
Anybody who can speak one language has 'the gift' to learn mother. Add a Linguaphone course, and that possibility can become a reality quickly and easily. Study as little as half an hour a day and in twelve weeks you could be talking confidently in the language of your choice.

    Linguaphone will provide you with everything you need to learn at your own pace, where and when you choose. And, although you aren't in a classroom,you certainly won't be left all alone. Our free Advisory Service can sort out any problem by post or phone.

    You can listen to your course on any cassette player. But just in case you want to study on the move or without interrupting anyone,you can also receive a Linguaphone Personal Stereo Cassette Player completely free.

    The Linguaphone cassette and information pack gives details(细节)of this offer, explains how Linguaphone will work for you, and tells you how you can try a course without risking a penny, with our 14-day money-back guarantee (保证).

    Why not find out how you can become one of those ' gifted' people who can speak another language? To receive your cassette and information pack,return the coupon below or call us today.

According to the ad, we can infer that __________.

A. people can speak a second language by learning a 12-week Linguaphone course

    B. Linguaphone will give free courses to second language learners

    C. second language learners are to attend courses at Linguaphone Language Centre

    D. second language learners can teach themselves by using Linguaphone materials

Before a learner wants to take a Linguaphone course, be has to _________.

    A. write to the Linguaphone Centre first

    B. fill out a coupon and post it to Linguaphone

    C. pay for a cassette player

    D. know the details of the information pack

What guarantee does Linguaphone give?

    A. Learners can master another language in 14 days.

    B. Learners can have a free trial learning for 14 days.

    C. Learners can keep the Linguaphone pack for 14 days.

D. Learners can get back theft money after 14 days of learning.

The purpose of the ad is to _________.

    A. offer Linguaphone cassettes to learners

    B. offer Linguaphone courses free

    C. give details of their guarantees

    D. introduce and sell Linguaphone products







【小题2】细节考查题。从文章第5段To receive your cassere and information pack,return the coupon below...可以看出。

【小题3】从文章第4段…you can try a course without risking a penny,with our 14-day money-back guarantee得知。



Glaucoma(青光眼)is a major cause of blindness around the world, especially in developing countries. The World Health Organization says glaucoma is a greater public health challenge than cataracts(白内障), because the blindness caused by the latter can be cured after operations.
Glaucoma is a disease that makes people around the world lose their sight, and they usually don’t even know they have the disease until it has permanently destroyed at least 40 percent of their sight. The process is usually so painless and subtle(不明显的), so people don't notice it. Actually, the simplest medical test can discover it.
“It is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. In Hispanics and in African-Americans, it’s the second leading cause of blindness and so is the case in the Chinese and Indians.” said Dr. Alan Robin, a specialist in treating glaucoma. “The glaucoma we see in sub-Saharan Africa is a much more aggressive blinding disease than the glaucoma we see in Americans or even African- Americans in-the United States.” he said.     .
Dr. Eric Fleischer also sees these differences at Medstar Washington Hospital Center. “Pretty much anybody who has ancestors in Africa has an increased chance of developing glaucoma.” Age is another thing that may lead to glaucoma, although people of all ages can get it.
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that commonly produce pressure in the eye. An eye is sort of like a watch. And behind the face of the watch, liquid is made. It goes through your pupil(瞳孔)and into the front of the watch between the face and the crystal.There's an area around the edge of the watch that drains(使排出)the liquid. When that drain is blocked, the liquid can't leave the eye as fast as it is produced. The rising pressure within the eye damages and eventually kills the optic(视觉的) nerve. The result is blindness.
Fortunately, if caught early, glaucoma can be controlled. Glaucoma is not curable. But as  researchers worldwide lean more about it, they grow more hopeful that glaucoma can one day be cured or even prevented.
【小题1】In which country is glaucoma the biggest danger to people’s sight?

A.In ChinaB.In IndiaC.In the USAD.In Japan
【小题2】What do the underlined words “these differences”(in Para 4 )refer to?
A.The differences in regions(地区)B.The cultural differences
C.The differences in ageD.The physical differences
【小题3】From the passage, we can learn that,            .
A.It is hard for medical tests to discover glaucoma
B.People in developed countries hardly develop glaucoma
C.Glaucoma only causes blindness among old people
D.The research on glaucoma is still going on worldwide

If you want to be a volunteer, you have to answer the following typical questions. Do you want to work with people, animals or machines? Do you want to work indoors or outdoors, directly serve people in need or serve people behind the scenes? Every year, thousands of people in the west offer volunteer service. Volunteering greatly strengthens the community because it helps the old, the young, the weak, the sick, and the disabled and the injured to solve problems.
Volunteers usually help in many different ways. They may give people advice, offer friendship to the young, drive the elderly to church (if up to the driving age), advise kids against drugs, work as assistants in schools or nursing homes, raise funds, plant trees, help out in local libraries and do many other things. Volunteering can be a few hours a week or a few hours a month. Anybody who wants to serve people in need can become a volunteer.
In fact, the art of volunteering is a process of both giving and receiving. Volunteering allows volunteers to meet new people, make new friends and mix with people from all walks of life. Volunteering is an excellent way to experiment and try out new techniques and skills, discover your individual talents and explore career choice. Being a volunteer will take you on a wonderful journey and help you learn more than what you can get from books.
As a volunteer, only when you grow old enough can you _______.

A.plant trees on hillsB.drive the elderly to church
C.give advice to othersD.help out in local libraries
. How is the second paragraph mainly developed?
A.By listing examples.B.By comparing.
C.By giving explanations.D.By discussing.
It can be inferred from the passage that to be a volunteer, _______.
A.you can do experimentsB.you must be very strong
C.you need to work very longD.you can get something valuable
What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to hunt for jobsB.Volunteer service in the west
C.How to make friendsD.How to work with animals

 Mark Twain was asked one day if he could remember the first money he got. He thought for a long time before answering and then said, "Yes, it was at school.  I can remember   1  about it. Schoolboys in those days never   2  teachers and never took care of thing of the school. They often damaged their desks.  There was a(n)   __3  in our school that anybody who damaged his desk with a pencil or knife would be beaten before the   4  school or have to pay five dollars."

"One day, I damaged my desk in some   5 . I had to tell my father I had broken the rule, and had to pay five dollars or be beaten before the whole school. My father said it   __6  be too bad to have our face lost in front of the whole school. He   7  to give five dollars to hand over to the teacher. But before giving me the money he took me upstairs and give me a beating."

"But as I had had one beating and wasn't afraid of it any   8  , I decided I would take   __9 beating at school and   10  the dollars. So that was what I did. That was the first money I ever got."

1.                A.something      B.anything        C.everything D.nothing


2.                A.loved          B.trusted         C.hated    D.respected


3.                A.punishment     B.bet            C.issue D.rule


4.                A.whole          B.total           C.complete D.all


5.                A.way           B.method         C.manner   D.means


6.                A.could          B.would          C.should   D.ought to


7.                A.agreed         B.permitted       C.accepted D.screamed


8.                A.time           B.longer          C.more D.way


9.                A.another        B.more           C.a    D.some


10.               A.earn           B.keep           C.make D.obtain




Speaking in public is most people’s least favorite thing. The reason is that we are all afraid of making fool of ourselves.   1.   .

       But stop biting your finger-nails. Public speaking is easy. It’s just plain talking, and you talk all the time. Although I’m basically shy (honest!). I’ve been making speeches and talking on radio and television for more than 30 years. And I can tell you that public speaking is not a “gift” like musical talent , so   2.   .Here are some of the lessons I have learned:

       Your audience is going to go away with one or two of your main ideas.One or two.Not ten or twenty.  3.  .And if you don't have a clear idea of what you want to say, there's no way your audience will.  4.   —how you are going to open, what major points you want to make and how you're going to close.

       When I do a radio or TV piece, I often write the last sentence first.  5.   .A strong close is critical; the last thing you say is what your audience will most likely remember.

       The standard length of a audio-visual act is usually 12 minutes.If all those performers singing and dancing their hearts out couldn't go on longer without boring the audience, what makes you think you can?


A. Some people are born to be good at making speech

B. Anybody who can talk can speak in public

C. Try to relax yourself before making the speech

D. The more important the speech is, the more frightened we become

E. If you can't express in a sentence or two what you intend to get across, then your speech

is not focused well enough.

F. When you know where you're heading, you can choose any route to get there

G. No matter how long or short your speech is, you've got to get your ideas organized.


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