


提示词:流浪狗 stray dog












One day after school, just before I arrived home, I noticed a puppy beside the community gate. Seeing it shivering in the freezing wind, I felt sympathetic for it and decided to help.

Concerned that it might be sick, I rushed it to the neighborhood vet. On seeing the skinny dog with dirty hair, the vet recognized it as a stray dog. He praised me for my kindness and offered to examine it for free. Fortunately, the dog was fine except for being a little underweight. Since I couldn’t afford the time and energy, the loving vet agreed to keep it until I found it a home.

That night, I posted several pictures of the puppy with a description on a local website, hoping someone would adopt it. To my great surprise, within a few hours my post received hundreds of clicks and dozens of netizens applied to be the owner.

After several telephone “interviews”, a couple became my final choice since they have rich experience in dog raising. We met the next day at the vet’s. For the couple, it was love at first sight. The puppy, as if aware of what was going on, kept on wagging its tail. As I waved the contented family goodbye, I felt a load off my mind and pride in my heart. If everyone can treat animals with love, the world will surely be a nicer place.



亮点说明本文是看图作文,内容齐全,语句衔接紧密,同时使用高级句子。just before I arrived home, I noticed a puppy beside the community gate. Before引导时间状语从句;Seeing it shivering in the freezing wind, I felt sympathetic for it and decided to help. 现在分词原因状语;Since I couldn’t afford the time and energy, the loving vet agreed to keep it until I found it a home. Since引导原因状语从句和until的时间状语从句完美结合;as if aware of what was going on, kept on wagging its tail.介词的宾语从句;另外,Concerned that it might be sick, On seeing the skinny dog with dirty hair, Fortunately, To my great surprise,的运用为文章增色添彩。



Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do especially in tight job market.

Bob Crossley, a human-resources expert notices this in the job applications that come across his desk every day. “It’s amazing how many candidates eliminate (淘汰) themselves,” he says. “Resumes (简历) arrive with faults. Some candidates don’t bother to spell the company’s name correctly. Once I see a mistake, I refuse the candidates,” Crossley concludes,” If they cannot take care of these details, why should we trust them with a job?”

Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely not.

Perfectionists(完美主义者) struggle over little things instead of something larger they work toward. “To keep from losing the forest for the trees,” says Charles Garfield, the professor at the University of California, San Francisco, “We must constantly ask ourselves how the details we’re working will influence the larger picture. If they don’t, we should drop them and move to something else.”

Garfield compares this process to his work as a computer scientist at NASA. “The Apollo II moon launch was slightly off-course 90 percent of the time,” says Garfield. “But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact position of our goal. This allowed us to make adjustments as necessary.” Knowing where to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake.

Again and again, we see that by doing little things within our grasp well, large rewards follow.

【1】According to the passage, some job applicants were refused because they are ________.

A. too limitedly educated to write a perfect resume

B. so careless that they make some spelling mistakes in their resume

C. so careless that they forget the company’s name

D. too foolish to spell the company’s name correctly

2From the passage, we can infer that a perfectionist will _________.

A. change their goals as the situations change

B. lose their jobs by paying too much attention to details

C. pay attention to details as much as to their major goals

D. pay attention to details more than their major goals

3Garfield makes his opinion believable by _________.

A. giving ideas of experts

B. offering examples of resumes

C. providing an example of his work.

D. showing the results of experiments

4Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

I: Introduction P:Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点)C: Conclusion


Where should an adventurous tourist go? After you've done sightseeing in London, shopping in New York, tasted the local food in Paris, and danced to your heart's content at the Brazilian Carnival, where else can you go? What exotic (异国风情的) tourist destination awaits you?

Well, Antarctica sounds like the holiday of a lifetime! It's considered the last great wilderness on Earth. Just a few scientists in research stations share the icy landscape with penguins and other animals which can cope with the low temperatures.

Tourism began in Antarctica in the 1950s and it's still a small scale. About 37,000 tourists are expected there this season, but many won't even leave the boat.

The BBC's Juliet Rix visited the frozen continent and asked herself if she should be there at all, causing potential problems to such a sensitive environment. Her tour guide admitted that all visitors leave footprints and they all go to the same place, the accessible coastline, which is also where the penguins and seals go to breed.

But some people believe that if carefully controlled, tourism can be good for Antarctica. It has no native population and it needs advocates. Visitors to the icy continent might be ready to support and even to fund its preservation. And they're likely to engage in the discussion about global warming, which has led to the melting of glaciers.

According to Rix, guidelines are followed when you're about to set foot in Antarctica and tourists have to disinfect (为……消毒) their boots to make sure no alien species are introduced.

And once on land, there's no eating or smoking. Rocks, bone fragments nothing should be taken as a souvenir and nothing should be left behind. Tourists fortunate enough to visit Antarctica must be aware that this is not their home and keep their fingers crossed that future generations will also be able to enjoy such breathtaking views.

【1】According to the second paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A.Antarctica has become the best place for people to travel

B.only scientists can be allowed to go to Antarctica

C.Antarctica is less affected by human activities

D.no animals can survive in Antarctica except penguins

【2】Juliet Rix's travel in Antarctica mentioned in the fourth paragraph indicates that ________.

A.governments should take measures to stop tourists from going to Antarctica

B.whether tourists should go to Antarctica or not should be considered carefully

C.the animals' habitat in Antarctica has been seriously affected by tourism

D.only journalists begin to pay attention to the environmental protection in Antarctica

【3】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Rix?

A.Tourists can eat and smoke in Antarctica.

B.Tourists can take something they like from Antarctica.

C.Tourists can throw away something they don't need in Antarctica.

D.Tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery in Antarctica.

【4】Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A.Why can't tourists go to Antarctica?

B.How can tourists go to Antarctica?

C.Should tourists go to Antarctica?

D.Are tourists allowed to go to Antarctica?

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