
(   ) 5. —Hello,Doctor Smith,s Clinic!

―Hello!I'm calling to cancel the      I have made with the doctor.

A. arrangement    B. requirement C. movement    D. appointment

5. D   考查名词的词义辨析.,arrangement安*hrequirement 要求,需求;movement运动,移动;appointment约会,任命。make an appointment with sb.与某人约会。句意:——你好!这里是Smith医生诊所、. ——你好!我想取消与医生的预约。


Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a 1      the summer before my busy senior year,but my mother asked me to do her a 2      . One of her colleagues needed a full-time 3      . "You planned to volunteer at the local hospital,why not volunteer to 4      Nick instead?”Then she told me that this six-year-old boy was not a 5      child.

Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders. Normal day-care centers would not6      him. As a baby,he had serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium (平衡) problems. He couldn't 7      or run properly. I was 8      if I was to take the job when my mother 9     ,"Don't you want to be a nurse in the future? I doubt if you even have the 10       ," Then I told her I was 11      for the job.

The day started at 7 : 00 a.m. Nick was my wake-up call!With so much energy and very little

12      ,he was quite a mix. At the park,when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings,the boy,s

face 13      up. How he wished he belonged to the group of his age!You would think it would be 14      to get a child to go down a slide(滑梯).Believe me,it wasn't!It took time,a lot of time.

But with patience and support, Nick took one step up the slide each day. We worked together to face

his 15      and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life.

Halfway through the summer,he 16      it to the top of the slide. With my arms holding him tightly,

we flew down the slide!I waited for his 17      . After realizing that he was safe and sound,he

gave me a big 18      and asked, "May I go down again, alone?"

I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child climb the ladder and enjoy what

other children 19      for granted.

This 20      child taught me that being a nurse means respect,kindness and patience.
(   ) 1. A. grade    B. course C. project    D. relaxation

(   ) 2. A. service    B. favor C. business    D. trade

(   ) 3. A. nurse    B. waitress C. guard    D. guide

(   ) 4. A. protect    B. assist C. attend    D. comfort

(   ) 5. A. normal    B. naughty C. clever    D. happy

(   ) 6. A. admit    B. receive C. accept    D. adopt

(   ) 7. A. speak    B. play C. stand    D. walk

(   ) 8. A. hesitating    B. wondering C. questioning    D. doubting

(   ) 9. A. suggested    B. argued C. challenged    D. commented

(   ) 10. A. energy    B. courage     C. faith D. time

(   ) 11. A. eager    B. sorry C. grateful    D. ready

(   ) 12. A. awareness    B. balance C. knowledge    D. control

(   ) 13. A. delighted    B. cheered C. lit    D. shut

(   ) 14. A. demanding    B. simple C. interesting    D. flexible

(   ) 15. A. fears    B. worries    C. chances D. situations

(   ) 16. A. climbed    B. got C. did    D. made

(   ) 17. A. laughter    B. reaction C. answer    D. greeting

(   ) 18. A. kiss    B. clap C. welcome    D. surprise

(   ) 19. A. play    B. do C. take    D. enjoy

(   ) 20. A. miserable    B. smart C. brave    D. special

The Greeks had long kept certain more or less formal relations with the people of Macedonia (马其顿) Now it happened,just when Sparta and Athens had finished their disastrous war,that Macedonia was ruled by an extraordinarily clever man named Philip. He admired the Greek spirit but he looked down on their lack of self-control in political affairs. It angered him to see a perfectly good people waste its men and money upon fruitless quarrels. So he settled the difficulty by making himself the master of all Greece and then he asked his new subjects to join him on a voyage which he meant to pay to Persia in return for the visit which Xerxes had paid the Greeks 150 years before.  

Unfortunately Philip was murdered before he could start this well-prepared expedition(远征). The task of avenging(报仇)the destruction of Athens was left to Philip's son Alexander,the beloved pupil of Aristotle,wisest of all Greek teachers.

Alexander left Europe in the spring of334 BC. Seven years later he reached India. In the meantime he had destroyed Phoenicia(腓尼基,地中海古国),the old rival of the Greek merchants. He had con?quered Egypt and had been worshipped by the people of the Nile valley as the son and heir of the Pharaohs(法老). He had defeated the last Persian king,he had overthrown the Persian Empire,he had given orders to rebuild Babylon,he had led his troops into the heart of the Himalayan mountains and had made the entire world a Macedonian province and dependency. Then he stopped and announced even more ambitious plans.

The newly formed Empire must be brought under the influence of the Greek mind. The people must be taught the Greek language~~they must live in cities built after a Greek model. The Alexandrian soldier now turned school-master. The military camps of yesterday became the peaceful centres of the newly imported Greek civilisation. Higher and higher did the flood of Greek manners and Greek customs rise,when suddenly Alexander was stricken with a fever and died in the old palace of King Hammurabi of Babylon in the year 323 BC.

His Empire did not long survive him. A number of ambitious generals divided the territory among themselves. But they too remained faithful to the dream of a great world brotherhood of Greek and Asiatic ideas and knowledge. They maintained their independence until the Romans came.

(   ) 8. The first 3 paragraphs are aimed at telling readers about      

A.  the Greece's relationship with Macedonia

B.  Alexander's father's achievements

C.  Greek's lack of communication with the outside

D.  the background of Alexander's expedition

(   ) 9. The underlined word "subjects" can be replaced with      

A. targets    B. programs C. citizens    D. themes

(   ) 10. It can be implied that Philip organized a voyage to Persia      

A. to pay a return visit    B. to avenge the destruction of Athens

C. to start a well-prepared expedition D. to spread Greek culture

(   ) 11. What happened as a result of Alexander' s expedition?

A.   India became an independent part of Macedonia.

B.   Phoenicia was destroyed by Greek merchants.

C.   Egypt was conquered by the Pharaohs.

D.   The Persian Empire was overturned.

(   ) 12. We can guess that Alexander's most ambitious plan after 327 BC was       

A.  to bring the newly formed Empire under the Greek influence

B.  to distribute the territory among the generals

C.  to turn the soldiers into school teachers

D.  to build prosperous cities for Greeks

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