
________ where we can stay for a week.

A.Next is another hotel to it                 B.Next to it another hotel is

C.Next to it is another hotel                 D.It is next to another hotel is





试题分析:句意:紧挨着它的是另一个旅馆,在那里我们可以住一个星期。这里where引导的是定语从句,先行词是hotel,where在从句中作状语,整个句子只有一个连词,所以只能有两个谓语动词,故排除D,nextto紧挨着,是一个短语,不可分,故排除A;next to表示地点的介词短语放在句首时,用倒装,故选C。



即学即练:Under no circumstances _______to the teacher.

A.is this the first time he has lied

B.this is the first time he has lied

C.is this the first time has he lied

D.this is the first time he is lying

解析:A。否定副词或介词短语位于句首,需用部分倒装。还原句子为:This is under no circumstances the first time he has lied ...。



In our life, we face situations where we are either asked to choose between trust and disbelief. Many of us would say we have to choose trust over disbelief. Actually we are given intellectual(智力的) power to choose what we want, and what we choose certainly need not be the one that sounds pleasing. That is, we can choose both trust and disbelief, but we have to know when to choose between these two.

We should all realize that we are living in a world which is unfortunately mixed with people of various types. We have been given the power of judging who we are working with and who we are partnering with. We cannot give an excuse for believing a scheming(诡计多端的)person, just because he looked or sounded nice, unless we consider ourselves mentally unskillful.

   This world was there before us and it does not owe us a single thing. We are asked to take care of ourselves and our belongings. Trust, too, has to be saved for the deserving(值得的) people. When we give trust universally to all, we end up troubled by the undeserving common cheat. People say trust is life. True! But only wisely exercised trust is life.

   When we start a conversation with someone, the first things that we usually notice would be their dress, behavior, style and their language. What sometimes we all forget to look at is the person’s intention. Now how to look at a person’s intention is a lesson everybody has to learn for themselves in their own way -- there is no single standard for it. But it is certainly possible to discover the purpose if we seek a little bit more.

   Certainly a false offer of friendship or guidance cannot stand undiscovered for long; we are therefore called to exercise disbelief over trust at least momentarily till we find out that we certainly are in agreement with a mutual(相互的)good-willed person.

The world teaches you lots of lessons and if we are willing, we can learn all that we want.

In the first paragraph, the author ________.

A. concentrates on the reason why we make different choices

B. focuses on how to choose between trust and disbelief

C. suggests that trust should be wisely exercised

D. implies that people are forced to make the choice

. We can infer from the passage that _________.

A. people who we are working with are in fact those who we are partnering with

B. the first thing we notice tends to mislead our judgment

C. the mentally healthy people will not judge a person by his looks 

D. the standards of looking at a person’s intention are not various

. The underlined sentence means __________

A. trust and disbelief go hand in hand with each other.

B. disbelief is necessary if you aren’t wise

C. trust is established if two people know each other

D. doubt may serve as the precondition for trust

Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage? 

A. Trust or Disbelief?                         B. Trust Is Life.

C. Trust over Disbelief?                     D. Disbelief over Trust?

Are you worried by the rising crime rate? If you are, you probably know that your house and possessions are increasingly in danger of suffering from great rise in the cases of burglary(夜盗;抢劫) and attack.

Figures show an ever-increasing crime rate, but it is only too easy to imagine "It will never happen to me".Unfortunately, statistics show that it really can happen to you and, if you live in a large city, you run twice the risk of being a victim.

Fortunately, there is something definite which you can do.Protect Alarms can help to protect your house with a burglar alarm system which is effective, simple to operate and easily affordable.

You must remember that owning a burglar alarm is no indication(暗示) that your house is packed with valuable possessions.It quite simply indicates to unwelcome visitors that yours is one house they will not break into easily, so they carry on to an unprotected house where their job is made a lot easier.

Send now for our free leaflet telling you how we can Protect Alarm your house quickly, easily and cheaply.Complete and tear off the slip below and post it to us.Postage is free.Also, telephone us on 327 6721 where we have a round-the-clock answering service.It costs nothing to find out about Protect Alarm.

Anyone who takes an interest in the crime rate will, according to the text, be aware that ___________.

A.more burglars are being caught than ever before

B.people have more possessions to worry about nowadays

C.burglars are more at risk than they used to be

D.homes are more likely to be broken into nowadays

It seems that people who live in cities are ____________.

A.more often victims than those living in other areas

B.of the opinion that statistics are wrong

C.twice as well as people living in other areas

D.of the opinion that burglars only rob unprotected homes

The article claims that possessing an alarm system will _________.

A.show burglars that you have something worth stealing

B.persuade burglars not to break into your house

C.make the burglars' job less complicated

D.persuade burglars to try again another time

In order to find out more information about this alarm system one can _______.

A.buy a leaflet               

B.write enclosing a stamped, addressed envelope

C.sign a contract             

D.phone at any time of day or night

The underlined word "Figures" in the second paragraph can be replaced by “       __”.

A.Pictures    B.Fingers     C.Numbers   D.Mathematics

There is famous story about British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge.He was writing a poem when he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

This was an age before telephones.Someone was delivering a message.When Colcridge got back to his poem, he had lost his inspiration.His poetic mood had been broken by the knock on his

door.His unfinished poem, which could otherwise have been a masterpiece, would now never be more than a fragment(碎片,片段).

This story tells how unexpected communication can destroy an important thought, which brings us to the cell phone.

The most common complaint about cell phones is that people talk on them to the annoyance of people around them.But marc damaging may be the cell phone’s disruption of our thoughts.

We have already entered a golden age of little white lies about our call phones, and this is by and large a healthy, productive development." I didn't hear it ring" or " I didn't realize my cell phone had shut off" arc among the lies we tell to give ourselves space where we’re beyond reach.

The notion or idea of being unreachable is not a new concept-we havoc "Do Not Disturb" signs on the doors of hotel rooms. So why must we feel guilty when it comes to cell phones? Why must we apologize if we decide to shut off the phone for a while?

The problem is that we come from a long-established tradition of difficulty with distance communication.Until the recent mass deployment of cell phones, it was easy to communicate with someone next to us or a few feet away, but difficult with someone across town, the country or the

globe.We came to take it for granted.

But cell phones make long-distance communication common, and endanger our time by ourselves.Now time alone, or conversation with someone next to us which cannot be interrupted by a phone, is something to be cherished.Even cell phone devotees, myself usually included, can't help at times wanting to throw their cell phone away, or curse the day they were invented.

But we don't and won't, and there really is no need.All that's required to take back our private time is a general social recognition that we have the right to it.

In other words, we have to develop a healthy contempt for the rings of our phones.Given the case of making and receiving cell phone calls, if we don-t talk to the caller right now, we surely will shortly later.

A cell phone call deserves no greater priority than a random word from a person next to us.Though the call on my cell phone may be the one-in-a-million from Steven Spielberg-who has  finally read my novel and wants to make it his next movie.But most likely it is not, and I'm better

off thinking about the idea I just had for a new story, or the pizza I’ll eat for lunch.

What's the point of the anecdote about poet Coleridge in the first three paragraphs?

       A.To direct readers' attention to the main topic.

       B.To show how important inspiration is to a poet.

       C.To emphasize the disadvantage of not having a cell phone.

       D.To encourage readers to read the works of this poet.

What does the writer thinks about people telling "white lies" about their cell phones?

       A.It is a way of signaling that you don-t like the caller.

       B.It is natural to tell lies about small things.

       C.It is basically a good way to protect one's privacy.

       D.We should feel guilty when we can't tell the truth.

According to the author, what is the most annoying problem caused by cell phones?

A.People get so bothered by the cell phone rings that they fail to notice anything else.

B.People feel guilty when they are not able to answer their cell phones.

C.Cell phones interrupt people’s private time.

D.With cell phones it is no longer possible to be unreachable.

What does the underlined word “contempt” probably mean?

       A.Habit.      B.Disrespect.       C.Like. D.Value.

What does last paragraph suggest?

       A.A person who calls us from afar deserves more of our attention.

       B.Steven Spielberg once called the author to talk about the author’s novel.

       C.You should always finish your lunch before you answer a call on the cell phone.

       D.Never let cell phones interfere too much with your life.

Most of the 20th century has been a development on the Industrial Revolution taken to an extreme: people now own more products than ever before; there are enough unclear weapons to destroy the earth several times over; there is hardly any forest left and pollution has got to the point where we buy water. Within a few years I predict you will be able to buy air. (There once was a time when you didn’t need to buy food or shelter either.)

Important developments in the last century are the breading down of the class structures left over from the Industrial Revolution stage, bringing with it the empowerment of the “common man ”: the working day is set by law to only 8 hours a day, everyone has the vote, the media has less obvious government control, people have landed on the moon, sent spacecrafts to Mars and so on. Families have also shrunk drastically(强烈地); the nuclear family came about, and especially in the last half of the 20th century, one-parent families are becoming more common. This shrinking in the size of the family shows the increased independence of people—once upon a time people had to live in large groups to survive.

As humans have “become the gods”, they have realized their individuality and independence and taken their control of the world to an extreme. In many countries the land is almost completely used in the land is almost completely used in the production of food and as living space and they live in small cities which are entirely human constructed, made from materials which are also entirely human constructed(concrete, bricks) with hardly any remains of nature. Weeds are poisoned because they are messy; even parks have trees grown in tidy lines; grass is mowed to keep it short and so on. I think the massive drug “problem” troubling people is a result of too much of this influence, humans needing to escape the stark world they have created by entering fantasy worlds.

Over the last 100 years, the 20th century consciousness has spread throughout the world; most of Asia has been thoroughly “Westernized”, and most of the Third World is being overrun by western ways of doing things and living.

1.What’s the author most concerned about?

A.The influence of pollution.         

B.Strong effects of development.

         C.Changed positions of humans as gods.    

         D.The process of the Industrial Revolution.

2.What is the author’s attitude towards the changes of the 20th century? 

A.Objective.  B.Tolerant.    C.Vague.        D.Negative.

3.What does the underlined word “stark” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Unfair.        B.Illegal.        C.Dull.   D.Violent.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Men’s individuality is over controlled.

B.People have damaged nature too much.

C.Men’s independence is partially limited.

D.People show concern for nuclear families.


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