierce animal kept the traffic in disorder.

B. Because the local policeman was not available at that time.

C. Because some naughty kids were playing a terrifying game.

D. Because many scared drivers turned directly to him for help.

4.The boys managed to escape from the field when ______.

A. the two police cars were being charged

B. the police officer was taking over the duty

C. the traffic officer was making a call for help

D. the two spotlights were not working together

5.What is conveyed in the passage?

A. Actions speak louder than words.

B. The truth lies beneath the surface.

C. Experience is the best teacher.

D. To see is to believe.

6.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Blue Gum Tree B. A Body Found Hanging

C. Escape to Freedom D. A Disappointing Experience

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