
Though     money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A.lackedB.lacking of
C.lackingD.lacked in




Kites have been around for a long time.The Chinese invented kites over 2000 years ago. A determined man named Mo Zi had an idea as he watched hawks(鹰) fly. He spent three years making a wooden hawk“kite”. It broke after one flight! Mo Zi and his Chinese friends did not give up. Soon they perfected the art of creating kites.
Kites became part of many Chinese festivals. Pictures of kites were also on vases and in paintings. But kites were meant to fly in places other than China! Marco Polo visited China in the 13th century and brought kites back to Europe with him. Europeans loved them, and the art of kiting“took off”!
Many kites have stories behind them. One Chinese novel, called Journey to the West, was written around 1400 AD. In the story, a priest(僧侣) traveled with three students. One student was a monkey. The second student was a man with pig ears. The third student was a former river monster. These characters often appear on Chinese kites. Another splendid Chinese kite is the dragon kite. A dragon kite is made of many round discs strung together. Often the dragon is bright red, with fat horns and white teeth. The dragon is the king of beasts in Chinese myths. It represents goodness, even though it looks scary. Two kinds of kites have pictures of birds on them. One kite is called the phoenix(凤凰) bird kite. The phoenix bird symbolizes peace. Another kite shows the red-headed crane. The crane represents happiness, good fortune, and a long life.
Kites come in all shapes and sizes. Flat or bowed kites have a simple shape, such as a diamond or a rectangle(长方形). Delta(三角形) kites are triangular. Rokkaku kites are six sided and often bear a striking image. Sometimes these kites“flight”each other until one kite drops from the sky. The other kite then wins the“battle”.
【小题1】Who introduced Chinese kites to Europe?
A.A foreigner from Europe.
B.Three students in Journey to the West.
C.The priest in Journey to the West.
D.A Chinese artist.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The novel Journey to the West mainly talks about the art of kiting.
B.The characters in the novel Journey to the West are often painted on kites.
C.The dragon kite represents happiness, good fortune and a long life.
D.A phoenix bird is a main character in the novel Journey to the West.
【小题3】Which statement expresses an opinion rather than a fact?
A.Kites became part of many Chinese festivals.
B.There are many different kinds of kites.
C.The dragon kite is the most splendid Chinese kite.
D.Kites were invented 2000 years ago.
【小题4】Which kind of kite is NOT used to fight“battles”in the air?


Nowadays, the term " sense of happiness" has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias. During the National Day holidays, CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by the question " Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?" The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.

" I would say I'm pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a good job. " said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.

Though it seemed that most people said they were happy, different voices were still heard and should not be ignored. There was a migrant worker(农民工) whose answer to the question was widely spread online. When asked if he was happy, he said " My family name is Zeng", showing his determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.

The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered " I don't know " in an interview when he was asked the same question: Are you happy?


















Nowadays, " the sense of happiness" has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias.  CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by: " Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?" The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.

" I would say I'm pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a decent job. " said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.

Though it seemed that most people said they were happy, different voices were still heard and should not be ignored. A migrant worker’s(农民工) reply was  "My family name is Zeng", showing his  determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.

The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered " I don't know " in an interview when he was asked the same question.










【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。



How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue SO well?When we compare them

With adults learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact.A little child without

knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language.A grown—up person with fully developed mental powers,in most cases,may end up with a faulty and inexact corflllland.What accounts for tllis difference?

Despite other explanations。tlle real answer in my opinion hes partly in the child himself,partly in the  behaviour of the people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue  in the most favorable of all,namely,the first years of hfe.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is more important,always in its genuine form,with the right pronunciation,rightIntonation,right use of words and right structure.He drinksin all the words and expressions which come  to him in a hsh.ever—bubbhng spring.There is no resistance:there is perfect assimilation.

Then the child has,as it were,private lessons all the year round,while an adult language—

student has each week a limited number of hours which he generally shares with others.The child

has another advantage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the

right kind of gestures and facial expressions.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found

In  language lessons in schools,when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January  And what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him.Again and again,when his attempts at speech a聪successful,his desires are understood and fulfilled.

Finally,though a child’S“teachers”may not have been trained in language teaching,their re-

lations with him are always close and personal.ney take great pains to Inske their lessons easy.

60.’rhe main idea of the passage is——.

A.to tell why the native language is learnt SO well by children

B.to teach children to learn their lllothei"language we

C.to show that children’S teacher should take great p8ins to make their lessons easy

D.to do research into the difference between children and adults

61.What does the underlined phrase“dlq.nks in”in paragraph 2 mean?

A.drinks alcohol    B.has a drink of    C.takes in D.tastes

62.An adult has more difflculties in learning foreign languages well for the reason that_____.

A.children are more indiligent than adults

B.adults pay less attention to learning/anguages than children.

C.children have private lessons all the year around

D.an adult language—student has limited time to share with others

63.Ⅵmo ale the teachers teaching a child to learn his mother language?

A。His parents.    B.His teachers.    C.People around him.D.Himself.


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