

Present situation

numbers reduce rapidly

   ●  killed for meat and fur

●  to produce medicine

●  habitat destroyed

not treated with respect

●  do experiment on

●  sold for money

Things to do

forbid hunting animals




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Possible version:

As everybody knows, animals and plants form the eco-system together with human beings. But now animals are not treated equally.

       The number of animals has been reduced rapidly. A lot of them have been killed either for their meat or for their precious fur. Some are even used to produce medicine. Apart from that, their habitat has also been destroyed by human activities. Trees are cut down and rivers are polluted. As a result, they can hardly find good places to live in.

       People do not treat them with respect. Large numbers of animals are sold for money. Some are used to do experiments on, during which a lot of them are killed.

       It time that we took some measures to protect them. Hunting animals must be strictly forbidden. Rare animals should be protected. Only in this way can we live in harmony with animals.             (124 words)


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