
16. Reading provides quiet, peaceful time alone and

can be a good     from your busy life.

A. shelter       B. escape

C. absence        D. departure

16. B 考査名词辨析。shelter居所,避难所;escape逃避;absence 缺席;departure离开。句意:阅读可以提供安静的、宁静的一个人的时间,能很好地逃避繁忙的生活。



  Malaysia is one of the most enjoyable and welcoming countries to visit in Asia. Being a developing country, Malaysia has achieved a lot through the plans of " Vision 2020,,! Malaysia has developed, over the past ten years, roads and highways throughout the country, and of course there is the con?struction of people's houses and office buildings, including the world-famous building, the Petronas Twin Towers, which stands high in the sky.

 The people of Malaysia, the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dutch and English?men all come together to create a blend(混合)of cultures and ways of life. This allows the people in Malaysia to be hospitable(好客的)to tourists who visit to enjoy the cheap shopping, the delicious food, the beautiful scenery, the peace of the untouched forests and good services in hotels. There is always much sunshine on the beautiful beaches, but it's best to avoid the November to January rainy season.

 In 130 years, the capital of Kuala Lumpur has grown from nothing to a modern city of almost two million people. It has plenty of coloniaK殖民的) buildings in its centre, a Chinatown with street sellers and night markets, bars, restaurants and hotels. The Cheng Hoon Teng Temple in the old part of the city is the oldest Chinese temple in Malaysia. It was built in 1646, and all the materials and the workers who built it came from China. Malaysia's new-international airport, 50km south of Kuala Lumpur, was opened in June 1998. Most tourists either fly Into Kuala Lumpur or arrive from Singapore.

 In the golden season of autumn , why not travel to this land of wonders and eiyoy the good sunshine and wonderful cultures? You will like it.

5.People in Malaysia can be best described as .

A. friendly and wise           B.warm-hearted and hospitable

C. humorous and kind           D polite and honest

6.If you intend to visit Malaysia, you'd  better NOT go there in .
A. September                 B. October

C. December                 D. February

7.From the passage we can infer that .

 A.Malaysia is more developed than Singapore

B.many Chinese came to Malaysia in the past

C.the best season in Malaysia is summer

D.no other countries ever ruled Malaysia in the past

8.The third paragraph is mainly about .

 A.the capital city of Kuala Lumpur

B.some colonial buildings in the centre of Kuala Lumpur

C.Chinatown and the Chinese temple in Kuala Lumpur

D. Malaysia's new international airport

9.The author writes the article in order to .

 A.tell us about the development of Malaysia

B.tell us the places of interest in Malaysia

C.tell us the best season to travel in Malaysia

D.advise people to travel in Malaysia

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