
The devastation of Typhoon Morakot over Taiwan and eastern China is a reminder that the northwest Pacific is the most dangerous region in the world for tropical storms.The worst of these are typhoons, which are the same as hurricanes in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific, or cyclones in the Indian Ocean and Australia.They all have winds of more than 118km/h (73mph) spinning around a central core.

These storms start off as a mass of thunderstorms in the tropics outside the Equator.Given the right conditions, they form a bigger and more organised storm and feed off warm seas at more than 26.5C (80F) to get the fuel that they need to become a fully-fledged(羽毛丰满的) typhoon, hurricane or cyclone.Each storm is like a heat engine, extracting heat from the warm, humid air over the sea and turning it into phenomenal amounts of energy — equivalent to about 200 times the entire world’s electrical generating capacity.But warm, moist air is not enough — these storms also need slack winds aloft, because strong high-altitude winds can rip off the top of the storm clouds and send the entire storm tumbling(翻跟头).

The damage from tropical storms often comes from their winds, or the storm surges from the sea as the winds pile up water into a huge battering ram(冲击夯) that floods coastlines.But the devastation from Typhoon Morakot came from its unbelievable rainfall — about a year’s average rain in some places — that set off landslides and mudslides.

1.According to the first paragraph, the common point among typhoons,hurricanes and cyclones is _______.

     A.that they all come from the oceans

       B.that they all have winds of over 118km/h spinning around a central core

       C.that they all cause great damage

       D.that they all can generate electricity

2.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

     A.Typhoon Morakat devestates Taiwan and eastern China

     B.How is the typhoon formed?

     C.Typhoon Morakot was how to devestate the areas it travelled

     D.How terrible is Typhoon Morakat!

3.The devastation from Typhoon Morakot is mainly from ______.

     A.its wind                       B.its rainfall      

       C.landslides and mudslides       D.the storm

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

     A.Taiwan is off the northwest Pacific

     B.the damage from tropical storms often comes from their winds

     C.tropical storms often happen

     D.tropical storms only need warm, moist air






       The kids at Shute Country Primary School in Devon are surprisingly quiet when it’s time to go home in the afternoon, instead of the usual shouting and running you can hear them asking each other, “ Are the lights all off?”, “Shall we check the taps in case they are dripping (滴水)?”, “How many paper towels did we use today?”

    But it’s not unusual here.The kids have declared a war on waste.

    “We’ve never made the children do anything,” explains Liz Templar, the school’s head teacher, “they came up with all ideas themselves.They’re doing this because they want to.”

       If you take a look around the school you won’t see anything thrown away unnecessarily.Everything is collected and reused, or sent to be recycled.

    Shute School started its green_revolution_two years ago.They looked carefully at every party of school life-from the teaching to the cleaning.They looked at the way stationery(文具) was used-especially photocopying, the way cleaning was carried out, and how food was used and wasted!

    Even parents were looked at: how many children came in each car? Did they use unleaded petrol? Could they bring more children in fewer cars?

    High on the list was the waste of paper.Next came unfriendly cleaning products.Paper towels were replaced with recycled paper.But the hardest thing for the kids was when they found out how much rubbish was created by the chocolate, crisps and other snacks(小吃) eaten at lunch time.Of their own accord(自愿地), the children gave them up.Now they bring apples and home-made snacks.

    The school has its own garden where they grow vegetables and flowers so that they can learn about the environment.They also use this area for their recycling store-large containers to collect aluminum, bottles, plate and fabric(织物).

    Even the school’s play area is made from recycled things.

    Since the children started, the school’s heating and lighting bills have fallen obviously and the number of rubbish bags has gone down from seven a week to two or three.

    Everywhere in Shute School there are bright posters asking everyone to take their rubbish home, to save energy and paper and to keep the green flag flying.

1.Which of the following best describes the writer’s idea?

     A.The pupils at Shute School are fighting against pollution.

     B.The pupils at Shute School are learning to save things.

     C.The pupils at Shute School have declared a war on waste.

     D.The pupils at Shute School have found a way to recycle waste things.

2.We can infer from the text that “green revolution” means _______.

     A.beautifying schoolyard    B.activity against waste

     C.planting green plants       D.throwing away waste

3.What do the children think creates the most waste?

     A.Paper towels. B.Cleaning products.    

       C.Snacks.      D.Paper.

4.We learn from the text that the children’s behavior ____________.

     A.has brought arguments   

       B.has saved the school’s cost

     C.was against by their parents   

       D.was forced by their head teacher

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