
— I just don’t know how to use the word “otherwise”.

— Well, I guess it will be of help if you __________ the dictionary.

A. look up                    B. check in                   C. refer to                           D. search for



The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good   36   in Chicago and he wondered if, by any chance, I   37   to know him . For a moment, I thought he might be   38   ,but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was   39  . I felt like saying that it was ridiculous (可笑的) to   40   that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped into his friend. But,   41  , I just smiled and reminded him that Chicago was a very   42  city. He nodded, and I thought he was going to be content to drop the subject and talk about something else. But I was wrong. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he   43   to tell me all about his friend.

His friend’s main   44   in life seemed to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis player , and he   45    had his own tennis court. There were a lot of people with swimming   46  , yet there were only two people with private tennis court; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several   47   like that, including my brother, who was a doctor in California. He   48   that maybe there were more private courts in the country than he   49   but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me   50   my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence   51   his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year and he lived next door to a   52   who had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence (巧合) because my next-door neighbour had gone to Sacramento last summer and had   53   the house next to my brother’s house. For a moment, we stared at each other, but we did not say anything.

   “Would your friend’s name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?” I asked finally. He   54   and said, “Yes. Would your brother’s name happen to be Dr Rey Hunter?” It was my   55   to laugh. “Yes,” I replied.

1.A. brother                                 B. teacher                           C.      friend                  D. neighbour

2.A.  happened                          B. managed                        C. tried                                         D. wanted

3.A. expecting                              B. lying                      C.      talking                           D. joking

4.A. funny                                     B. serious                            C. careful                                     D. disappointed

5.A.  find                                 B. think                                C. realize                                      D. see

6.A. indeed                                   B. actually                           C.      exactly                  D. instead

7.A. famous                                  B. interesting           C. big                                D. noisy

8.A. began                                    B. stopped                          C. refused                                    D. failed

9.A. problem                                 B. choice      C. interest                                    D. work

10.A. just                                                B. ever                                C. even                               D. surely

11.A. suit                                                B. habit                      C.      river              D. pools

12.A. people                                 B. players                           C strangers                                  D. friends

13.A. advised                      B.     admitted          C.      argued                                D. announced

14.A. recognized                         B. realized                          C. visited                             D. found

15.A. how                                           B. whether                          C. where                        D. when

16.A. if                                     B. because                            C. then                                          D. though

17.A. doctor                                B. friend                     C. neighbour                      D. player

18.A.visited                                   B. hired                                C. designed                                  D. sold

19.A. smiled                                 B. laughed                           C. cried                          D.nodded

20.A. chance             B. pleasure                C.      turn                                    D. time


I think that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most 36 thing we ever give to each other is our attention (注意力). Especially if it’s 37  from the heart. When people are talking, there’s no need to do 38  but receive them. Listen to what they’re saying. Care about it. Most times  39   about it is even more important than understanding it.

One of my patients told me that when she tried to tell her story, people often 40     to tell her that they once had something just 41  that happened to her. Her pain became a story about 42 . So, finally she stopped 43  to most people because she just felt too lonely. When we interrupt what someone is 44  to let them know that we understand, we 45  the  focus of attention to ourselves. But if we just 46 , they know we care. Many people with cancer can talk about the relief (宽慰) of having someone just listen.

I have 47  learned to respond to someone crying by just listening. I 48  that passing a person a tissue (面巾纸) may be just another 49  to shut them down and take them out of their experience of 50 . Now I just listen. When they have 51  all they need to cry, they find me there with them.

This 52  thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went against everything I had been taught since I was very 53 . I thought people listened only 54   they were too shy to speak or did not know the 55 . A loving silence often has far more power to heal than words.

1.                A.easy           B.important       C.stupid    D.terrible


2.                A.used           B.lost            C.got  D.given


3.                A.anything        B.everything       C.something     D.nothing


4.                A.worrying        B.complaining     C.caring    D.dreaming


5.                A.decided        B.managed        C.preferred     D.interrupted


6.                A.by             B.like            C.about    D.with


7.                A.themselves      B.ourselves       C.himself   D.yourself


8.                A.working        B.studying        C.talking    D.smiling


9.                A.writing         B.saying          C.reading   D.copying


10.               A.learn          B.stop           C.leave D.move


11.               A.smell          B.speak          C.listen D.watch


12.               A.even          B.hardly          C.early D.never


13.               A.explained       B.realized        C.expected  D.imagined


14.               A.question        B.touch          C.love  D.way


15.               A.regret         B.happiness       C.sadness   D.anger


16.               A.cried          B.shouted        C.called D.whispered


17.               A.difficult         B.simple         C.funny D.whole


18.               A.old            B.tall            C.young D.beautiful


19.               A.if             B.but            C.or    D.because


20.               A.plan           B.result          C.answer    D.award



Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the train. I __1__ a newspaper and some chocolate and __2__ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to __3__ at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, __4__ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee.

When I came back with the coffee, There was someone __5__ in the next seat. __6__ was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and his hair was __7__ bright red at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!

Naturally, I was rather uneasy(不自在的)about him, but I didn’t want to have any __8__. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in __9__.Then he took a __10__ piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn’t say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.

The boy gave me a strange look, then __11__ up. As he left, he shouted out, “There’s something __12__ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, __13__ I didn’t want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had __14__ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to __15__. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s!

1.                A.stole           B.bought         C.sold D.wrote


2.                A.went           B.sat             C.seated    D.looked


3.                A.sit             B.seat            C.lie   D.laugh


4.                A.pushed         B.took           C.put  D.pulled


5.                A.jumping        B.playing         C.sitting    D.sleeping


6.                A.He            B.It              C.Who D.What


7.                A.cut            B.washed         C.covered  D.colored


8.                A.coffee          B.trouble         C.chocolate D.matter


9.                A.carelessness     B.anger          C.surprise D.happiness


10.               A.first           B.second         C.very  D.last


11.               A.stood          B.took           C.cried D.looked


12.               A.strange         B.wrong          C.OK   D.funny


13.               A.and            B.but            C.so    D.while


14.               A.spelt           B.corrected       C.made D.found


15.               A.finish          B.leave          C.jump D.shop



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