

Justin Bieber may have millions of fans worldwide, but Russia’s bears don’t appear to admire the pop singer’s music --- which proved fortunate for one lucky fisherman.

Igor Vorozhbitsyn had his life saved by a Justin Bieber ringtone, when his mobile phone went off during a dangerous attack by a brown bear.

The 42-year-old was attacked as he was walking to a favourite fishing spot in northern Russia’s Yakutia Republic and firmly believed that he was going to be killed.

Wildlife experts believe the ringtone must have frightened the bear into stopping its attack.

‘Sometimes a sharp shock can stop an angry bear in its attack and that ringtone would be a very unexpected sound for a bear,’ explained one.

Mr Vorozhbitsyn suffered from cuts and severe wounds and was rescued when he was found by other fishermen after using the phone to call for help.

Mr Vorozhbitsyn ---now recovering from his wounds---explained: ‘I had parked my car and was walking towards the spot I’d marked out when there was a tremendous impact on my back and the bear was on top of me.’

‘I couldn’t believe my luck when the phone went off and it run away.’

‘I know that sort of ringtone isn’t to everyone’s taste but my granddaughter loaded it onto my phone for a joke,’ he added.

Adult brown bears can weigh as much as 600kg and have been known to kill wolves and even Siberian tigers.

Finally, this is a proof that Justin Bieber is unbearable

1.Igor Vorozhbitsyn was attacked when____.

A. he was fishing at his favourite fishing spot.

B. he was walking towards his favourite fishing spot.

C. he was phoning his granddaughter.

D. he was driving to his favourite fishing spot.

2.The bear stopped attacking because___.

A. Justin Bieber came to rescue Igor Vorozhbitsyn.

B. Justin Bieber sang to it.

C. Justin Bieber’s ringtone was a sudden fright to it.

D. Igor Vorozhbitsyn’s mobile phone was a sudden fright to it.

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards Justin Bieber?

A. positive B. negative C. neutral (中立的) D. not mentioned

4.What does the last paragraph imply?

A. Justin Bieber’s music is popular all over the world.

B. Justin Bieber’s music is life-saving.

C. Justin Bieber’s music is threatening.

D. Even bears cannot stand Justin Bieber’s music.


Most people know the feeling when you walk into a lift(电梯) with other people. A study has found that where people stand is based on their social position on entering the lift.

Rebekah Rousi, a Ph.D. student, did a study of lift behavior in two of the tallest office buildings in Adelaide, Australia. As part of her research, she took a total of 30 lift rides in the two buildings, and discovered there was a fixed order about where people chose to stand.

In her research paper, she wrote that more senior men seemed to walk straight towards the back of the lift. She said , “in front of them were younger men, and in front of them were women of all ages.” She also noticed there was a difference in the direction where people look during the ride. “Men watched the monitors, looked in the side mirrors (in one building) to see themselves, and in the door mirrors (in the other building) to watch others. Women would watch the monitors and avoid looking into others’ eyes (unless in conversations) and the mirrors.”

Rebekah Rousi concluded that shyer people stand toward the front, where they can’t see other passengers, while fearless people stand in the back, where they have a good view of everyone else.

1.According to the study, where people stand in a lift is decided by __________.

A. their social position

B. the monitors

C. other passengers

D. others’ position

2.Who are most likely to go to the back of the lift?

A. Shyer people. B. Senior men.

C. Younger men. D. Women.

3.Which is true according to the passage?

A. The order in which people stand in a lift is fixed.

B. Few people feel embarrassed with strangers in a lift.

C. Women like watching themselves in the side mirrors.

D. Fearless people stand in the back to avoid seeing others.

4.The passage is probably taken from __________.

A. a lift instruction B. a story book

C. a travel guide D. a newspaper


The creative projects of World Food Program (WFP) focused on preventing hunger from taking hold in the future and breaking the cycle of hunger. Here are some of the ways in which we work to prevent hunger in the future:

School Meals

As well as directly addressing hunger, School Meals projects encourage families to keep their children in school and help them build better futures. If children aren’t hungry they will concentrate on their lessons. With a solid education growing children have a better chance of finding their own way out of hunger. These projects benefit girls especially. For more information: www.wfp.org/schools meals.

Food for Assets(有用的人)

WFP’s Food for Assets projects provide the hungry with food to lay the foundation for a better tomorrow. When poor farmers no longer have to worry about the next meal, they have the time and energy to build irrigation(灌溉) systems that can increase production. Similarly, Food for Training projects allow the poor to devote time to learning skills that will sustain(维持) them economically in the future. For more information: www.wfp.org/food-assets.


WFP uses its food rations(配给) to reduce the blow of HIV and AIDS. The agency distributes its rations to people living with HIV and AIDS, so they can keep providing for their families for longer and have time to transfer vital knowledge and skills to the growing number of AIDS children--the next generation of food providers in developing countries. For more information: www.wfp.org/hiv-aids.

Purchase for Progress

WFP buys large amounts of food in developing countries. It has this purchasing power and uses it to help poor farmers contact reliable markets where they can get competitive prices for their produce. With secure markets, farmers will be encouraged to produce more and innovate(创新).The knock-on effect is producing more food for everyone. For more information: www.wfp.ofp/purchase-progress.

1.The text is written with the purpose of ____.

A. seeking solutions to some hot issues

B. introducing some of WFP’s projects

C. raising money for the people in need

D. calling readers’ attention to the poor

2.The farmers who want to receive some training should visit_____.





3.AIDS children can benefit from food rations in that_____.

A. they no longer go hungry

B. they can take care of their parents

C. they don’t have to worry about food

D. they can learn more skills from their parents

4.By buying large amounts of food in developing countries, WFP aims to ____.

A. help farmers to increase their income

B. encourage farmers to produce more food

C. introduce new ways of farming to farmers

D. motive farmers to plant different kind of crops.


A. Travel as often as possible

B. Provide great value to the world

C. Work hard and face great challenges

D. Make the very best of every situation

E. Spend time with friends who improve you

F. Work on something every day that moves you

Everyone hopes to live a long life. But how can you make your long life happy and meaningful? You can read on to find answers.

1.Go traveling wherever you want and go to see one part of the world you’ve never seen before. You will not regret it. Traveling has less to do with seeing things, as it does with experiencing them. It has less to do with discovering something, as it does with discovering yourself. You run into all the good things and bad things about yourself on a daily basis if you travel to new places, and you are provided with the opportunity to grow far beyond your years.

2.You can go through life and make new friends anytime, but no one can take the place of those persons who truly improve you. They are the most important people you will ever meet because they tear down the invisible walls you have built in your mind. In other words, they come into your life and help you develop your potential that you would never have been aware of without them.

3.The road to greatness is far from easy. You can be absolutely certain that when you feel you are getting weaker from struggle, you are in fact growing stronger than you ever have been before. The more difficulties you meet and solve on your lifelong journey, the more meaningful your life story will be.

4.One of the great secrets of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is doing the best you can with what it done to you. It’s all about how you choose to respond to different situations. This simple choice makes a world of difference. If you find your situations tolerable, by all means tolerate them; if you find them intolerable, break through them. Eventually you are free because you alone are responsible for your thoughts and how you use them to improve your growth.

5.The best way to get ahead in this world is not to complete with others, but to serve them. If you want to get a promotion at work, be good to your boss. If you want to build a successful business, be of service to your potential customers. Provide unmistakable value. Value is what makes relationships, businesses, and personal efforts grow. At any age, in any situation, for every possible life path, there is value you can provide. Success and happiness will come when you choose to work for the world.

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