




1. 高中学习很有压力;

2. 科目难度大,课后作业多;

3. 没时间参加锻炼等活动

1. 适应并喜欢高中生活;

2. 课程更有趣,活动更丰富,受益匪浅。


要求:    1. 词数120;    2. 文章开头已给出,但不计入总词数。

参考词汇:course 课程

Recently, a survey has been carried out in our school whether the freshmen has

become used to the life in senior high school. ­­                                





As can be seen from the result of the survey, opinions are divided. About 60% of the students in Senior 1 hold the opinion that life in senior high school is far from relaxing. The reasons are as follows: Firstly the subject they are learning now are obviously more different. Besides, they have to do endless homework after class, which leaves them little time for exercise and other activities.

On the contrary, others say they have become used to the new life and have begun to enjoy it. They say that they find the courses are more interesting and the activities are more colorful, which surely benefit them a lot.

As far as I’m concerned, we should balance our study and other activities and do everything effectively. Only in this way can we learn more and enjoy our life better.


试题分析:本文的写作属于典型的议论文文体,将文章分成“三段式”来表示观点。首先对60%的高一学生的观点进行阐述,表示他们认为高一生活一点也不轻松About 60% of the students in Senior 1 hold the opinion that life in senior high school is far from relaxing.再分别对三点原因进行阐述,注意使用表示层次关系的词,如besides.然后对相反的观点进行陈述On the contrary,引出不同的观点,同样对所列举的两点原因进行阐述。最后表达自己的观点,我们应该平衡好学习和课外活动的时间we should balance our study and other activities.同时对文章进行总结Only in this way can we learn more and enjoy our life better.点名题意。





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