

Sitting in a dark movie theater with your friends. and a tub of popcorn (H^) sounds like a perfect way to spend a Saturday night, and it could be, if you are willing to share your popcorn with the entire row of moviegoers around you.

A review of movie-theater popcorn reveals an alarming amount of fat, salt and calories in even the smallest sizes. A large tub of popcorn at Regal Cinemas, for example, holds 20 cups of popcorn and has 1,200 calories, 980 milligrams of sodium (钠) and 60 grams of saturated (饱和的) fat. Adding just a tablespoon of butter adds 130 calories. And do not forget that it comes with free refills.

Not so hungry? The medium size popcorn, even the small, at 11 cups, delivers 670 calories, 550 milligrams of sodium .and 24 grams of saturated fat. The findings may surprise those who believe it is a relatively healthy snack. In fact, plain air-popped popcorn is low in calories and free of saturated fat. Movie theater popcorn, however, is popped in oil, often coconut oil, which is 90 percent saturated fat. Add salt to it, and your once-healthy snack turns into a health offender.

One way to make your popcorn healthier? Ask the theater to pop the corn without salt. The best way to make your movie snack healthier, however, would be to skip the popcorn.

"You could share a tub of popcorn with 10 friends," Dr. Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University, said. "Or, what a concept, watch the movie without eating anything."

64. The review finds that movie theatre popcorn may contain all the following EXCEPT ______.

A. butter          B. sodium                 C. saturated fat         D. pepper

65. What does the author think of popcorn prepared in coconut oil?

A. It is a healthy snack.                        B. It does harm to our health.

C. It looks like a perfect choice.                       D. It is very nutritious.

66. Which kind of popcorn causes the least health concern?

A. Movie theatre popcorn.                                 B. Popcorn sold at Regal Cinemas.

C. Large size popcorn.                                      D. Plain air-popped popcorn.

67. What is Dr. Nestle's suggestion to moviegoers?

A. Avoid eating popcorn.                                  B. Share popcorn with friends.

C. Not eating anything in the movie theatre.        D. Try eating other kind of food.



64---67  DBDB  




James was a curious young man. Everywhere he went, he liked to observe things and to __21__ people—what they did, what they said and what they wore. Subconsciously, he was making quick __22__ all the time. He couldn’t really __23__ it; it just happened.

For example, he once saw a man whose body was __24__ with tattoos(文身). That man was strong and walked proudly. James imagined his __25__ people up, sometimes with sticks and sometimes with his hands, speaking __26__ words each time he opened his mouth. A troublemaker, perhaps, James __27__ to himself.

Sometimes James felt __28__ for judging others this way, but that feeling was __29__ and never really lasted.

Then, one day, he saw a woman seated alone in a café. The woman was __30__, quite fat, and although she was not __31__, James could tell she was a short lady. __32__, James glanced across at her, looking at her from top to bottom. As his eyes reached her __33__, he got a shock.

There she was, on her left foot, wearing a platform shoe that was at least 3 inches high. __34__ could such a little middle-aged lady who was average-looking at best be so vain as to wear high platforms? Look beautiful? In that short moment of time, __35__ thoughts flowed through James’ mind.

A second later, James’ eyes naturally moved across to the lady’s right foot. And there, he got an even bigger __36__. ----It was a flat shoe. She was not vain; she had a birth defect(缺陷) ----uneven length of her legs. If anything, she deserved __37__ and understanding, certainly not blame, not even mental ones.

James was __38__ with guilt. It was a(n) __39__ lesson he learned about not __40__ conclusions, about not judging people, especially so quickly.

A. greet                            B. watch                       C. meet                 D. cheat

A. mistakes                B. progress                   C. judgments         D. promises

A. help                      B. get                           C. accept               D. keep

A. faced                            B. covered                    C. filled                D. charged

A. cheering                B. dressing                   C. beating              D. holding 

A. humorous                     B. modest                     C. bad                   D. cautious

A. thought                 B. proved                            C. explained          D. told

A. curious                  B. guilty                       C. excited              D. happy

A. temporary                     B. strange                     C. permanent         D. deep

A. young                   B. middle-aged             C. old                   D. pretty

A. speaking                B. standing                   C. sitting               D. walking

A. Therefore                     B. However                  C. As well             D. As usual

A. feet                       B. hands                       C. eyes                  D. legs

A. When                    B. Why                        C. How                 D. What

A. inspiring                B. blaming                   C. persuading         D. defending

A. pleasure                 B. honor                       C. comfort             D. shock

A. love                      B. award                      C. sympathy          D. respect

A. hit                        B. started                      C. equipped           D. struck

A. new                      B. valuable                   C. interesting         D. difficult

A. denying                 B. reaching                   C. leading to          D. jumping to

James was a curious young man. Everywhere he went, he liked to observe things and to __21__ people—what they did, what they said and what they wore. Subconsciously, he was making quick __22__ all the time. He couldn’t really __23__ it; it just happened.

For example, he once saw a man whose body was __24__ with tattoos(文身). That man was strong and walked proudly. James imagined his __25__ people up, sometimes with sticks and sometimes with his hands, speaking __26__ words each time he opened his mouth. A troublemaker, perhaps, James __27__ to himself.

Sometimes James felt __28__ for judging others this way, but that feeling was __29__ and never really lasted.

Then, one day, he saw a woman seated alone in a café. The woman was __30__, quite fat, and although she was not __31__, James could tell she was a short lady. __32__, James glanced across at her, looking at her from top to bottom. As his eyes reached her __33__, he got a shock.

There she was, on her left foot, wearing a platform shoe that was at least 3 inches high. __34__ could such a little middle-aged lady who was average-looking at best be so vain as to wear high platforms? Look beautiful? In that short moment of time, __35__ thoughts flowed through James’ mind.

A second later, James’ eyes naturally moved across to the lady’s right foot. And there, he got an even bigger __36__. ----It was a flat shoe. She was not vain; she had a birth defect(缺陷) ----uneven length of her legs. If anything, she deserved __37__ and understanding, certainly not blame, not even mental ones.

James was __38__ with guilt. It was a(n) __39__ lesson he learned about not __40__ conclusions, about not judging people, especially so quickly.

A. greet                            B. watch                       C. meet                 D. cheat

A. mistakes                B. progress                   C. judgments         D. promises

A. help                      B. get                           C. accept               D. keep

A. faced                            B. covered                    C. filled                D. charged

A. cheering                B. dressing                   C. beating              D. holding 

A. humorous                     B. modest                     C. bad                   D. cautious

A. thought                 B. proved                            C. explained          D. told

A. curious                  B. guilty                       C. excited              D. happy

A. temporary                     B. strange                     C. permanent         D. deep

A. young                   B. middle-aged             C. old                   D. pretty

A. speaking                B. standing                   C. sitting               D. walking

A. Therefore                     B. However                  C. As well             D. As usual

A. feet                       B. hands                       C. eyes                  D. legs

A. When                    B. Why                        C. How                 D. What

A. inspiring                B. blaming                   C. persuading         D. defending

A. pleasure                 B. honor                       C. comfort             D. shock

A. love                      B. award                      C. sympathy          D. respect

A. hit                        B. started                      C. equipped           D. struck

A. new                      B. valuable                   C. interesting         D. difficult

A. denying                 B. reaching                   C. leading to          D. jumping to

One summer morning, I was walking in the street when I ran into a stranger passing by , “I’m  36  !” was my reply, Then he said,“Excuse me, too, I even didn’t notice you.” We were very  37  , this stranger and I. Then we went on our   38   after saying good-bye.
But at home,  39  story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen,  40  I cooked our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned round, I nearly  41  her down. “Get out of the   42  !” I shouted with a frown. She stepped away  43  , with her little heart broken. I didn’t realize how rudely I had spoken.
That night, when I lay awake in bed, God’s quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While 
44   with a stranger, you are    45   and polite, but with those you love, you are quick to get   46  ---- Go and look around the   47  floor, you will find some flowers she brought for you. She   48  them herself --- pink, yellow, and your favourite blue. She stood there quietly , and you   49   saw the tears in her eyes.”
By this time my   50   had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her bed, “  51 , my dear, ” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me ?” She smiled , “  
52   them in a napkin(纸巾)just for you. I knew you’d like them, especially the   53
.” I said , “ I’m so sorry that I  54  them today ---- And I  55   have shouted at you that way.”
36. A.angry         B.sorry        C.excited         D.surprised
37. A.calm          B.happy        C.polite          D.careful
38. A.road          B.talk         C.argument        D.way
39. A.a different     B.the same    C.a surprising    D.a moving
40. A.after          B.as           C.before          D.if
41. A.put           B.turned       C.knocked         D.threw
42. A.way           B.line         C.place           D.road
43. A.hurriedly     B.silently       C.angrily         D.excitedly
44. A.going         B.fighting      C.talking         D.meeting
45. A.excited       B.calm         C.quiet           D.pleased
46. A.moved         B.angry        C.puzzled         D.surprised
47. A.bedroom       B.dining room  C.sitting room    D.kitchen
48. A.bought        B.picked       C.stole           D.made
49. A.almost        B.hardly       C.never           D.even
50. A.hair          B.flowers      C.tears           D.daughter
51. A.Get up        B.Stand up     C.Wake up         D.Sit up
52. A.put           B.wrapped      C.tied            D.found
53. A.red           B.pink         C.blue            D.yellow
54. A.destroyed     B.forgot       C.noticed         D.missed
55. A.shouldn’t    B.couldn’t      C.mustn’t        D.needn’t

Mark Ramirez, a senior executive at AOL, could work in the comfortable leather chair, if he wanted. No, thanks. He prefers to stand most of the day at a desk raised above stomach level.

   “I’ve got my knees bent. I feel totally alive,” he said. “It feels more natural to stand.”

   In the past few years, standing has become the new sitting for 10 percent of AOL employees at the firm’s Virginia branch. Part of a standing popularity is among accountants, programmers, telemarketers and other office workers across the nation.

   GeekDesk, a California firm that sells desks raised by electric motors, says sales will triple this year.

   Standers give various reasons for taking to their feet: It makes them feel more focused, prevents drowsiness(困倦睡意), and makes them feel like a general even if they just push paper. (Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfels works standing up. So does novelist Philip Roth.)

   But unknown to them, a debate (辩论) is spreading among ergonomics experts(人类工程学家) and public-health researchers about whether all office workers should be encouraged to stand—to save lives.

   Doctors point to surprising new research showing higher rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even mortality among people who sit for long stretches. A study earlier this year in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that among 123,000 adults followed over 14 years, those who sat more than six hours a day were at least 18 percent more likely to die during the time period studied than those who sat less than three hours a day.

   “Every rock we turn over when it comes to sitting is astonishing,” said Marc Hamilton, a leading researcher on inactivity physiology at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana. “Sitting is harmful. It’s dangerous. We are on the cusp (尖端) of a major revolution.” He calls sitting “the new smoking”.

    Not so fast, other experts say. Standing too much at work will cause more long-term back injuries. Incidences of varicose veins(静脉曲张) among women will increase. The heart will have to pump more.

    Hedge, the Cornell professor, isn’t a fan of all this standing. “Making people stand all day is dumb,” he said.

    The sensible and most cost-effective strategy(策略), he said, is to sit in a neutral posture(姿势), slightly reclined(下弯的), with the keyboard on a tray above the lap. This position promotes positive blood flow. Workers should occasionally walk around, stretch and avoid prolonged periods at the desk. The key, he said, is movement, not standing.

1.Marc Hamilton said “Every rock we turn over when it comes to sitting is astonishing” to show that________.

     A. the result of the study about sitting too long is shocking

     B. we need to remove many rocks

     C. we need to smooth away many difficulties

     D. sitting on a rock is necessary

2. The following are the reasons why some experts are against standing too long except       .

     A. It will cause more long-term back injuries

     B. it will raise the burden of heart

     C. incidences of varicose veins among women will increase

     D. standing too much at work per day is too tiring

3. According to the studies in the passage mentioned,       .

     A. it is better not to stand more than 6 hours

     B. sitting too long can arouse illnesses easily

     C. sitting long is specially harmful to adults

     D. standing much is better than sitting long

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

     A. Standing is not better than sitting

     B. Standing more does no harm to people

     C. Standing will promote the efficiency

     D. More office workers take standing against sitting




One summer morning, I was walking in the street when I ran into a stranger passing by , “I’m  36  !” was my reply, Then he said,“Excuse me, too, I even didn’t notice you.” We were very  37  , this stranger and I. Then we went on our   38   after saying good-bye.

But at home,  39  story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen,  40  I cooked our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned round, I nearly  41  her down. “Get out of the   42  !” I shouted with a frown. She stepped away  43  , with her little heart broken. I didn’t realize how rudely I had spoken.

That night, when I lay awake in bed, God’s quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While 

44   with a stranger, you are    45   and polite, but with those you love, you are quick to get   46  ---- Go and look around the   47  floor, you will find some flowers she brought for you. She   48  them herself --- pink, yellow, and your favourite blue. She stood there quietly , and you   49   saw the tears in her eyes.”

By this time my   50   had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her bed, “  51 , my dear, ” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me ?” She smiled , “  

52   them in a napkin(纸巾)just for you. I knew you’d like them, especially the   53

.” I said , “ I’m so sorry that I  54  them today ---- And I  55   have shouted at you that way.”

36. A.angry         B.sorry        C.excited         D.surprised

37. A.calm          B.happy        C.polite          D.careful

38. A.road          B.talk         C.argument        D.way

39. A.a different     B.the same    C.a surprising    D.a moving

40. A.after          B.as           C.before          D.if

41. A.put           B.turned       C.knocked         D.threw

42. A.way           B.line         C.place           D.road

43. A.hurriedly     B.silently       C.angrily         D.excitedly

44. A.going         B.fighting      C.talking         D.meeting

45. A.excited       B.calm         C.quiet           D.pleased

46. A.moved         B.angry        C.puzzled         D.surprised

47. A.bedroom       B.dining room  C.sitting room    D.kitchen

48. A.bought        B.picked       C.stole           D.made

49. A.almost        B.hardly       C.never           D.even

50. A.hair          B.flowers      C.tears           D.daughter

51. A.Get up        B.Stand up     C.Wake up         D.Sit up

52. A.put           B.wrapped      C.tied            D.found

53. A.red           B.pink         C.blue            D.yellow

54. A.destroyed     B.forgot       C.noticed         D.missed

55. A.shouldn’t    B.couldn’t      C.mustn’t        D.needn’t


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