

While reading a story on 20-somethings complaining about how the economy is ruining their life plans, I couldn't help but think the 20-somethings sound like a bunch of spoiled children who grow up expecting everything to be easy for them. As a 20-something myself, I certainly share their disappointment –my husband and I probably won't be able to buy a house until we're in our forties, and we two are burdened by student loans. But why should it be different? Being young people in America, shouldn't they take up all of the challenges and opportunities that this country offers?

Consider some of these views shared in the story: Jennifer, 29, owner of a two-bedroom apartment with her husband, worries that she won't be able to have children for at least a decade because they can't afford to buy a house yet.

I read that, and I thought what planet she is living on where you need to own a house in order to have kids? Has she ever visited a developing country, or even downtown areas in this one? Home ownership is a luxury(奢华), not a fertility requirement.

A 26-year-old man in the story is disappointed that he can't afford to get a Ph. D. in literature. Well, that sounds a bit like expressing disappointment that no one will pay you to write poetry on the beach in Thailand for five years.

Yes, it's sad that these young people feel so lost. But I think the problem is their extremely high expectations, not economic reality. Beth Kobliner, author of Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties, says that she thinks people's expectations grow up when their wealth appears to be increasing. Their parents probably see their home values rise along with their investments. "So we have people who have grown up in an environment where people have great expectations of what living well means," says Kobliner.

This recession(经济衰退) will certainly play a role in forcing those expectations into more realistic group. In the meantime, it seems much better for our mental health to focus on being grateful—for our one-bedroom apartments, for living in modern cities, or perhaps just for being able to eat three meals a day—than on longing for some kind of luxurious life.

【1】In the passage, the writer mainly talked about _____.

A. young people’s high expectations result in their disappointment

B. the 20-somethings' high expectations and ambitions

C. the poor living conditions of the 20-somethings

D. the necessity of receiving high education

【2】In the writer’s opinion, what is the reason for young people’s dissatisfaction?

A. The declining economy.

B. Their high expectations.

C. Poor living conditions.

D. Their constant failure.

【3】What are some young people complaining about?

A. They are complaining their aims are hard to achieve.

B. They are complaining their parents can’t give them a good education.

C. They are complaining they can’t afford to travel abroad.

D. They are complaining poor economic condition is ruining their life.

【4】How can we describe the writer?

A. Lost and disappointed. B. Passive and stressed.

C. Determined and helpful. D. Positive and grateful.

【5】The passage is developed mainly by ________.

A.facts and descriptions

B.comparison and persuasion

C.examples and explanation

D.figures and conclusion









【1】A主旨大意题。文章开头提出了这些年轻人对生活的抱怨让作者禁不住想到这些年轻人就像是被娇惯的孩子一般,他们期望不需付出努力而生活中的一切就应该为他们准备好了。换句话说作者认为他们对生活有着过高的期望,而在下文中作者又通过Beth Kobliner的话进一步论证自己的观点,选A。

【2】B细节理解题。根据 文章倒数第二段 Yes, it's sad that these young people feel so lost. But I think the problem is their extremely high expectations, not economic reality.可知作者认为年轻人对社会的期望太高而造成了他们的失落感,选B。

【3】D细节理解题。根据首段While reading a story on 20-somethings complaining about how the economy is ruining their life plans可知答案选D。

【4】D推理判断题。根据文章首段Being young people in America, shouldn't they take up all of the challenges and opportunities that this country offers?和末段it seems much better for our mental health to focus on being grateful 可知作者面对生活是积极乐观并且懂得感恩的,选D。




She almost did not run. Christine Williams admits that now. She could barely put one foot after another following the wake(守灵) for her sister, who had died in an automobile accident. But she did run. With the cheers of friends and strangers reaching her heart, Williams set a C.W. Post record in Boston. Now she will run again, in the national Division II cross-country championships in Evansville, Ind. She wanted to be sure she was doing the right thing by running. She was the middle of three sisters, between Kerry, who is 25, and Jennifer, who was 18.

Just going through any motions was hard enough, but Christine Williams wanted to know if she should put on her uniform and her shoes and run through the woods on an autumn afternoon, in the awful gaping time between her sister’s wake and her funeral. “I kind of got upset beforehand.” Williams admitted. Not a chatterbox under normal conditions, she now holds herself the best way she can, the fewer words the better. She almost walked away from the start line. But her friend Angela Toscano, who had flown up to Boston with her, directly from the wake, was standing near the line and talked her through it. “She said my sister would have wanted me to run.” Christine said. And that was enough to get her started.

The accident happened just after midnight on Nov, 4. Four young women were driving in an unfamiliar area of Long Island in Eastport, N.Y., when one of them apparently ran a yield sign, and the car was hit by another vehicle. Heather Brownrigg and Jennifer Williams died, and their friends April Brown and Kaci Moran were treated at a hospital and released.

The crash made the papers. April Brown was charged with drunken driving and driving without a license.

The wake began on Nov. 6. The next day Christine was to run with the Post cross-country team at the regional meet. Rich Degnan, the Post coach,"and Post officials offered a car service and tickets on the last flight-to Boston for Christine and Toscano. When they arrived at the hotel, the entire team was waiting up for her.

Everybody knew about it at the regional meet. Degnan had to arrange for the flexibility of an alternate, just in case Christine could not go. Several times during the race, Christine felt she could not continue. But then she heard her friends and all those other people, those strangers from other colleges, calling her name. She thought about Jennifer. And she ran. She finished fourth in 22 minutes 58 seconds, breaking the Post record for the 6-kilometer distance by 15 seconds. And although the Post team didn’t qualify for the nationals, Christine did.

【1】 What does the underlined sentence in paragragh 2 “Not a chatterbox under normal conditions” mean?

A.She is a person of few words noramlly.

B.She likes chatting under normal conditions.

C.She isn’t under normal conditions.

D. She doesn’t like running while chatting.

【2】Christine’s Post team did the following for her EXCEPT ____________.

A. offering car service and flight tickets to Boston.

B. arranging for a substitute for her beforehand.

C. cheering for her during the race.

D. taking care of her food and uniforms.

【3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Christine flew to Boston after her sister’s funeral.

B. Christine’s two sisters were killed in the accident.

C. Christine’s athletic performance stood out in the race.

D. Christine broke the Post record in national meet in Boston.

【4】原创】Put the sentence in the right order.

a. Angela Toscano flew to Boston.

b. Christine run at the regional meet.

c. Christine broke the record.

d. Four young women were driving in an unfamiliar area of Long Island.

e. the Post team flew to Boston.

A.d e a, b c B. b a d c e,

C. e c d a, b D. a, b c e d

【题目】Most people know that awkward feeling when you step into an elevator with other people and try not to make eye contact.

But new research suggests it may be down to a subconscious(潜意识的)power struggle being played out as you make your way up or down.

A study found that people decide where they stand based on a micro social grading, established within seconds of entering the lift.

Rebekah Rousi, a Ph.D. student in cognitive science, conducted an study of elevator behaviour in two of the tallest office buildings in Adelaide, Australia.

As part of her research, she took a total of 30 lift rides in the two buildings, and discovered there was an established order to where people tended stand.

In a blog, she writes that more senior men seemed to direct themselves towards the back of the elevator cabins.

She said: 'In front of them were younger men, and in front of them were women of all ages.'

She also noticed there was a difference in where people directed their stare half way through the ride.

Men watched the monitors(监控器), looked in the side mirrors (in one building) to see themselves, and in the door mirrors (of the other building) to also watch others.

'Women would watch the monitors and avoid eye contact with other users (unless in conversation) and the mirrors,' she writes.

The student concluded it could be that people who are shyer stand toward the front, where they can't see other passengers, whereas brave people stand in the back, where they have a view of everyone else.

【1】According to Rebekah Rousi, senior men intend to stand ______ of the elevator cabins.

A. in the front B. in the middle

C. near the side mirrors D. at the back

【2】 The underlined word them in paragraph 7 refers to ______.

A. senior men B. younger women

C. younger men D. Women

【3】Why do women choose to stand in the front?

A. Because they are too shy to make eye contact with others.

B. Because they can have a view of everyone else.

C. Because they want to show their power.

D. Because they want to watch the monitors.

【题目】Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some kind: football, hockey, golf, or tennis. It may be mountaineering.

Those who have a passion for climbing high and steep mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women are willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.

Mountaineering is a sport, not a game. There are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as tennis and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.

If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a team sport. Then we are mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no matches between teams of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock surface linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork.

A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. This sport requires high mental and physical qualities.

A mountain climber continues to improve his skills year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it is not unusual for a man of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skills than waste less effort.

【1】Why is mountaineering not a game?

A. Because it is dangerous.

B. Because it has no man-made rules.

C. Because it is unfamiliar to many people.

D. Because so few people go in for this sport.

【2】Mountaineering can be called a team sport because ______.

A. it is an Olympic event

B. teams compete against each other

C. there are five climbers on each team

D. mountaineering may depend on their opponents(对手) when in danger

【3Mountaineers compete against _____.

A. nature

B. high mountains

C. other mountaineers

D. international standards

【4】The last paragraph mainly tells us that _____.

A. a mountaineer improves his skill constantly

B. a good mountaineer may be an elderly one

C. mountaineering is different from other sports

D. an elderly man climbs the highest mountains in Alps

【5】In this passage the author intends to _____.

A. tell us to have sports

B. introduce us to sports

C. tell us to go mountaineering

D. introduce us to mountaineering

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