
I 根据课文大意和首字母完成下列短文

A philosopher is a great person who is good at studying and using philosophy. In a__________ China, there are many i_________ philosophers. Confucius, w_______ teachings influenced Chinese s________ for more than 2000 years, stressed the i_________ of kindness ,duty and order. Mencius had the same teachings as Confucius .He was once given an important p_________ in the g________ of a state and then became an a________ to another ruler. He held the b______ that people were more important than r__________ and man was b________ good. He spent his last years p_________ a book called “The book of Mencius ”.Mozi is another great p_________ ,of whom the teachings are s________ to those of Confucius in some ways. He was famous for his unusual clothes and b_________ .He believed that all men were e______ and taught people to look after those who were w_________ than ourselves . He hated the i______ of war. These three philosophers made great c________ to ancient China and their teachings have great e______ on Chinese history.



ancient   influential  whose  society  importance 

position   government  adviser   belief  rulers

born   preparing  philosopher  similar  behavior

equal  weaker   idea  contribution  effect




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