Today, at 28, the young German Violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter is at the top. “She gives radiance to the music, ”wrote Geoffrey Norris in The Daily Telegraph, London.

Born in Rheinfelden on June 29, 1963, Anne-Sophie grew up in Wehr, a small town just five kilometers from the Swiss border. Her father, Karl Wilhelm Mutter, and her mother, Gerlinde, considered music lessons part of a good education. It came as no surprise when Anne-Sophie said she wanted a violin for her fifth birthday.

Her parents thought she was too young for the violin, and persuaded her to start on the piano. But Anne-Sophie has always had a mind of her own. “I longed to play the violin, ”she says, “It seemed to me a much more interesting instrument. ”After six months, her parents gave in.

The famous violin teacher Erna Honigberfer, who lived nearby, became Annie-Sophie’s tutor.  After only nine months of lessons, she entered the six-year-old in a nationwide competition for young musicians. With Christoph accompanying her on the piano, Anne-Sophie won first prize.

In 1974, Erna Honigberger died. Anne-Sophie’s new teacher was Aida Stucki. She taught Anne-Sophie to develop her own ideas on how a piece should be played, not just to imitate others. This is one of the violinist’s strongest, most distinctive characteristics today.

Though the Mutters were short of money at times, they limited their daughter’s performances to one or two a year. “We are glad we went the family road, ”says her father. “No outsider can ever have an effect on our daughter’s career or push her into playing more concerts than she wants to. ”Later she was allowed to give six to eight concerts a year and make some recordings.

60. Anne-Sophie’s concerts are _________.

A. limited to one or two a year     B. accompanied at the piano by Christoph

C. highly praised throughout the world  

D. appreciated by professors in London

61. Which sentence shows Anne-Sophie’s strong point as a violinist?

A.  She wanted a violin for her fifth birthday.

B. She has always had a mind of her own.

C. She had two famous violin teachers.

D. Violin seemed to her a much more interesting instrument.

62. The virtue the Mutters have is that they believe __________.

A.  children should learn music           B. money is not everything

C. Anne-Sophie was too young to give concerts

D. parents have a great effect upon their children

63. Which of the following is right?

A.  Mutter’s family had an effect on her.

B. Anne-Sophie got her first prize with the help of Aida Stucki.

C. Anne-Sophie liked to imitate others.

D. Anne-Sophie liked all the instruments.

Anne Frank was born in Germany in 1929. As her family was Jewish, her father found that it was hard for them to continue to live in Germany when the Nazis, who __36__ the Jews very much, came into power in 1933. So they __37__ to Amsterdam, Netherlands when Anne was only four years old.
In May, 1940, the Germans occupied(占领) Netherlands and the Jews there were __38__ to work in certain places. On June 12, 1942, Anne Frank’s parents gave her a small red-and-white-plaid(格子图案)diary __39__ her thirteenth birthday present and on July 6, 1942, her family had to go into hiding. Though they could take very few things with them, Anne brought her __40__ to her new home, which she called “Secret Annex.”
For two years when Anne lived in the Annex (附属建筑物), she __41__ down her thoughts and feelings in her diary. __42__ putting down series of facts __43__ most people do, she wrote about her life with the seven other people in hiding, as well as the war going on around her and her hopes for the future. She __44__ her diary as her best friend and talked to it about whatever she wanted to. But  __45__ , on August 4, 1944, the Nazis raided(轰炸)the Secret Annex and Anne was arrested(逮捕)and sent to a concentration camp(集中营), __46__ she died in March, 1945.
Through thick and thin, Anne’s father __47__ her dairy published in June, 1947 by Contact Publishers, a Dutch firm. Today Anne’s Dairy is available in fifty-five languages and over 24 million copies have been sold.
This page of diary was written on Thursday 15, June, 1944, in which she wrote about her strong love for __48__, which she had hardly been able to see face to face since she began to __49__ from the Nazis. Afraid of being caught, she __50__ go outdoors and had to stay indoors most of the time. On the night of June 15, she stayed awake __51__ until half past eleven just in order to take a good look at the moon for once by herself. She remembered another time five months ago when the dark rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds __52__ her entirely in their __53__. She was so crazy about everything to __54__ with nature that she would like to __55__ anything for her freedom, but...... 

A.In place ofB.Because ofC.In case ofD.Instead of
A.keep awayB.hide awayC.stay behindD.hold back
A.didn’t dareB.must notC.was afraidD.should not
A.for purposeB.with purposeC.on purpose
A.give inB.give up C.give awayD.give out

Do you want to have a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or just can’t understand what you are going through?
Anne Frank chose the first kind. She lived in Amsterdam during World War II. Her family was Jewish (犹太人) so they had to hide, or they would be caught by the German soldiers. She and her family hid away for two years before they were discovered. During this time the only true friend was her diary, which she called Kitty.
In a diary dated on Thursday 15 June, 1944, she wrote, “Dear Kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so mad about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me puzzled. That’s changed since I was here for a year and a half.”
【小题1】In Anne’s opinion, the best friend is one who_______.

A.knows everythingB.likes to talk with you
C.can read your diaryD.can understand you
【小题2】Who do you think Kitty is ?
A.Anne’s sister.B.Anne’s motherC.Anne’s teacherD.Anne’s diary
【小题3】Anne had grown so mad about nature. Maybe it was because ______.
A.she had been indoors too longB.she had no interest in nature
C.she had always been such a girlD.she had got used to living alone
【小题4】 In her diary on Thursday 15, June, 1944, Anne expressed her strong wish for ______. weather

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