
Do you find yourself reaching for just one more cup of coffee to get through the day? Are you tired of being tired ? Instead of relying on things like coffee or sugar for energy, get happy by eating more foods that give you energy through nourishment. Here are four foods that can help improve your energy levels.

Hemp Seed

A complete protein, rich in fiber and omega-3s, hemp is a great low-glycemic (低胰岛素) addition to any diet. The glycemic index (GI) is a measurement of how fast the carbohydrates in food are broken down into glucose (葡萄糖) and how much it will affect your blood sugar. Fiber, fat and protein all lower the GI of a food, which is why hemp seeds (along with nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes)are low-glycemic. Look for hemp seed oil for salad dressing, and hemp seeds to be added into salads.

Soaked Almonds

Raw almonds are nutrient dense, and soaking them releases(释放) higher nutrition potential. Soaking increases vitamin levels and removes the enzyme (酶) inhibitors that slow down digestion. I soak my almonds in water overnight (at least eight hours) and then dry them.


It is 20-percent protein, making it a balanced source of carbohydrates. Even though you feel like you're too busy to make home-made meals, quinoa is a fast food that cooks in less than 15 minutes.

Green Tea

Caffeine from green tea feels steadier and less sharp than the spike and crash with caffeine from coffee. This is likely because green tea contains L-theanine, a kind of acid found in tea that helps promote relaxation.

1.The writer wrote the passage in order to______.

A. introduce four foods making people energetic

B. find reasons why people need some coffee

C. reach for something to get through the day

D. tell people way of keeping fit

2.Why did the almonds get soaked?

A. It helped increase the enzyme. B. It helped unlock the nutrition.

C. It helped make digestion slow. D. It helped lock nutrient dense.

3.From the fourth paragraph we can know quinoa_______.

A. is rich in protein B. includes much fiber

C. can be served quickly D. has less sharp flavor


Ways to make a great first impression

You’ve heard it a million times already, but it really does take but a few seconds to make that all-important first impression (印象). Here are some easy ways for you to impress your classmates or teachers.


Before you shake hands with somebody, make sure that your hands are clean. The handshake should not be too strong or weak. Most people use their right hands, unless they have a reason to use the left. 2.

● Be on time

When meeting someone for the first time, arriving on time is as important as breathing. You may have an excuse, but that will leave the person who hardly knows you with a bad impression. 3. It’s better to be hanging around the place than be stuck in traffic.

● Introduce yourself and ask for names

Make sure you properly introduce yourself. Ask for their name in a polite way. 4. This will increase the chances of their remembering your name in the future. Always remember to stand up when greeting someone and be sure to introduce them to anyone you’re with.

● Make good conversation

To get the most out of your discussion, try to find something common between the two of you. 5. A person will feel more comfortable with someone they can relate to (产生共鸣).

A. You’ll be in serious trouble if you leave them with a bad impression.

B. However, don’t have your left hand in your pocket because this appears impolite.

C. Use body language

D. Have a proper handshake

E. Repeat the name and use it later in conversation.

F. As a general rule, plan to arrive about 30 minutes early.

G. It could be a similar taste in clothes or a common hobby.

A Race Against Death

It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.

On the 20th of that month, Dr. Welch ______ a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be ______ if it struck the town. Dr. Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. ______, the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.

How could the medicine get to Nome? The town’s ______ was already full of ice, so it couldn’t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn’t travel on the ______ roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn’t exist yet.

____ January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twenty more were ______. Nome’s town officials came up with a(n) ______. They would have the medicine sent by ______ from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogsled(狗拉雪橇) drivers—known as “mushers”—would ______ it to Nome in a relay(接力).

The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. ______ he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon’s face was black from the extreme cold.

On January 31, a musher named Seppala had to ______ a frozen body of water called Norton Sound. It was the most ______ part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice, which could sometimes break up without warning. If that happened, Seppala might fall into the icy water below. He would ______, and so would the sick children of Nome. But Seppala made it across.

A huge snowstorm hit on February 1. A musher named Kaasen had to brave this storm. At one point, huge piles of snow blocked his ______. He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)to get around them. Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to ______ the trail again. The only hope was Balto, Kaasen’s lead dog. Balto put his nose to the ground, ______ to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trail. If Balto failed, it would mean disaster for Nome. The minutes passed by. Suddenly, Balto began to _______. He had found the trail.

At 5:30 am on February 2, Kaasen and his dog ______ in Nome. Within minutes, Dr. Welch had the medicine. He quickly gave it to the sick children. All of them recovered.

Nome had been ______.

1.A. examined B. warned C. Interviewed D. cured

2.A. harmless B. helpless C. fearless D. careless

3.A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However

4.A. airport B. station C. harbor D. border

5.A. narrow B. snowy C. busy D. dirty

6.A. From B. On C. By D. After

7.A. tired B. upset C. pale D. sick

8.A. plan B. excuse C. message D. topic

9.A. air B. rail C. sea D. road

10.A. carry B. return C. mail D. give

11.A. Though B. Since C. When D. If

12.A. enter B. move C. visit D. cross

13.A. shameful B. boring C. dangerous D. foolish

14.A. escape B. bleed C. swim D. die

15.A. memory B. exit C. way D. destination

16.A. find B. fix C. pass D. change

17.A. pretending B. trying C. asking D. learning

18.A. run B. leave C. bite D. play

19.A. gathered B. stayed C. camped D. arrived

20.A. controlled B. saved C. founded D. Developed

One day in winter, a couple of good friends headed for a frozen lake nearby to skate on ice. The boys were between five and ten years old. When they were skating, one of the boys headed deeper into the lake, but _____ he found himself skating on very _____ ice. Before he could _____ it, he had fallen through the ice into the icy water below. Having seen this, his friends _____ towards him but could not get him out of the lake _____ the ice layer had formed back and the boy was _____ under the transparent layer. They could see him _____ but could do nothing to help him. Then one of his friends _____ to see a tree in the distance. He skated to it as fast as he could, _____ a branch and then with all his ______ he started digging into the ice. His work proved ______ and he managed to make a hole ______enough to pull his friend out.

By the time the ambulance arrived, a small crowd had gathered. They were all ______ the rescuer for his ______and calmness. However, they were all surprised as well, and ______ how a young boy could break such a big branch. ______, the branch was bigger and heavier than what a person of that age group could carry, drag it to the spot and ______ it again and again to hammer a hole in the ice. It looked like a superhuman ______. How? How did he manage to do it? It was impossible! During the ______, an old man spoke up, “I know how he did it.” Everybody looked at him in ______. The old man said, “He could do it because there was nobody around him who said he couldn't!”

1.A. unfortunately B. probably C. unfairly D. hardly

2.A. cold B. heavy C. light D. thin

3.A. stand B. realize C. clear D. protect

4.A. shouted B. laughed C. rushed D. waved

5.A. because B. though C. if D. unless

6.A. sent B. pushed C. trapped D. seated

7.A. shaking B. struggling C. trying D. breathing

8.A. seemed B. continued C. wanted D. happened

9.A. borrowed B. touched C. broke D. climbed

10.A. strength B. wealth C. interest D. freedom

11.A. true B. successful C. attractive D. risky

12.A. bright B. deep C. large D. round

13.A. praising B. comforting C. encouraging D. advising

14.A. honesty B. bravery C. generosity D. knowledge

15.A. imagined B. replied C. imitated D. wondered

16.A. Obviously B. Hopefully C. Delightfully D. Occasionally

17.A. throw B. raise C. turn D. knock

18.A. sign B. lesson C. effort D. idea

19.A. performance B. break C. meeting D. discussion

20.A. advance B. silence C. despair D. belief

People tend to become more personal and hide less of themselves when using email. Researchers from Open University in Britain have found in a recent study that there are good reasons for this.

The team of researchers asked 83 pairs of students, all strangers to each other, to solve a problem. They had to discuss this question: If only five people in the world could be saved from a world disaster, who should they be? The pairs of students had to talk over the problem either face to face or by computers. Dr. Johnson said, “They told their partners four times as much about themselves when they talked over the Internet as when they talked face to face. When the computers were fitted with cameras so that students could see each other, this limited the personal side of the conversation.”

Generally the information was not extremely personal. It was mainly about things such as where they went to school, or where they used to live. But some students discussed their love stories, and personal childhood experiences.

Dr Johnson believes that emailing encourages people to focus on themselves. And when they do this, they become more open, especially if there are no cameras. “If you cannot see the other person, it becomes easier to talk about yourself. This is because you are not thinking what the other person is thinking of you. So emailing has become the modern way of talking,” said Dr. Johnson. However, this style of talking is not entirely new. “In the 19th century people started to use the ‘telegraph’ to communicate. Now the same kind of thing has happened and people ended up speaking more freely.”

Dr. Johnson thinks that emailers need to know about these effects of emailing, especially when they start work in a company. “ If you don’t know about them, you could find yourself saying more about yourself than you wanted to.”

1.The subject discussed in this passage is _______.

A. how people do research studies

B. how people open up when emailing

C. how to communicate at work

D. how to discuss and solve a problem

2.The reason that some couples talked freely about themselves is that _______.

A. they didn’t talk about very personal things

B. they couldn’t see each other

C. the cameras on the computers were turned on

D. they had to discuss a question

3.In the writer’s opinion, one should ______.

A. focus on oneself when emailing

B. talk more freely in emails than usual

C. consider how one uses email at work

D. discuss any subject that one wants to

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