causing companies and countries to lose billions of dollars.One expert says that depression is like cancer
because it is "widespread,costly and deadly".Depression hits one person in five around the world.
Although people have believed depression to be a problem among the rich and educated,studies
show that depression is a problem among every

percent of the world's population will be suffering from a serious depression. uicide(自杀)rates among
people suffering from the disease in its extreme,or clinical form were 80 percent higher than in the

from depressi

Depression,which researchers agree has its origin in the genes(基因),brings loss of confidence and
ability to concentrate-making it impossible for employees and managers to work efficiently.
Depression is made more serious in China by Chinese's inability to face it.Many people believe that
depressed people are either weak or lazy. Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists
"Most patients in China just don't get help,"a Chinese doctor says."In my hospital.I have to see 30 or
40 patients in a morning,just have time to say "Hello how do you feel?"
In Western countries,people are not afraid to admit that they have depression,but most do not tell it to
their boss,because they fear that their boss would fire them.
"In my experience,aging bosses are the most willing to admit they have it. Because they feel the most
secure about themselves,"an American doctor says.
Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression
so that they can get the right treatment.

B. Depression brings great problems to its sufferers in their life and work
C. Depression is a commonly-existing problem only in rich countries.
D. The poorer and the less educated a person is,the less he will suffer from depression.
B. easy to avoid being hit by heart attacks
C. working efficiently and productively
D. either weak or lazy
B. the lack of treatment and doctors
C. their unwillingness to tell it to their boss
D. the doctors' careless work

B. The aging bosses around the world dare to say they are depressed.
C. More and more patients will turn to specialists for help.
D. Western people are braver than Chinese people.
