
As with any house guests, indoor plants require a certain amount of basic, regular attention if they are going to feel at home. The first consideration when purchasing plants is to make reasonably sure that they are suitable for the condition in which they are going to be housed.

A general rule for most plants being brought indoors for the first time is to ensure that they have reasonable temperature of not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, a position out of cold air, safe from pets and not exposed to strong sunlight.

Plants love company. When plants are growing together, they create an atmosphere of damp around themselves which is far more beneficial than hot dry conditions. A group of plants will also present a more pleasing picture and provide an opportunity for a creative arrangement. There is no secret to this. Just rely on your natural feeling for harmony.

Watering and feeding plants are probably the two areas of care that are the least well understood, but, again, if you follow a few simple rules, your plants should do well. Cold slightly warm water is therefore the answer. It is usually better to pour water on to the soil on the surface of the pot rather than put the water into the pot holder at the bottom. Avoid giving small amount of water at regular intervals- it is much better to wet the soil right through the pot in one go and then to allow it to dry noticeably before giving it a further watering.

The majority of indoor plants will be in active growth from March until October, and during this time, the established ones will benefit from regular feeding. This may mean feeding with a weak liquid fertilizer(肥料) at each watering or at intervals of a week or ten days with fertilizer at a standard strength. It is important, however, to ensure that plants are not fed when growth is inactive, when the soil in the pot is dry, or too soon after the plants has been potted up.

1.In Paragraph 2, the author mainly tells us to___________.

A. buy plants that help clean indoor air

B. create a new environment with plants

C. put plants on the sunny side of the room

D. make sure of suitable conditions for plants

2.What’s the benefit of plants growing together?

A. It provides owners good company.

B. It makes it convenient to look after them.

C. It helps the air around them slightly wet.

D. It allows owners to draw a pleasant picture.

3.While watering the plants, what should we remember to do?

A. Use water that is a little warm.

B. Pour the water into the pot holder.

C. Give small amount of water at one time.

D. Consider further watering in wet weather.

4.What is the best time to feed the plants?

A. When the soil is dry.

B. When the temperature is high.

C. When their growth is active.

D. When they have just been planted.



Secret codes (密码)keep messages private。Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.

People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 1. Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.

There are three main types of cryptography. 2. For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” Spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”

3. You might represent each letter with a number, For example, Let’s number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 20 13 5.”

A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 4.For example, ”bridge“ might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me.” The message “bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me.” 5. However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.

A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.

B. In any language, some letters are used more than others.

C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.

D. As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them.

E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.

F. With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words.

G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.

Will it matter if you don't have your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfasts.

The rules show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he or she will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.

The result is opposite to what some people think. Having no breakfast will not help them lose weight. This is because they are so hungry at noon that eat too much for lunch. They will gain weight instead of losing it. You will lose weight if you reduce your other meals.

1. During the test , the people were given _________.

A. no breakfast at all.

B. different breakfast or sometimes none

C. very rich breakfasts

D. little food for breakfast

2.Scientists wanted to know whether __________.

A. breakfast had any effect on work and studies.

B. people were interested in breakfast

C. breakfast did harm to people 's health

D. people would work better without breakfast

3.According to the passage , some people think without breakfast they will ____.

A. not be hungry at all.

B. get a good result in their work

C. gain weight

D. lose weight

4. Which of the following sentence is NOT right?

A. It is bad for your health to have no breakfast.

B. No breakfast and more lunch may make you fatter.

C. The more breakfast you have, the more quickly you will learn in class.

D. If you don't eat much for lunch and supper , you may lose weight.


Here are four pieces of news from China Daily.

SHANGHAI-The Huachen Group, which has put 83 million yuan in the development of the e-commerce market since its official registration late last year, recently held a meeting in Shanghai to show the use of its newly opened tourism business payment network. The network aims to serve tourists from all over the world, but especially from Europe and the United States where credit cards are popularly used. After opening the www.chinaecnet.com website, netizens can get information about hotels and tourism services on tourism page. Hotels and services can be reserved and payments made through credit cards. The network opened in February in Beijing.

SYDNEY-The Sydney Olympic flame will travel underwater on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef during the torch relay following a successful test.

Scuba diver Wendy Craig, a marine biologist, will carry the torch on a three-to-four-minute underwater journey at Agincourt Reef on June 27, creating Olympic history, organizers said yesterday.

Burning at 2000 degrees, the torch is expected to remain alight three metres underwater because of a special kind of technology which creates a ―fierce flame“ -too powerful to be drowned out by water.” Charles Tegner, managing director of torch creator, said the flame would burn like a flare from oxygen-producing chemicals.

BEIJING-The election of a new leader in Taiwan can not change the fact that Taiwan is a part of Chinese territory.“Taiwan Independence”in whatever form will never be allowed, according to a statesman of China’s central government. ―“We should listen to what the new leader in Taiwan says and watch what he does. We will observe where he will lead cross-Straits relations. We are willing to exchange views on cross-Straits relations and peaceful reunification with all parties, organizations and personages in Taiwan who favor the one China principle”, says the statesman, which was released by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee.

HAIKOU-Customs officers in Haikou, capital of South China’s Hainan Province, recently stopped a boat loaded with 781 cases of foreign-brand cigarettes being smuggled(走私)into China. The cigarettes are estimated to be worth more than 1.8 million yuan, said a customs discovered the smuggling boat as they were going around the northern sea area of Yangpu Port.

The smuggled cigarettes cases, packed into two containers, were disguised to avoid being examined. The boat was registered in the coastal city of Xiamen in East China’s Fujian Province. All eight suspects aboard the boat were kept by the police in Haikou.

1.Why does the network aim to serve tourists especially from Europe and the USA?

A. Because they are from developed countries.

B. Because the payments of hotels and services should be made through credit cards.

C. Because people in these countries travel much more than those countries.

D. Because they have more computers than others.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the second piece of news?

A. The whole torch relay will be held three metres underwater.

B. The underwater journey of the torch will play an important part in Olympic history.

C. A test has been made before this activity.

D. Some chemicals will help the flame burn by producing oxygen.

3.Which is the best title for the third piece of news?

A. Ready to Fight B. No Good End

C. Wait and See D. Peace Comes First

4.Which of the following best explains the underlined word “disguised” in the last piece of news?

A. made different from normal

B. designed for a good purpose

C. hidden

D. pretended


Culture Shock

Culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country.

Generally speaking, we could say that there are four stages of culture shock. The first stage is called “the honeymoon”. In this stage, you are excited about living in a different place. 1.

The next stage is “the hostility(敌意)stage”. In this stage, you begin to notice not everything is as good as you originally thought it was. 2. Moreover, people don’t treat you like a guest anymore.

Then you come to the third stage called “recovery”. In this stage, you start to feel more positive. 3. The whole situation starts to become more favorable and you begin to learn to adapt yourself to it.

The last stage of culture shock is called “adjustment”. In this stage, you have reached a point where you actually feel good. 4. The things that originally made you feel uncomfortable or strange are now things that you understand. Now you have adjusted to the new culture and you feel comfortable.

Not all individuals visiting another country will experience all these four stages.

5. It also occurs within cultures as individuals move from place to place or from one setting to another (e.g., from high school to college).

A. You feel that friends should help each other to deal with culture shock.

B. And you try to develop comprehension of everything you don’t understand.

C. In addition, culture shock is not limited to the overseas visitor.

D. You become tired of many things about the new culture.

E. You have learned enough to understand the new culture.

F. You begin to understand you need to travel a lot.

G. And everything seems to be marvelous and everybody seems to be so nice to you.

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