(1) |
本题考查动词的区别与用法;信鸽能被带到(take)离家几百英里远的地方. |
(2) |
当这些信鸽再次被放飞(fly)时,它们能找到回家的路. |
(3) |
与上文中的 “When they are let to go to fly again, they find their way home.”对应. |
(4) |
由于信鸽觅路回家的特异功能,因此几百年以来它们一直被当作(as)信差. |
(5) |
与下文中的“A good race can make it home from 500 miles away in a single day.”对应. |
(6) |
人们用船把这些信鸽带到几百英里远的某一选定的地点(some chosen place)放飞. |
(7) |
第一只(最先first)回家的信鸽便是获胜者. |
(8) |
一个好的赛事安排会使信鸽在一天之内(in a single day)从500英里远的地方飞回老家. |
(9) |
与下文的“…and we know of two ways that pigeons tell directions.”对应. |
(10) |
与下文的“These are other questions to be answered.”对应. |
(11) |
与上文的“…and we know of two ways that pigeons tell directions.”对应. |
(12) |
当天空(sky)被乌云所覆盖时. |
(13) |
由下文“When pigeons can see the sun…”可知. |
(14) |
something指代前面的a built in compass. |
(15) |
与下文的“…to sense direction from the earth's magnetic field.”对应. |
(16) |
“做实验”要说do experiments. |
(17) |
由上下文逻辑关系可知,多次实验之后(after),科学家们才得出了一些结论. |
(18) |
当信鸽能看到太阳时,它们便把太阳作为分辨航向的主要(main)手段. |
(19) |
由上文可知,在阴云密布的天气里,信鸽凭借一种特殊的方法来分辨航向. |
(20) |
本句意为“但是,信鸽是如何知道哪个方向(which direction)是回家的方向呢?” |