

You have been given the task of organizing a conference,which includes a must-done list about a mile long. There is the conference site,the guest list,the materials,the technology and even the refreshments to think about and plan. If you are beginning to feel the stress,slow down and take a breath. 1. .

Write down your goals. You will need to clearly define what you hope to accomplish with this conference because this will shape the rest of your decisions 2. .

Develop your budget. 3. Then break that budget down into different parts such as conference site,materials and speakers' fees. Stick to your budget,and make sure your assistants are keeping their monetary limits as well.

4. . When searching for locations,keep in mind the number of participants,the convenience of the location,parking and closeness to public transportation,airports and hotels.Your goal in finding a place to hold the conference should be making it as easy as possible for participants to attend.

Seek the help from the staff of the conference site. If you have chosen a site that is known for holding confer-ences,you can seek help from the staff there as organizing meetings is what they do every day. 5. They should be able to answer any questions or concern and provide advice when needed.

Of course,full preparations also include a walk-through.Go to the site and meet with the staff the day before to be certain that everything is in place and to take care of any small details.

A. Choose your conference site

B .Decide on a schedule for the meeting

C .Make full use of this important resource

D. Read the following skills to figure out how to organize a conference

E. Knowing what you want to achieve eases the stress of moving forward

F. Seek help from your colleagues to support every aspect of the meeting

G. You can do nothing without knowing how much money you have to spend



At the edge of a forest, stood a big tree. Its branches spread out majestically (庄严地) and so did its roots. It people from the sun under its shady leaves, and provided to countless birds and other small creatures in its branches. It was very excited with activity all the time.

At the foot of the tree grew a little plant. The plant was tall, thin, graceful and easily , and tended to fall over at the of the slightest wind.

One day, the two neighbours were having a little chat.

“Well, little one, ” said the tree to the plant, “ Why do you not plant your feet deeply in the ground, and raise your head in the air as I do?”

“I see no need to do so,” the plant with a smile. “ , I think I may be safer this way.”

“Safer!” sneered (讥讽) the tree. “ Are you that you’re safer than I am? Do you know how deep my roots are , how thick and strong my trunk is? two men hold hands they would not be able to surround my trunk. Who could possibly pull me out by the roots or my head to the ground?”

And the tree turned away from the plant in .

But the tree was to its words very soon. One evening a great hurricane in the region. It threw the trees off their roots and almost completely destroyed the forest. It uprooted the tree and it away with great force.

When the storm had passed, the villagers living nearby the damage. Strong trees that had once almost touched the sky, were now reduced to stumps (残根)or . The dead animals were found everywhere in the .

But there was one . The little plant. The plant had been moved from side to side under the hurricane, and bent completely. But when the hurricane ended, it sighed and stood upright again.

No trace remained of its powerful neighbour .

1.A. hide B. protect C. prevent D. defend

2.A. shade B. food C. shelter D. space

3.A. broken B. destroyed C. grown D. planted

4.A. reach B. blow C. touch D. knock

5.A. bravely B. straightly C. gratefully D. delightedly

6.A. Explained B. shouted C. said D. whispered

7.A. Gradually B. Actually C. Generally D. Finally

8.A. concluding B. finding C. guessing D. suggesting

9.A. placed B. hidden C. buried D. planted

10.A. Even if B. As if C. Because D. When

11.A. put B. bow C. lead D. get

12.A. anger B. surprise C. belief D. relief

13.A. keep B. regret C. break D. follow

14.A. blew B. arrived C. arose D. appeared

15.A. turned B. pushed C. threw D. blew

16.A. counted B. saw C. observed D. surveyed

17.A. worse B. more C. less D. better

18.A. tree B. forest C. plant D. plain

19.A. plant B. example C. exception D. tree

20.A. then B. finally C. gradually D. Though



I often recall those good old days. At that time life was relatively simpler, and people were much more and gentler. Recently, to my surprise, I got the opportunity to experience that same warmth that I thought had from the fast-moving world.

I was out shopping the other day with my husband, two daughters and one . It was a burning hot day, and we were all visibly tired and hungry. We entered a restaurant, looking for some and comfort. To our disappointment, all the tables were and no one seemed in a hurry to . We waited, tired and . After quite some time, one table was vacated(空出), but that could only two of us. My daughter made me sit along with her father, while she and my other daughter alongside. My granddaughter sat on my as we looked all around us, waiting for another table to be soon.

At the next table, two young girls were sitting at a table for four and enjoying their meal. We decided to move to their table, they were finished with their lunch. Since the girls had just got their , I knew it would be a wait. As we were deciding on what to eat, one of the girls got up and their table to us. She said they would move to our table so that my family could sit together.

We were very appreciative of their kind . We thanked them and moved to their table. The girls quickly their plates and glasses and went to sit at our table.

That day, I to myself there still were some kind, civil and helpful youngsters in this non-caring world, and my faith in humanity(人道) was .

1.A. friendly B. generous C. careful D. sensitive

2.A. prevent B. removed C. lost D. disappeared

3.A. niece B. granddaughter C. nephew D. son

4.A. tea B. food C. fruit D. vegetable

5.A. fixed B. covered C. occupied D. set

6.A. start B. wait C. give up D. get up

7.A. impatient B. nervous C. awkward D. embarrassed

8.A. serve B. seat C. lay D. hold

9.A. sat B. followed C. stood D. watched

10.A. shoulder B. feet C. lap D. table

11.A. blank B. free C. available D. clean

12.A. unless B. once C. before D. until

13.A. order B. bill C. note D. menu

14.A. long B. short C. boring D. exciting

15.A. left B. pushed C. shared D. offered

16.A. treat B. expression C. movement D. gesture

17.A. personally B. properly C. publicly D. sincerely

18.A. picked up B. raised up C. put up D. given up

19.A. turned B. came C. thought D. pointed

20.A. lost B. rebuilt C. found D. shaken



How to stop sleeping in Class?

Sleeping in class prevents you from paying attention to the teacher as well as stops you from learning about the material that is being taught. It can also get you in trouble with your teachers. It is important to determine why you are falling asleep in class ant try to change the situation so that you are able to stay awake and pass all of your classes. __1.__

__2.__ It is reported that teenagers may need more sleep than adults. Go to bed earlier and ,make sure you get as many hours of sleep as your body needs. This is a key to staying awake in class. If you are not tired, you are unlikely to fall asleep.

Eat a healthy breakfast full of nutritious foods. __3._ If you get hungry or tired in the middle of the day, try eating a healthy snack like a piece of fruit or some biscuits.

Get involved during class. _4._ Taking notes, asking questions and otherwise getting involved in classroom activities and discussions will make you far less likely to doze off.

__5.__ If you have a medical condition that is causing you to fall asleep in class, it will need to be treated by a professional. Prescription drugs may also cause sleepiness as a side effect, so discuss any medicine you are taking with your doctor.

A. Early to bed and early to rise.

B. Enough sleep helps a lot in your studies.

C. Get a full night’s sleep on school nights.

D. It can provide you with enough protein to fuel your body.

E. There are a number of different tricks you can use to try to stay awake.

F. Contact your doctor in order to rule out medical conditions that can cause you to fall asleep.

G. If you are actively engaged in the information the teacher is pressing, you are less likely to sleep.


Choosing the right university for you is a big decision with many factors to consider. The institution that you choose will not only be the one that ensures your academic goals, but it will also be where you will live, learn, play sports, socialize and work for several years. Therefore, before you start filling out those university application forms, take a step back and consider the many variables that affect the “fit” of a university to your unique personality and educational goals. Take a look at the following factors, and decide which ones mean the most to you.

Consider your educational goals. You will discover that different schools are more recognized or progressive in your chosen field of study than others. For this reason, talk to advisors, professionals in your field, or go to clubs organized by the alumni(校友). When you check out school ranking for your major, you may find that your first choice is not really a match, while another fits perfectly.

Consider costs. It will be no surprise to you at this point that not all schools cost the same. Some of the more famous schools are so because they are difficult to get into and difficult to pay for. Don’t let this necessarily stop you. Just keep this consideration in mind as you narrow your list of potential schools.

Choosing a university should not be done only on reputation, but also take the academic programs and overall environment into consideration. Be aware that reputations are sometimes out of date or overstated, so first-hand experience is often beneficial.

Once you’ve identified the factors that are most important to you, you’ve taken the first steps towards making a successful choice. Make sure you pick a university that will serve your needs throughout your university career.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about? (No more than 10 words.)


2.There are many factors you need to consider before choosing a university according to the passage, Can you list at least three of them? (No more than 15 words)


3.According to the passage, what kind of university is the best for you to choose? (No more than 15words. )


4.What does the underlined word “variables” mean in Paragraph 1? (Only one word.)


5.In your opinion, what other things do we need to take into consideration before choosing a university besides the things mentioned in the passage? (No more than 20 words.)



(1)Full-time Secretary Position Available: Applicants should have at least 2 year's experience and be able to type 60 words a minute.No computer skills required.Apply in person at United Business Ltd,17 Browning Street,Leeds.

(2)Part-time Job: We require three part-time shop assistants to work during the evening.No experience required,applicants should be between 18 and 26 years old.Call 0115665643 for more information.

(3)Computer Trained Secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? If you want to know more about us,call 0457996754.

(4)Teaching Assistants Needed: Hania's Playshool needs 2 young teaching assistants to help with classes from 9 to 3 pm.Applicants should have references.For more information please visit www.Haniaplayschool.com.uk.

(5)Weekend Work Available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part-time on weekends for Rubberlast Group Ltd.Duties include answering the telephone and giving customers' information.For more information call us at 0113—6741326.

(6)University Positions Open: The University of Bristol is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction.Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science,English,Economics or History.Please call the University of Bristol for more information.

(7)Home Delivery Representative: We are looking for someone who has excellent customer care,communication skills,a sales background with at least one year's experience and is a good team player with creative ideas.In return we offer a starting salary of $ 20,000 and 25 days paid holiday per year.For more information please call Direct Delivery Team of Yorkshire Post on 0113—2388318.

1.Which position is most suitable for a retired person?

A.Part-time Shop Assistant.

B.Teaching Assistant in Hania's Playschool.

C.Weekend Work in Rubberlast Group Ltd.

D.Teaching Assistant in the University of Bristol.

2.If you have good computer skills and recently graduated from university (English degree),which jobs can you apply for?

A.Job 1,2 and 7

B.Job 2,3 and 5

C.Job 4,6 and 7

D.Job 3,4 and 6

3.Which is the only position that has a formal educational requirement?

A.University Positions at the University of Bristol.

B.Home Delivery Representative for Yorkshire

C.Teaching Assistant at Hania's Playschool.

D.Full-time Secretary position at United Business Ltd

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