
Doctors recognize obesity as a health problem. So why is it so hard for them to talk to their patients about it?
The results of two surveys, one of primary care physicians and the other of patients, found that while most doctors want to help patients lose weight and think it is their responsibility to do so, they often don’t know what to say.
So while doctors may tell patients they are overweight, the conversation often ends there, said Christine C. Ferguson, director of the Stop Obesity Alliance. Without being told about options for diabetes, she said. “Doctors don’t feel they have good information to give. They felt they didn’t have adequate tools to address this problem.”
The lack of dialogue hurts patients, too. The patient survey, of over 1,000 adults, found that most overweight patients don’t even know at they’re too heavy. Only 39 percent of overweight people surveyed had ever been told by a health care provider that they were overweight.
Of those who were told they were obese, 90 percent were also told by their doctors to lose weight, the survey found. In fact most have tried to lose weight and may have been successful in the past — and many are still trying, the survey found. And many understand that losing even a small amount of weight can have a positive impact on their health and reduce their risk of obesity-related diseases like hypertension and diabetes.
Dr. William Bestermann Jr., medical director of Holston Medical Group, in Kingsport, Tenn., which ranks 10th in obesity among metropolitan areas in the United States, said the dialogue had to be an ongoing one and could not be dropped after just one mention of the problem. “If you’re going to be successful with helping your patients lose weight, you’re going to have to talk to them at virtually every visit about their progress, and find something to encourage them about, find progress in some aspect of their care and coach them,” he said.
He acknowledged that many doctors tend to be optimistic.
“Part of this is that there’s this common belief, and doctors are burdened by it, too, that heavy people are weak-willed and just don’t have any willpower and are self-indulgent and all that business,” he said. “If you think that way, you’re not going to spend time having a productive conversation.”
61.What is most probably the Stop Obesity Alliance, as in Paragraph 3?
A.An organization of doctors specializing in obesity.
B.An organization of patients suffering from obesity.
C.A research group that conducts special surveys about overweight people.
D.A research group dealing with doctor – patient relationship.
62.How many of the patients surveyed have been advised by their doctors to lose weight?
A.About 350.             B.About 390.      C.About 900.             D.1,000.
63.What can be inferred about obesity patients in Paragraph 5?
A.They are not as hopeless as doctors think they are.
B.Most of them have tried hard to lose weight, but in vain.
C.Without their doctors’ constant coaching, there is little chance of their succeeding in losing weight.
D.Most of them have just given up their hope of becoming less heavy.
64.According to the passage, which factor contributes to the lack of dialogue between doctors and patients?
A.Most doctors just never think of warning their patients about their weight problem.
B.Many doctors find it difficult to persuade overweight people to lose weight.
C.Most patients are too weak – willed to do anything about their weight.
D.Many patients tend not to trust their doctors about their weight problem.
65.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Obesity in the U.S.
B.Trouble of overweight Americans
C.Talk more, help better
D.Doctors or patients – who to bear more blame?

61—65 BAABC  

Most of us lead unhealthy lives; we spend far too much sitting down. If in addition we are careless about our diets, our bodies soon become loose and fatty and our systems slow?moving. There are some aspects(方面) of our unhealthy lives that we cannot avoid. I am thinking of such features of modern city life as pollution, noise, rushed meals and stress. But keeping fit is a way to reduce the effects of these evils. The usual suggestion to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take up some sport or other. While it is true that every weekend you will find people playing football and hockey in the local park, they are outnumbered a hundred to one by the people who are simply watching them.
  For those who do not particularly enjoy competitive sports — and it is especially difficult to do so if you are not good at them — there are such separate activities as cycling, walking, jogging and swimming. What often happens though is that you do them in such a leisurely way, so slowly, that it is doubtful if you are doing yourself much good, except for the fact that you have at least managed to get up out of your armchair.
  Even after you have found a way for keeping in shape, through sport or gymnastics, you are still only half way to good health, because, according to the experts, you must also master the art of complete mental and physical relaxation(放松). It has to do with deep breathing, emptying your mind of all thoughts, meditation, and so on. Yoga, as practiced in the West, is the most widely known and popular of the systems for achieving the necessary state of relaxation. It seems ironical (讽刺性的), though, that as our lives have improved in a material sense we have found it increasingly necessary to go back to forms of activity?physical effort on the one hand and relaxation on the other — which were the natural way of life of our forefathers.
12. Pollution, noise and stress are examples of _____.
A. causes of unfitness
B. bad features of living in towns
C. the things we can completely do away with
D. unavoidable things in town
13. We don’t get much out of separate sports because we _____.
A. don’t do them very often 
B. don’t do them actively enough
C. find it hard to get out of our armchairs
D. don’t find them interesting
14. To be healthy we must _____.
A. keep fit and active                                      B. keep fit and learn to relax
C. be active and practise Yoga                               D. have a sound mind
15. Our forefathers were healthy because______.
A. their way of life closely connected with both exercise and relaxation
B. they were careful to get plenty of fresh air
C. they spent most of the time out of doors
D. their environment was not polluted

As A/H1N1 continues to spread, experts from the Centers for Disease Control to the World Health Organization to neighborhood doctors are calling on the people to practice smart flu prevention techniques. Here are some tips to keep body improved and immune(免疫)system ready to fight infection.
Wash Your Hands
And wash them often, in hot soapy water, and for the amount of time it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.
Get Enough Sleep
This means slightly different things to different people, but try to get 8 hours of good rest each night to keep your immune system in top flu-fighting shape.
Keep Hydrated
Drink enough water each day to clear poisonous matter from your system and keep up good moisture(湿度)production in your body.
Eat Immune-Improving Foods
Keeping you body strong and ready to fight infection is important in flu prevention. Fatty foods can slow your metabolism(新陈代谢), make you feel inactive, and weaken your immune system. So stick with whole grains, colorful vegetables, and vitamin-rich fruits.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is likely to decrease your resistance to infections and further damages the immune system. So avoid alcoholic drinks to keep your immune system strong.                         
Proper exercise-for example walking for 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week-supports the immune system by increasing circulation, oxygenating the body, removing poisonous material through sweat, and reducing tension and stress. So get moving!
Avoid Contact with Sick People
If you’re coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth(and then wash your hands),and if you have to be around someone who is sick, try to stay a few feet away from them and avoid physical contact.
Know When to Get Help
A/H1N1 can look like regular flu, so don’t feel like you necessarily are infected if you’re exhibiting flu-like symptoms(症状). But do go to your doctor if you live in an area where there are recorded cases, or if your symptoms are very serious.
44.To fight A/H1N1 infection, it’s helpful for us to_______ .
A.sing “Happy Birthday” while washing hands
B.eat more fatty foods and colorful fruits
C.keep away from alcoholic drinks
D.refuse communication with patients
45.A suitable title for paragraph 7 might be _______.
A.Support the Immune System    B.Keep Physically Active
C.Get Enough Sweat            D.Walk to Reduce Stress
46.The passage seems to suggest that we should_______.
A.get enough sleep after eating fatty foods
B.wash hands with soap after a cough or sneeze
C.drink more water after drinking alcohol
D.see a doctor immediately if you have flu-like symptoms
47.What can help clear poisonous matter from the body?
A.Washing your hands.       B.Eating fatty foods.
C.Getting enough sleep.      D.Drinking enough water.

Let's pretend we're sailing down the Rhine River on a pleasure boat. The Rhine is one of the main waterways of Germany, and the river traffic is heavy. It's interesting to watch the many boats going up and down the river. But the river traffic is not nearly so interesting as the beautiful scenery along the banks and hillsides. The boat is passing many old castles. We can see people working in the vineyards (葡萄园) on the hillsides. There are vineyards as far as the eye can see. Wine from the Rhine Valley is famous all over the world.
Suddenly our boat slows down and begins to turn a little. We are coming to a sharp bend in the river. On our right we can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high. At first it looks quite ordinary, but there is nothing ordinary about it. There are many stories, poems, and songs about the cliff. We are looking at the Lorelei.
The someone on the boat begins to sing in German, the song of the Lorelei. It is a song about a beautiful siren (美女) who has lured many sailors to their deaths.
The siren is supposed to sit on the rock combing her long golden hair and singing. The sailors who hear her forget to steer, and the current of river hurls their boats on the rocks and dashes them to pieces.
Soon other people on the boat begin to sing. The beautiful song adds to special magic to the moment, and you begin to realize why so many people have made this trip down the Rhine to see the rock of the Lorelei.
1.The more interesting thing to those who are sailing down the Rhine River on a pleasure boat is      .
A. to watch many boats going up and down the river
B. to see the beautiful scenery along the banks and hillsides
C. to hear a song about beautiful siren
D. to see a beautiful siren combing her golden hair
2. Which of the following is famous all over the world?
A. The Rhine River.                   B. The River Traffic.
C. Wine from the Rhine Valley.          D. The Lorelei.
3. We can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high      .
A. on our right when coming to a sharp bend       B. on the Rhine hillsides
C. from the Rhine Valley                 D. on the boat
4. The song of the Lorelei is about      .
A. The Rhine wine                   
B. a rocky cliff
C. the beautiful scenery along the Rhine River 
D. a beautiful and dangerous woman genie

Babies are born yogis(瑜伽练习者).Once we were all able to pull our toes up by our ears and laugh about it.Then we aged, got injured, and began carrying stress in our shoulders and back.In short, we lost our balance.
Yoga(瑜伽) is an ancient practice that helps create a sense of union in body, mind, and spirit.It brings us balance.I was seriously out of balance when I started practicing yoga in 1999.I had plantar fascitis(足底筋膜炎)in both feet, and my doctor had warned me against all the things I loved to do: walking, hiking, and playing tennis.I was desperate for exercise.Yoga became my salvation and even enhanced my other fitness activities.I practice yoga at least twice a week, but I consider yoga to be part of my daily life because after a while you no longer just practice yoga—you love it.
Yoga becomes part of your physical life.Your body grows stronger, more toned, and more flexible as you move from one pose to the other.I spent a week in Mexico at a yoga retreat, and it was the first vacation on which I lost weight.“Rather than building muscle, yoga builds muscle tone,” says Shakta Kaur Khalsa, author of the K.I.S.S.Guide to Yoga.“Because yoga helps maintain a balanced metabolism (新陈代谢), it also helps to regulate weight.Additionally, yoga stretches muscles lengthwise, causing fat to be removed around the cells.” I do yoga poses throughout the day.After hours at my computer, I stretch my stiff shoulders and arms.When I need a boost of energy, I do energizing poses.When I am feeling exhausted at the end of the day, I do restorative poses.
Yoga becomes part of your mental life.Yoga teaches you to focus on breathing while you hold the poses.This attention to breath is calming; it dissolves stress and anxiety.I use yogic breathing on the tennis courts, in the dentist’s chair, and in traffic jams.You should always leave a yoga practice feeling energized, not tired.If you feel tired after yoga, it means you spent the time “fighting” yourself, trying to force yourself into poses.In yoga, you “surrender” to the pose by letting go of the tension.
Yoga becomes part of your spiritual life.Yoga is practiced by people from all religions; it is not restricted to any religious group.Yoga teaches “right” living in how we deal with ourselves and others.As I work on a difficult pose, I learn patience, forgiveness, and the value of gentleness.Yoga advocates proper eating, but you don’t have to be a vegetarian to practice yoga.
72.What would be the best title for this passage?
A.What’s Yoga?                B.How I Do Yoga Poses
C.The Benefits of Yoga          D.The Varieties of Yoga
73.According to the third paragraph, yoga can help people __________.
A.grow taller                     B.lose weight
C.become flexible in thinking           D.make more friends
74.People feel tired after yoga because __________.
A.they consume energy in practicing yoga
B.they respond well to yoga poses
C.they spend too much time on yoga       
D.they force themselves into yoga poses
75.If this passage continues, what will the writer most probably write about in the next paragraph?
A.Yoga as a means to keep fit.       
B.Different yoga poses.
C.Popularity of yoga all over the world.       
D.Encouraging people to do yoga.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has declared October 15 as Global Handwashing Day in 2005.The first Global Handwashing Day is on October 15 of 2008.Activities are planned over twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap. Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap. Partners include the UN Children's Fund, American government agencies, the World Bank and soap makers Unilever and Procter and Gamble. The goal is to create a culture of hand washing with soap.
Hand washing can prevent the spread of disease. Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.
When people get germs on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then they can infect others.
The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs. The correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails. Rub for at least twenty seconds.Then, rinse well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth or wave them in the air. Soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. It also helps to break up the grease and dirt that hold most of the germs.And it usually leaves a pleasant smell,which increases the likelihood that people will wash again.
Washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea(痢疾) by almost half. And it could reduce deaths from pneumonia and other breathing infections by one-fourth. Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than one and a half million children a year. Pneumonia is the leading cause, killing about two million children under five each year. Hand washing can also prevent the spread of other diseases.
50.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _______.
A.the first Global Handwashing Day was held in 2005
B.many originations support the idea of Global Handwashing Day  
C.Global Handwashing Day was founded by many soap makers
D.the content of Global Handwashing Day is to wash your hand frequently
51.The underlined phrase “critical moments” in Paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A.the turning points    
C.the arrangement of a time
D.the necessary parts in health
52.The main purpose of the story is to tell us ________.
A.hand washing is very important
B.to create a culture of hand washing with soap
C.germs can infect ourselves and others
D.soaps play an important role in everyday life
53.The last paragraph implies that ___________.
A.a soap is a kind of medicine to prevent a disease
B.it is important for children to wash hands in a correct way
C.Pneumonia kills about two million children each year
D.Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths.
When it comes to intelligence, human beings are the top dogs of the animal kingdom. But in recent years, scientists have been documenting surprising intelligence and emotional depth in animals ranging from honeybees to elephants. Here are some amazing examples.
Artistic Monkey Business
Jannet Schmid, director of the Little River Zoo in Norman, Oklahoma, learned a lot about the intelligence of capuchin monkeys. She and her busband adopted a young male, named Bailey. The capuchin particularly liked taking car rides, insisting that he insert the key and ride in the front passenger’s seat.
Now Bailey has become a devoted painter. He uses brushes to create colorful, abstract paintings, and prefers not to be disturbed.
Prairie Dog Sound
Through a variety of birdlike sounds, prairie dogs warn each other of approaching creatures. They demonstrated a surprisingly complex communication system. In his 25 years of study, Slobodchikoff, a professor of biology, has recorded them pronouncing ten nouns including hawk, deer and coyote, a number of adjectives to identify color, size and shape, and even some verbs to indicate speed.
In an ongoing study, Slobodchikoff learns that their brain contains a very extensive vocabulary. He once used his best prairie dog sound to say coyote, and they just looked at him in anger as if he had said a bad word.
Ivy League Parrot
One African grey parrot Alex is said to have the cognitive abilities of a five-year-old child. Alex can identify 50 different objects, seven colors, five shapes, quantities up to six, and the concepts of bigger, smaller, same and different.
Also Alex is considered to make reasoned decisions. During an experiment, researchers gave Alex different-colored blocks in sets of two, three and six. When asked which color group had five blocks, Alex replied, “None.” And he answered the same in repeated tests. Obviously, he interpreted the concept of “none” as an absence of quantity all on his own. That’s a lot like a high school student answering questions on a quiz show.
56.Which of the following is true?
A. Bailey is as clever as a child of five.
B. The prairie dog loves taking car rides.
C. The capuchin monkey is fond of painting.
D. Alex develops a communication system.
57.The underlined word “coyote” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A. a verb                     B. an animal              C. a warning                       D. an adjective
58.The African grey parrot Alex can ________.
A. answer questions on a quiz show
B. understand the figure “7”
C. identify five colors and seven shapes
D. apply the concept of “none” correctly
59.What is the passage mainly about?
A. Animal communication                           B. Animal research
C. Animal intelligence                                  D. Animal information

New evidence shows that getting enough Vitamin D may be the most important thing you can do for your health.
You know the usual prescription for good health: a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, no smoking.Now add this: Spend a little more time in the sun.
Huh? That may sound like medical heresy (反面观点).After all, we've been warned for decades about the dangers of the sun: wrinkles, age spots and the increasing threat of skin cancer.But new and impressive medical evidence suggests that sunlight is beneficial.The vitamin D it prompts our bodies to make may prevent cancer, protect against heart disease and ward off a long list of disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and gum disease.It is even showing promise as a treatment for heart disease and some cancers.
Long recognized as vitally important for bone building (it's needed for calcium absorption), vitamin D has now achieved superstar status among nutrients.While all doctors may not agree, many experts are confident enough of its wide-ranging powers to urge that we get much more of it, from the sun and from supplements, as even the best diet in the world may not give us enough.
60.Which of the following is NOT the usual way of keeping healthy?
A.To do exercise now and then.
B.To eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
C.To avoid staying in the sun for a long time.
D.To keep away from cigarettes.
61.What does the underlined word “prompts” in the third paragraph mean?
A.causes              B.forces          C.motivates   D.encourages
62.According to the passage, vitamin D ________.
A.can be got by doing regular exercise
B.can be used to prevent some cancers
C.can be got from the sunlight
D.can be used to remove the wrinkles
63.The passage is most likely from a(an) ________.
A.advertisement      B.news report   C.magazine     D.medical prescription
The following passage is a healthy prescription (处方) of how we can approach life. It is not about being famous or being wealthy or about our good looks. Truly, it is all about love. There are times when we feel as if we are separated from the rest. This feeling creates a mental prison. Therefore, we should try to work hard to internally (内在地) liberate ourselves by widening our circle of pity to accept all living things.
“Open your heart to others and try to understand,
When someone reaches for you, hold out to them your hand,
Follow your heart, no matter what other people say,
Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day,
Treat other people, the way you would like them to treat you,
Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true,
Remember what life is all about, it is how you make people feel,
What you do, where you go, and making dreams become real,
Helping people through, in hard times of pain and strife,
What you do for others, is what is important in this life.
Look deeper and don’t judge people by what is on the outside,
It is what is inside that counts and what people often hide,
Care, help, love, be honest, and be kind,
With purity and goodness within yourself, it is happiness you will find.
Do all you can in the time you have, you won’t always be around,
Recapture the joy of little things, that once were easily found,
And if you can do all this and live a life of love,
You will be helped through life, by all those up above.”
I will leave you with the inspiring words of our late genius, Albert Einstein:
“There are two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle (奇迹). The other is as though everything is a miracle.
60. The passage is mainly about ______.
A. living a life of love                 B. helping those in need
C. taking back the joy of life            D. separating ourselves from others
61. According to the passage, which statement is true?
A. Treating others the way others treat you is right for your life.
B. Making your dream become real is selfish in your life.
C. Judging people by what is inside counts.
D. Doing what you can makes yourself happy.
62. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means _________.
A. Different ways of life lead to completely different results
B. Life is not always full of miracles
C. There are two kinds of miracles in life
D. Looking for miracles in life helps people find happiness

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