After read your advertisement£¬I want to offer yourself for the position£®I'm twenty years old£¬male£¬1.78meters tall£¬strong and health£®And I am going to graduate from Nanjing University this year£®I had learned English for ten years£®My speaking English is very good and I can write good article£®I have won several prizes in Engli sh contests£®I have been made a great number of inventions£¬most of them have been put into practice£®But I can use the computer skillfully£®If I can get the job£¬I'll do all I can do it well£®
Thank you for your kindness£®
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½â´ð After read your advertisement£¬I want to offer yourself for the position£®I'm twenty years old£¬male£¬1.78meters tall£¬strong and health£®And I am going to graduate from Nanjing University this year£®I had learned English for ten years£®My speaking English is very good and I can write good article£®I have won several prizes in Engli sh contests£®I have been made a great number of inventions£¬most of them have been put into practice£®But I can use the computer skillfully£®If I can get the job£¬I'll do all I can¡Ädo it well£®
Thank you for your kindness£®
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-It _____ at 5this evening£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | was leaving | B£® | left | C£® | leaves | D£® | has left |
A£® | has been raised | B£® | raised | C£® | has risen | D£® | rose |
---Well£¬it's good£®At Least it's______the one I saw last time with Jean£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | as bad as | B£® | not as good as | C£® | no worse than | D£® | not better than |